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Scarface 1983

Amazing acting, great action scenes, good movie, but I didn't like the protagonist, he was no antihero, only a villain. This movie was fun to watch but definitely not a masterpiece despite it being a classic in the film industry. I found the character Tony Montana to be a complete idiot, yes, he has courage but his decisions make no sense. I know this movie isn't trying to be realistic but an idiot like Tony Montana would never get as up in the world in real life. He has none of the characteristics that make a great leader except for scaring the hell out of everyone around him. In the end I can only give this a 7/10.

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Al Pacino's performance is iconic. The movie is a little long but fun for most of it. This is probably the most used college dorm room movie poster.

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This movie stands the test of time.

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Say hello to my little friend!

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You gonna answer it Frank

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after seeing the 1932 version, we see this one, it is still as good as we remembered it, it is longer, bloodier and adapted to its time, Al Pacino is immense

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A good film, but by the last 30 minutes, I was well and truly sick of Tony Montana

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So many ICONIC lines... Oliver Stone doesn't get enough credit for his screenplay.

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You broke his heart too, Manny.

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i really wish i had a cd or mp3 of the dialogue alone.

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The movie about a bad guy, who at the end wasn't bad enough.

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One of the all-time great gangster films

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"Say hello to my little friend!"

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Another favorite.

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome movie

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one of the best

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Shout by Deleted

The bomb

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One of my favorite movies as a kid, and one of my favorite actors

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you got the yeyo?
i got the yeyo

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What a rollercoaster to witness the rise and fall of Tony Montana. With so many iconic moments, an amazing main character and an awesome soundtrack. It breaths the 80’s in every way, but it’s still timeless in my opinion.

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Shout by TacosRnoyG3y
BlockedParent2023-11-12T22:50:35Z— updated 2023-12-23T04:06:25Z

(Watched the second time during 40th anniversary in theaters)

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This was not a well-written movie. It's the story of an uneducated, willfully ignorant, functional moron who spends his life not understanding anything that's said to him. Every single scene is the same: This guy is unable to grasp a simple concept, and he gets angry and throws a temper tantrum. He was nothing more than an adolescent in a grown man's body. The premise of the story was also ridiculous. At one point, the head of Tony Montana's security complains that he's spending 12 percent of his profits on security measures, and in the end of the film, roughly 50 people are able to simply hop the wall of his compound, and kill everyone? If he spent that much on security, how was he only able to afford three security personnel? They must've been the most expensive security guards in the history of the world.

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The rise and fall of a nihilistic gangster.

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I was very impressed with this one. At it's core, it's a simple story about the rise and fall of a human full of greed, but the way it plays out is so different than anything I've ever seen (Arguably done better than Barry Lyndon, Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece). Al Pacino gives his best performance to date, which might be a controversial statement as I adore him in The Godfather and The Irishman. But Tony Montana is such an interesting character who has some very quotable lines. It has over the top violent action and the humor is timed perfectly. No scenes drag which is a problem with many other films at that time. The fact that Terms of Endearment won best picture and this didn't even get nominated for anything is a crime. A true masterpiece and a near perfect crime film that keeps you interested throughout the whole runtime. No complaints from me.

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It is a long film but definitely worth the commitment. Great acting, storytelling, and soundtrack/production. There are some slow parts/lengthy scene transitions but removing them might have cheapened the film and not allowed the action scenes to breathe. It is a masterpiece, and holds up extremely well.

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Severely overrated. Most of the 3 boring hours is a small dick compensation competition that leaves you with the face of Al Pacino - glazed over eyes and an open mouth on the verge of drooling. I honestly can't tell if the main character was written this way or if Pacino is one of the worst actors ever, he could certainly be the big star of The Room 2. Thanks for the cool one liner though.

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It's clear that Al Pacino knows how to play a gangsters, if we add some interesting camera shoots we have a good movie.

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Absolutely love this movie! Great story line of going from nothing to being rich as f:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:k!!

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actually 10/10 in my books just because of how the soundtrack is seared into my upbringing. Alex Sosa, Manny, Tony and frank are pretty decently written characters. No hero's here at all.

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One of the best movies of all time—still captivates to this day. Al Pacino is a legend.

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This movie is fucking awesome, I am almost embarrassed to say that this year was my first time watching it.

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When a hit and miss director finds the right film penned by a hit and miss writer and they recruit one of the best actors of all time who's at the top of his game...

Scarface is a perfect moment in time. De Palma's rich, over-the-top, self-indulgent style matched like a soulmate Oliver Stone's baroque script and Al Pacino pulled out all stops to deliver one of the best performances of his illustrious career.

That scene where Tony Montana stands at dawn looking out of the glass door up at the blimp displaying The World Is Yours... That scene could be a religion.

(I was lucky enough to see this in a Paris cinema on a screen bigger than a house. My God, what an experience!)

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What can I say...... Greatest movie, it has everything!

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Absolutely masterpiece..Pacino gave a unique perfomance like he did in godfather but this time in a very different role.Pfeiffer was cold as ice but i think this was the best role of her carrer.9.5/10

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The film is violent but never makes drug dealing seem glamorous.

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Shout by Deleted

It's like a face full of coke... In the best kind of way!

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