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Repo Man 1984

Don't see what the fuss is about with this movie. It seems made up as it goes along and is never gripping.

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One of the coolest films I've ever seen. So watchable / quotable. The music cues and light emitting plot devices must have been a huge influence on the likes of Quentin Tarantino.

The nods to warfare / the economy / societal problems all hint at it being a comment on the mid 1980s political climate. Harry Dean Stanton was brilliant.

A film that has really stood the test of time. Very funny in parts too.
I'm off to seek out more of Alex Cox's movies.

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I first saw Repo Man in the 80s during its theatrical release in a small art house in Dayton, Ohio after a difficult breakup when I was trying to get out of my own head by doing things I'd never done before. I never looked back.

When it comes to 80s indie movies there is nothing like Harry Dean Stanton in his prime leading a punk rock mosh pit populated by a killer soundtrack (the only punk record I ever liked), fuck you story, and aliens.

All of this is held together by the masking tape of heavy-handed directing that's cut with the dull razor of dubious editing and paid for by an ex-Monkee.

I mean, what even is cinema if it isn't all of this?

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Fav quote by Miller, "The more you drive the less intelligent you are."

I liked this for the edgy alternate teen angst of Otto and Leila... kind of a punk rocker vibe. Along with the weirdness of each of Otto's co-workers who train him in his first job.

Young love, weird co-workers, and something else building to a head!

Classic... or, it was. I really enjoyed the Emilio Estevez movies, and this one had Crime, Comedy and Sci-Fi

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Despite always hearing good things about this movie, it just wasn’t for me. Everything just felt random and it just didn’t appeal to me.

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A peculiar profession, that of a protagonist.

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I don't get the appeal. Love the music and the setting but the plot is just not that interesting.

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If you watch the first two minutes of the film and manage to find where it ends predictable, you are very peculiar to day the least, crazy film.

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Can't believe I've never seen this movie or knew anything about it other than the title. It was absolutely fascinating. I had no idea where it was going at each turn, and the end exchange between Emilio and Olivia is sooooooo funny.

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