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Riding Bean 1989

Impeccable animation; amusing script. It starts out looking more gory and intense before it shows its hand for how tongue in cheek it is. It plays on police vs. bandit antihero tropes and goes over the line from its American TV inspiration in ways that are unexpected, and the mediocre voice acting from pretty much everyone sells the lines better than if they had had real dramatists doing it. It's not quite "so bad it's good", because it's also just genuinely fun and exciting, but it very much has the same cheesy genre flavor.

Imagine if AD Police and Golden Boy had a high speed collision and came out as one OVA. That's this.

Edit: To clarify, I watched the English dub since that's what was available, and I'm gonna say that it's almost certainly one of the edge cases where it fits the work better than the Japanese dub.

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