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Samaritan 2022

This is one of those movies they used to knock out in the 90s. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

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This was really bad.
Script and dialogues are poor and extremely explanatory, no character development, predictable and flat story (which is not necessarily a bad thing in an action movie, if action sequences are good, it has heart, and there's a good chemistry between characters - which is not the case here), bad CGI, villains are cartoonish...

Don't waste your time, there's plenty of such movies which are actually entertaining, better crafted and with some development beyond the starting idea you see in the trailer

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Who keeps casting Moisés Arias in these thug/bully roles, it's like something from scary movie, he is like 5ft tall lol

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Not bad, not great, but worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1: I enjoyed it, didn't see that reveal coming. :thinking:

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This is better than many Marvel superhero movies, fight me.

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This 8th instalment of the Rocky series was better than I thought it’d be. Simple story with a nice after school special lesson and decent action about a retired boxer, er, super hero who protects a kid from bullies.

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A very strange film in Many ways

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An ok Stallone action flick just nothing really special. It blurs the lines between good and evil and gives more of an antihero story. I would of preferred less development on Sam and way more on Samaritan. The action sequences aren't that good. I was hoping they wouldn't go for that ridiculously obvious twist but they totally went with it.

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A more down to earth superhero flick than the MCU/DC spectacles we have become used to and thankfully so, as this is less a movie about a superhero doing courageous things and more a movie about the blurred line between good and bad. It's mostly enjoyable but it's hardly likely to become known as a superior genre entry.

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Pedestrian, Perfunctory, about as interesting or fresh as yesterday's toast.. This is a movie where the parts are stitched together so tardily, you end up not caring about any one bit of it. Sub-meh.

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Umm, I just don't know how to describe this.....It was really that bad

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Predictable and Boring....this movie suffered from "PG-13 Syndrome" deserve better Stallone

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I couldn't decide whether to shout hurrah or bullshit from start to finish. But lo and behold, at least I watched the movie from start to finish.

Keywords: cool moments, over-the-top snot, annoying brat, strong Sly, sexy mom.

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Thank goodness, a decent enough film that doesn’t feel the need to emasculate men.

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Interesting concept that - for the most part - works.

Stallone has that gravitas that film stars have. He draws the eye at all times. To be his age and still be putting himself through what must have been a tough shoot is highly commendable.

The feel of this movie put me in mind of several offbeat films as it felt a little unoriginal. There is a strong whiff of Hancock which is unavoidable given the plot. Yet it lacks the harshness and menace of Brightburn.

The major letdown is the young co-star. A better casting there could have helped raise this up and get more out of the comedic scenes.

(And I didn't see the twist coming. I wasn't looking to out-think it. I was just enjoying seeing Stallone step out of his comfort zone)


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If I was a kid I would have probably loved this.

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generic redemption superhero movie. the plot twist is more like a plot noodle. actions scenes are decent.

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It was so bad I almost enjoyed it.

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Ok not brilliant but watchable I enjoyed it

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Doesn’t really pick up until the last 20 mins but its a good movie. Ending is kinda obvious but its a decent Stallone action flick.

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It's really got that B movie vibes to it, story, production values etc. I was just glad when it ended, never got invested in any of the characters, everyone felt way too generic. Who greenlights such projects?!

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A standard superhero formular movie. Don't expect a mind blowing story and deep characters, but it's not bad either. If u want to see a grumpy old Stallone as a superhero for an evening, here u go.

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old formula, well executed and with a never get old Stallone!

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Sly should be a shamed of himself. If someone of his caliber is willing to act in these type of films, then I got script that I wrote in crayon back in middle school.

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That's refreshing! No black Queen Elizabeth, no forced LGTBIXYZ... characters... only a plain action movie that aims to entertain you, and not to convince that you are a bad person because you are OK with your own body parts.
Nowadays, that's a brave and original approach.

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This movie makes zero sense. Some average, small-time, douchebag gang leader can simply step into a random street, put on what basically amounts to a hockey mask, raise a sledgehammer, spout some crazy non-sensical garbage and literally cause EVERY person in earshot to instantly turn into raging criminals and start rioting through the streets. Also, Sly's character can take bullets to the the chest and bust through brick walls with zero reaction or damage, but the previously-mentioned non-superpowered gang leader can knock him down with a simple hit or kick as if attacking a helpless senior citizen.

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This was definitely a 'leave your brain at the door 'type movie, decent enough. Like most 'superhero' movies, it was over the top with the action. Characters were a bit cartoonish, but then I think it was meant to be played like that. Overall, I enjoyed it.

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Loved this, felt like a 90s comic book movie rather than marvel

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Stallone was great. A 6.0 I had fun with. Could it have been miles better? Yep. Was it still a more than serviceable b movie that rose above the garbage heap it could have easily fallen into? Also yep. Glad I finally got to this one. Predictable, but satisfying.

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Stupid dialogues, extremely poor acting (but might also be because they just had nothing to work with), stupid script without any interesting plot.... uh what else. Just crap. Too much focus on the 'sam' kid, making it seem like some overly violent nickelodean movie.
Only 1 interesting plot twist I did not see coming, but that kind of just made everything even less believable, fitting in with the rest of the story just fine.
If there had been much, MUCH less of "sam" scenes, things might have been less crap and more of a 80's movie like Cobra (1986). Just missing the meat hook where some bad guy can 'hang around'.

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This was probably made for Netflix or something. Nothing out of the ordinary, easy to watch, do not expect much. the twist was ok and you may see it coming. Not many action scenes, didn't drag too much. A mediocre "action" film

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Entertaining, but it could have been quite a lot better. The initial plot point (two brothers, one becomes a hero, one a villain) is nothing new, but can provide a good starting point for in-world mythology. Sadly, this is really not used as well as it could have even if the twist about who Joe Smith really is was good. Shame it wasn't better used and the emotional pay off was so limited.

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Man this was really bad, I knew the plot from like the first 15 minutes of the movie. I finished it just to put it on my watched movies, so sad lol.

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He's not a Samaritan, he's Nemesis, i have to say it.

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Don't expect too much and you'll have fun.

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This movie could have been decent but this little boy was soooooooooo terrible. I can’t believe he’s 16. I have seen him in other tv shows he has never been this bad before. He needs to stick to tv shows as this was beyond his range. All I can think about is him screaming random shit and crying the whole damn movie

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Typical Superhero movie with just about the same storyline all the others have
Not very good overall.
Very generous 4.5/10

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Shout by Deleted

Maybe it's just me, but somehow the picture seems clinched sometimes. And no, it's not because I messed up some settings :)

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Bad ass sylvester, love the role and it fits him, I really enjoyed that, something different, got a deep meaning behind it too and didn’t expect the ending but loved it and good job javon, first saw him in Umbrella Academy and can see him going far but time will tell.

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it was a little it's a superhero movie didn't suit Stallone.

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Was this a Netflix producer that started to work in Amazon?
Low script, bad lines, the villans are a joke.
I want a sweater like that, 3 holes in 3000 gunshots.

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Ask yourself: can Sly Stallone act? Now ask: how many movies, especially in the past 20 years, has he made that were even half decent with the notable exception of the first Expendables?

With those two you have the answer as to if this movie is worth a watch.

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A non pretentious movie with a 80s feel. It was ok to my taste.

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I’m learning I kind of have a thing for dark superhero content. First it was Heroes, then The Boys, (and some others in between) and now this! It’s far from perfect, but I really enjoyed Stallone’s character. If I had paid for this in theaters I could see myself being more upset, but a straight to Prime video makes this definitely worth watching!

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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Did they just copy and paste the "Bane" speach from the Dark Knight? Nemesis says "Put the power back in the hand of people"? Why they can't make an original movie without copying parts and bits from other movies?!!!

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This was very predictable but an excellent movie and story regardless.

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It’s an ok movie. Nothing special, not great and not bad either.

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Superhero movie? Really? Looks like extended episode of very average low budget tv show. Poor acting, poor storyline, in general - waste of time.

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I actually enjoyed this one. I went in with no expectations at all. Pretty good action flick to just chill out with on the couch while eating some lunch. Folks need to remember that every movie doesn't have to be some over the top winner that's going to make billions at the box office. What happened to the days of a good B movie? This is one of those movies. Story-wise it was a good redemption movie. What bugs me about the movie is that I think they gave away the plot twist with the flashbacks. I'll probably give it another watch somewhere down the road because I enjoyed it enough to give it another watch.

At the end of the day, I already have Amazon Prime and I got to watch a good B action movie without having to leave my couch. May have been better if I had made some popcorn.

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Sheez. That was bad. The CGI version of young Stallone looked aweful.

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This is not great, but Stallone has definitely made worse movies.

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This was such a mess. Just the story did not make any sense. One example, the kid loves the good superhero but actively hangs out with the bad guys. Commits crime and goes back and forth with the bad people while he loves the good guys!

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I felt like i was watching the movie the Crow all over again with all the dark city settings and the fire.

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originality = none
acting quality = meh
worth a watch = not if you value your time!

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It was entertaining
It even had a little twist at the end

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A fairly enjoyable off brand superhero movie through the way of Last Action Hero and Robocop. The main thing missing would be some balls out gorey violence and since it is direct to streaming, why not? Anyway I’m a sucker for the run down city vibe and the young kid sidekick, it doesn’t reinvent anything but a decent watch.

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Rather boring. I guess they decided Sly is too old for action so he plays the role of a retired superhero who can fling people across the room with a flick of his wrist. The few times he does this comprise the only action in this movie--unlike in other retired hero flicks like The Equalizer, the focus here is not on the hero but on the kid, so the majority of this film is just overemphasized, cliche kid-looking-up-to-hero dialogue from Javon Walton who I frankly found pretty mediocre in The Umbrella Academy and no different here.

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It’s bad… really bad. If they’d marketed it as a comedy film, I would’ve given it like 7/10. Sorry, Sly… maybe next time.

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I guessed the twist 10 minutes into the movie but I enjoyed the film. Nothing original but is a perfect character for Sly.

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I expected more killing, he was a little bit to soft if you ask me.

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I found this to be more entertaining than I was expecting. It's a simple story. A story we've seen many times before. Sadly for me, I saw the twist at the coming.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Well that was just terrible. Terrible and God awful.

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don't waste your time awful

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