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Roman J. Israel, Esq. 2017

Denzel Washington is a delight to watch in 'Roman J. Israel, Esq.'.

I thoroughly liked the vast majority of this film, but even so it would be so much worse off if it wasn't for Washington; who nails his performance. Away from the lead, the cinematography is pleasant as is the premise and support cast; for which Colin Farrell is the standout.

It's a real interesting legal drama. There's not much to note here without wanting to spoil things, but I can say it's worth your time.

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Muito bom o filme, Denzel Washington sempre dando show.

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Denzel's acting is nothing short of inspired. And while I'm not a fan of the movie as a whole, just watching it to see Denzel portray the lightly autistic-presenting Roman J. Israel would be (almost) worth it. Having said that, the problem in this movie becomes that he quickly out-acts his fellow actors, and out-performs to the limit of the script. This is not helped by the story being a bit all over the place, and towards the end lacking in definition. Resolution is found, as is so often the case in mediocre scripts, in a miraculous turn of character by one of the principals, ending in an "all's well that ends well" that does little justice to the movie as a whole. So: Watch it for Denzel, go make snacks when he's off-screen.

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My instinct was to turn the movie off after only 30 minutes but I was watching with someone so I let it run. To be fair I’m not a huge Denzel fan so this could have clouded my judgement. All in all I think that this was a very mediocre movie. They should have spent more time establishing the parameters of his autistic spectrum disorder. At the point where he changes his clothes, life, it seems that his disorder disappeared and suddenly he was normal but if he truly was on the spectrum the clothes do not make the man. The movie jumped so much that it seemed to be missing much of the space between the plot that would have made the movie. Denzel is not buyable as this spectrum character .. he is not Dustin Hoffman.

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Walked out fifty minutes in. Roman's like autistic Ben Affleck from The Accountant, only this movie's not good and it sucks and it can go to hell. There's so much wrong with it, I won't bother writing it. It's clear the writer didn't bother either. For any poor souls with time to waste on this shit, take a shot any time Denzel Washington pushes his glasses up and rubs his face. Take three shots of hard liquor every time he eats a peanut butter sandwich. You will die in the first twenty minutes.

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The story is a little lacking, but as an acting showcase for Denzel, the film shines.

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Not sure how good it is. I started watching it twice and fell asleep both times. Not sure if I'll even try a third time.

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The script doesn't quite live up to Denzel's committed, Knockout performance. It's a really interesting character, going through an intriguing set of events. But the story kind of putters out by the final third of the film. If it was tightened up a bit, it could've been a truly great film.

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Denzel gives a great performance. Colin Farrell is fantastic too. It is very much a character study and there is a lot of legal talk that can be a little boring. The beginning is a little slow but it picks up the pace near the end. Worth a watch to see Denzel.

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