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Rush 2013

Fantastic film.. Would highly recommend this to anyone, whether you're an F1 fan or not..

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First I have to say that sports movies or in this case motor-sports movies are not the genre I usually prefer to watch.

But I gave Rush a chance, because friends told me that the movie is good, and Niki Lauda is an Austrian like me. Of course not the best reasons to watch a movie from a genre you are not into.

And I shouldn't have watched it. For me it was pretty boring, I started to skip some scenes. The acting of Daniel Brühl was really not good - and I hated that Austrian-English-accent. I guess yes, the people in Austria were bad in English at this time - but this accent for about two hours long. Noooooo.

But if you are into Formula 1 racing... I guess you gonna like it. I don't know. 4/10 hearts.

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"Rush" is built on the powerful emotions that engulf the viewer sitting in the cinema. The tone of the film is subtle and quite no pushy. There's no good or bad stereotyping behavior and attitudes to life. This is the biggest strength of "Rush" - the narrative is smooth and orderly, and the viewer is expertly performed by the whole story, which is the most important content neatly smuggling between images.

No trivial solutions and avoiding straight answers makes this a bittersweet drama based on true emotions, charismatic heroes and polished, thoughtful script. For me, "Rush" is the biggest cinematic surprise of this year. This is one of those films that are in your head long after leaving the cinema.

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Great portrait of F1 history. I think manny people are loosing the part of the film that shows how unsafe F1 was back-then. Also, through this movie, manny people took knowledge about the existence of this two drivers.
After the first 20 minutes the movie escalates to an immersive motion story full of twists and emotional moments to any F1 fan.
As a big F1 Fan and car lover, couldn't agree more with this two quotes:
"The closer you are to death, the more alive you feel. It's a wonderful way to live. It's the only way to drive."
"Men love women, but even more than that, men love cars."
Really worth the time and money, just brilliant. Any racing sport's fan will love to watch.

Would be nice to see a movie like this about Fittipladi and other about,as said before, Senna VS Prost

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You can't ask more from a movie... Fabulous!

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I can't recommend this film highly enough! It's a must-see for F1 fans or anyone who loves a good story of rivalry.

The two characters are complete opposites, but as we get to know them, we understand the value of having someone to compete against. The amazing performance of Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Bruhl successfully does that by getting audiences emotionally invested in this movie.

Hans Zimmer's score (particularly one from the climax) makes it so much more beautiful.

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Nikki Lauda races for his wife, James Hunt races for his boyfriend.

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One year ago we lost Niki forever. I had to watch this movie today.

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Great movie, pulled me in from the beginning and never stopped being interesting or entertaining. Amazing that this was based on true events. Definite must watch even if you aren't into racing.

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I was really looking forward to this and wasn't dissapointed.

A great movie about two personalities who couldn't be more different and yet so much alike.

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The fact that this film is about F1 racing drivers is kind of incidental - it's really about the personalities of two men driven (no pun intended) to succeed in the same arena, but with totally conflicting attitudes and personalities. The slow building of respect and, particularly, the portrayal of Lauda's suffering, recovery and ultimate triumph make this a hugely gripping drama.

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Good movie about a clash of personalities that force each other to extremes.

Honestly, the best moment was Hunt hitting that reporter, who had the gall to ask Lauda what his wife said to his fire-devastated face. And of course the conversation at the end.

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why didnt i watch this greatenss before?

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Great movie! If you are a fan of Formula 1 or not, you're going to love it. Their stories are very contagious, and their rivalry is legendary. I'm glad that this movie exists so that the younger generations can acknowledge the tougher times of the sport.

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Great portrayal of the fascinating rivalry between James Hunt and Niki Lauda, and presented such that you don't need to understand Formula 1 to enjoy. Set to a score by the fantastic Hans Zimmer.

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A massive F1 fan but this thing was boring. Only things I'll remember with this is the presence of Olivia Wilde and to some extent Daniel Brühls acting. The rest will be completely forgotten within a day...

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A a solid biopic with good performances. The race scenes were well done.

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Overall was a really good movie following James Hunt and Niki Lauda’s competitive nature through the 1970’s F1 season. Stayed glued to the screen throughout and found myself rooting for Lauda, portrayed as the underdog, throughout the film. Despite the numerous grand prix’s per season, the movie did a phenomenal job at condensing several races to allow time to focus on the few races that counted. Overall was a very well told story.

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White-knuckle racing with tons of heart and a raging fire in the pit of its stomach. Like the similarly adrenaline-drenched Warrior before it, Rush does an excellent job of evenly pursuing its dual leads, examining both to such lengths that we have ample reason to pull for each in their climactic showdown. Directly inspired by the real men behind the story, its depiction of both personalities, warts and all, is masterful.

Ron Howard's always known which strings to tug for maximum emotional impact in his work, but that usually comes at a price: simple, one-dimensional caricatures at the helm. Rush represents an evolution for the director; he no longer shies away from the darker, less desirable elements of his leading man/men, and that strong investment in their development pays dividends at the climax.

The pulse-pounding F-1 scenes are gripping and intense - I'd expect no less from today's bombastic Hollywood effects departments - but the real attraction is the race that goes on away from the track, as two dedicated drivers break themselves in half to one-up a lifelong rival. An excellent, impressive blend of moods that touches many nerves.

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Overall, it is an entertaining film, well made and with solid themes. Definitely not a waste of time, but overall the drama was a little weak and it was hard to feel an investment in the journey.

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Good movie! Respect to all Formula 1 players! They go through a lot and risk their lives.
A homage to two great rivals.
May you rest in peace, James Hunt.

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Great bit of history presented in a lovely film, thank you ❤️

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I thought this movie was great. It's really underrated. This is also always my first defense when I hear that Chris Hemsworth is only good if he's Thor. Granted, no one has ever said this to me, but I have seen it in print once or twice, and when that happens I give the perfect comeback in my head, "Oh yeah, what about Rush!?" Wins every time.

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A gripping, adrenaline-ridden fuel ride from Ron Howard.

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Excellent film . I was expecting an another boring racing film but this was something deeper.Great job guys!

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not a big fan of F1 but the film was simply great. Fantastic performances by everyone and a music score by zimmer excellent

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to be fully honest to all u guys this is i think the first movie that made me cry :D yea not some fkin romantic drama or so but this movie with all this cars and formulas.... and so far its m favourite

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Bom filme!

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A very well done movie with great performances and an interesting narrative, but felt that it stretched for a little too long IMO, which made it lose some of its momentum. I would still recommend it, but definitely not a must.

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I'm not the slightest interested in Formula One, or any motorsport for that matter, but I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to basically anyone.

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Great movie.

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Superb film, even more amazing it was a true story. The actors look so much like the legends they played. Best film I've seen in a long time, even for the non F1 fan.

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Coming from someone who is seriously indifferent to cars going around in circles, really really fast, Iwas surprisingly really taken with this. Maybe because I wasn't expecting much from Ron Howard after 'The Da Vinci Code', and 'Angels and Demons', but I thought 'Rush' was dramatically thoughtful and enjoyably thrilling.

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James Hunt & Niki Lauda,very good a biography movie..just watch.

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Great F1 movie for fans and non fans!

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Great flick! Camera work is amazing. Racing scenes soak you in

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Great simply great. Havent seen a movie that impressed me like this in a loooong time.

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Who loves F1 will love this movie!

Awesome movie and i loved Daniel Brühl performance!

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The thriller tells us all we need to know about the real-life champion Formula 1 rivals in the early 1970s.

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The movie is supremely watchable, but I'm scratching my head as to why It wasn't about Senna Vs Prost. Certainly their rivalry was more intense and broad compared to Hunt and Lauda. And punctuated by Sennas tragic death on track it would have been a much stronger film.

Now watch Senna documentary. Mesmerising.

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Awesome. Simply jaw-dropping.

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Awesome. Simply jaw-dropping.

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A lot of fun to watch, the action pulled me in a lot, also a great history lesson about formula one, at the end it was hard to believe it was actually based off a true story, I had to look up stuff after to believe it. Great watch!

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Not really a Formula 1 fan but knew some bits about the story since my dad and brother are fans. I quite liked it, specially how fatefully it seemed to portray the 70's, from the wardrobe to the soundtrack and the image.

It did seemed rushed (ahah!) and I think that "6 years before" was too vague. Dates would have helped to better understand how the career of those too progressed up until the moment in which the story starts.

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I don't know much about F1 just the basics but having a father who loves it and hear him talk about it always made me have the interest of seeing stories or documentaries related with this cool but very dangerous sport. Since I've heard that this film was going to come out and following the tweets of Ron Howard while he was making the film, really made me wanna see it!

Rush is not just a film about Formula 1 or about the rivality between James Hunt and Niki Lauda. It's a film about bravery, competition, adrenaline, different ways of seeing life, different achievements and about where the consequences that each personality and personal goals can take us in life.

The race sequences are superb! Every aspect of it, are perfect even in the little details. The recreation of Niki Lauda's accident was amazing, perfectly equal with the images that I've seen of the real accident. The camera work, the edition and the CGI were top-notch! Hans Zimmer soundtrack is also great, as always.

Chris Hemsworth does a great job portraying James Hunt but my special mention goes to Daniel Bruhl who is excellent he really looked, talked and had the mannerisms of Niki Lauda. I didn't recognized him from the posters or for his name, when I looked at him them I remember "oh the guy from Good Bye Lenin!". Both were great together, great chemistry and we can see that they were truly committed with their parts.

Rush is a fantastic film, Formula 1 fan or not you will certainly enjoy this! Amazing work Mr. Ron Howard! For me one of the best of the year so far. I loved it!

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I'm not a big fan of Formula One but my god that was incredible. The intense races, the relationship between the two titans and the heart-wrenching emotions running through the whole thing!

Daniel Brühl is amazing and Chris Hemsworth brings his A-game here to match Brühl's uncanny performance.

Highly Recommended!!

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