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Rambo 2008

Rambo teaches that fighting sucks, good intentions can be futile, and coalitions of the willing are a charade: A man's got to do what a man's got to do.

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Most brutal 50 BMG action ever

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First it was for his country, then it was for his friend, this time it's for some religious nut he met on a boat.

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The ending battle was freakin awesome!!!

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If you always wanted a savage Rambo movie this is for you. He’s more like a serial killer this time around lol.

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Brutal. Simply brutal. What sets this one apart is the gory kills and the savagery in general especially with the villains, they're the worst kind: realistic. Absolutely haunting scenes of kids (and adults) being stabbed, burned and shot. Very strong allusions to rape in the second act. Everyone's violent and limbs are flying everywhere. The gore is effective and the action is filled with adrenaline. It's missing some better set pieces though, it's all just either forest or hutt or a mud pit. Terrible editing in some parts, why did they never fix it, it's so jarring. The story is as simple as simple can simplistically simply be; Rambo comes in, kills people, the end, applaude! My favorite of the franchise.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - A great stallone film. A lot of stronge brutality.

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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I really like the fourth Rambo movie. Yes, it's all very simplistic overall, once again. The hordes of enemies being mowed down are given little context. But what we see them do is absolutely horrifying. It's surprising how brutal and explicit the crimes of the Burmese soldiers are shown here. The violence with which John Rambo, who at the beginning of the film is living in seclusion as a boat captain in Thailand, gets rid of these opponents is correspondingly excessive. The camera stays on it throughout.

Sylvester Stallone does a good job not only as the main actor but also as the director. Sometimes the picture had a strange bluish tint, but other than that, it looked good. I hardly noticed the score, though. Jerry Goldsmith is sorely missed. There is certainly nothing surprising about the film overall. But after the stupid predecessor, I welcomed the return to seriousness. The uncompromising nature of the movie is quite refreshing. At the end of the film, Rambo seems to have found his peace. They should have left it at that.

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I would love to see his steroid regimen to have that kind of muscle at 60.

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the gore was awesome, very satisfying

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A Rambo movie is .... a Rambo movie. It's a throwback to a different time of movie making.

There is no hiden agenda, no deep meaning, no underlying message and no PC crap. It's that simple.

If you don´t like the previous, I'm sure you won´t like this one either. I think this is the second best of the series with part 1 being the best. Is all the brutality nessessary ? No, but again...check first line. It should have been a good ending to a movie series that made Stallone who he is.

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If you watch, then I'd recommend the Extended version.

And watching First Blood of 1982 followed by this - ignore all others in the anthology.

Extended 7.5/10
Theateical 6.5/10

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No sense of fun or adventure. Like part 2 and 3. Rambo and Last Blood are just for blood thirsty people. Who want to see Rambo kill people Jason Voorhees style.
Better than the last movie at least.

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I get that people might not like this movie, but the message is on point, the violence is crude because it feels like it could happen (certain parts of it, you know what I mean, no spoilers), and it’s a blood fest.

It’s entertaining but also cold, crude and heart breaking. War sucks, but it never goes away.

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Sylvester Stallone returns once more to the Rambo series to deliver a gritty, ultraviolent piece of garbage. This time John Rambo finds himself in Thailand transporting a group of missionaries into Burma, but when they're captured by a military warlord Rambo joins a team of mercenaries that are sent in to rescue them. It's really a pointless story that doesn't add anything to the Rambo character. Additionally, the violence is gratuitous, with nothing exciting about any of it. Rambo is the last breath of a dead franchise that's desperately trying to remain relevant.

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The action and gore is kicked up a notch but the story isn't great.

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Paco cinema: Image 4/5 and sound 4.5 / 5. Okay, but she seems more interested in showing truculence and pieces of people flying

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Surprisingly good but also very bloody and gory! The plot has some depth and topicality (at least on its release date in 2008, because all takes place in Burma) and is fast paced. The hundreds of killings are very brutal but they achieve that one really despises the inhuman military regime of Burma.

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Not bad. Nice images. Medium story

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