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Runaway Jury 2003

With a cast this strong, this should be so much better. However, it remains an entertaining if forgettable courtroom drama, pretty much in keeping with every adaptation of a Grisham novel. The films moves briskly and the message of the film is well meaning wish fulfilment, but the plot is thin and contrived and stretches credibility to breaking point. Hackman and Hoffman are always watchable however, and both Cusack and Weisz do well to flesh out rather dull characters whose predictable motivation is revealed near the end.

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Very intriguing movie about a "lawyer organization" that tries to manipulate a court trial involving a major gun manufacturer.

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This kinda shit can't be real. It's quite good nonetheless.

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Of course John “Anti-Gun” Cusack made this anti-gun movie. Remember it’s ok for him to use guns and protect himself and make millions on screen with guns. Just as long as you you don’t have them.

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A story based on law but but on justice. At least they could have made strong arguments, but they didn't even do that.

If we had invented something, and could be held responsible for people abusing the product, then how would that encourage progress? To say guns are an exception is a simple case of special pleading fallacy.

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