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Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981

While it's not a bad action / adventure movie, I just don't get why a lot of people think this is one of best movies of this genres! For me it is a mediocre action flick!

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Are we supposed to ignore the fact that Indiana Jones was 25/26 when he had an affair with Marion when she was 15/16? And she had a falling out with her dad afterwards?

She even says that in movie during her introduction scene in Nepal "I was a child, I was in love. It was wrong and you knew it"
And Jones doesn't even admit that he was WRONG for doing that. "I never meant to hurt you" and "YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING" SERIOUSLY?! (After a little research, I actually found out there was a transcript between Lucas and Spielberg where they wanted her to be 12 and Jones 25. They changed her age to 15 later. Wow, so this was VERY intentional.)

Indiana Jones is a creep, nothing more than that. I don't care if this movie is the best adventure, treasure hunter movie or whatever. He is a pedo and nothing is gonna fix that.

You don't believe me? I recommend reading this:

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The movie that single handedly showed us what happens when you bring a knife to a gunfight

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I'm always amazed at how well "Raiders of the Lost Ark" has aged in almost every way. The pacing is excellent, the humor is effective, and the effects are timeless. Harrison Ford is perfect as Indy, and his chemistry with Karen Allen here is also the best with a love interest in the entire series. ARaiders also does not disappoint when it comes to villains. Both the Nazis and Indy's personal antagonist, Belloq, are extremely effective. The Indiana Jones formula was also already perfected in the first installment. There are some great changes of scenery in the hunt for the Macguffin of the Week; Indy has to take a good beating himself, and things get a bit supernatural at the end. The whole thing is accompanied by John Williams' iconic score; what more could you want?

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Power of Nostalgia: the movie. When looked at objectively it has to be said that the plot makes no sense, culminating in a literal Deus ex machina that does not connect to anything set up earlier in the movie, the action not only makes no sense (the bar shootout gives you no sense where anyone is in the room, and the constantly changing environments during the truck chase had me laughing more than anything designed to do so in the movie) but also in every scene goes on for far too long, 90% of the soundtrack consists of spamming the main theme ad nauseam, like it's Mandalorian S3 or Pirates 4, and pretty much the entire Marion character is reduced to shrieking "Indyyy" all the time.

There is some fun to be had, but "best of its genre"? Only massive amounts of nostalgia can excuse such rating.

Deserves an extra point for the Nazi monkey, though – best part of the movie.

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It’s really iconic moment after iconic moment with this one. Spielberg’s direction is god tier (the pacing is relentless, the visual choices are all very strong, the lighting and shot composition are exceptional, the B-movie/serial influence adds some unique artistic spice, it’s surprisingly horrifying/violent and not as toothless as a lot of action movies now), the characters are very likeable with the script taking its time to develop everyone and the set pieces are well staged, imaginative and memorable. Even the acting is well above average for what is needed for a film like this, and while there are some moments of cheese, I think it works perfectly fine in this context. John Williams delivers one of his best scores. My only real complaint comes with Marion’s death being a fake-out, which you see coming from a mile away because the movie just spent 10 minutes setting up that character. Besides that cheap narrative device, this is pretty much flawless.


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This is easily one of the most disappointing movies I've seen in my life. Best adventure movie? REALLY?

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Lucas and Spielberg's first ode to the serial adventure is still a densely atmospheric, loaded thrill ride. Indy is such a fascinating, larger-than-life personality that he outright demands our attention when he's on the screen (which is something like 95% of the time) and, even when we think we've got him figured out, still manages to surprise us. Casting Harrison Ford was absolutely crucial, though, because without his off-the-chart levels of confidence and charisma, the character wouldn't have been able to get away with half the things he does or says.

Although it trots the globe, seemingly without rest, the plot is actually very well-paced and wisely gives the cold shoulder to any hint of overwrought back-story or origin. We're having enough fun in the present, so why get caught up in anything more complicated than "He's a professor who moonlights as a tomb raider"?

Quick-witted and funny when appropriate, exciting and unpredictable the rest of the time, it manages a near-perfect blend of realism and fantasy. The dark, dated cinematography is probably the only aspect of the film that hasn't aged gracefully.

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Holds up after all these years. Indy!

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The very definition of action adventure. Saw it opening day. Loved it.

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Having just attended a John Williams celebration with the Boston Pops that was hosted by Karen Allen, I was excited to watch Raiders again and be reminded of how incredible a film it was. Unfortunately, upon re-watching I found myself disappointed that the film didn't hold up to my childhood esteem. Of course John Williams's music is still incredible, and I did enjoy the performances of John Rhys-Davies and Paul Freeman, but I found the plot dull, the thrills hokey, and Indy to be more of a clumsy, arrogant misogynist and less of the gifted, erudite romantic I had thought he was. I had forgotten how much of the film was mindless fist-fighting, explosions, and long overview shots of a world map.

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"Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?"

That soundtrack, the opening sequence, snakes, the legendary whip and hat, the melting scenes, the gun vs. sword scene, the sets, the adventure, the weird bit with the student and the words on her eyelids, the action, the adventure, snakes, more snake and Raiders of the Lost Ark is just so much fun.

Every time I watch Raiders I wonder if I will ever get bored with it, but it is just one of those movies that never will.

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Like a log ride at a theme park: fun, well-paced and it made me a little wet.

A masterclass in mainstream filmmaking, Raiders is a classic you don't have to get yourself in the right mood to appreciate.

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This didn't age well at all! While I do love the many adventures Indiana goes through in this movie, the amazing music, the acting, the sets, the direction and Harrison Ford is awesome. The fight choreographies are laughable, some questionnable decision making and the action sequences are just so underwhelming and give off B-movie vibes. That kinda ruined the adventure for me and I don't possess any nostalgia for this so I just don't see or comprehend the love. I believe i'm one of those that will appreciate the sequels a lot more. Also, I'll take The Mummy over this any day of the week. Favorite moment was the guy with the huge sword getting shot, that was hilarious.

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This is a perfect movie. There's really not a whole lot to say about it because it doesn't need a description. The direction, casting, acting, music, action and story are all spot on. Simply one of the greatest films of all time.

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The one that started it all… I watched this movie years ago and always remember really enjoying it. The music alone can put me in a great mood but it's the sense of adventure and the characters that make it a great, classic adventure movie. However, I did enjoy it better as a kid / young teen than watching it again now years later.

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Has not held up well. While the famous classic scenes are still cool, many elements like the outdated fight choreography, the problematic love interest and the cartoonish main antagonist no longer work.

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I watched this at first when I was 8 years old. I was a major tomboy and 8 so I didn’t understand how problematic Indiana Jones was but he remains a big part of my growing up. His overt masculinity is probably what made me start questioning my gender and his sweaty bare-chested self is one of the few instances where I have been attracted to men. Spielberg made a great movie and it’s obviously outdated but basically Indiana Jones gives me gender envy. He is fucking cool I actually wanted to be an archaeologist because of him.

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Can't believe that this Steven Spielberg film came in the year 1981 as it still feels fresh. The amount of action and adventure put into the film along with the pure evil intentions of the antagonist makes it a must watch.
I would say that this might be the greatest Steven Spielberg outing.
credit also to be given to the living legend Harrison Ford.

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Excellent movie and brilliantly crafted entertainment with a superb casting.

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Raiders of the Lost Ark is the film that started it all, launching the iconic Indiana Jones franchise. This classic is packed with plenty of action and suspense, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. While some might argue it isn't the best of the series, it's definitely worth the watch. The film's thrilling set pieces, charismatic performances, and adventurous spirit make it a timeless favorite that continues to entertain. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer to the series, Raiders of the Lost Ark is a must-see adventure that has earned its place in cinematic history.

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Made the year I was born, it still has some charm left in it, but as the years goes on the cheese gets stronger. Somewhat of a tough watch nowadays, but we're committed to re-watching the entire series before seeing the latest entry. Graded on a bit of a curve as it's still one of the most iconic adventure films ever made, and the chemistry between Indy & Marion is fun watch this is a 2024 7.5.

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There is something that echoes through Raiders that's just unexplainable. A certain X factor that is indescribable, but palpably there. Be it the grounded nature of the set pieces, the iconic and timeless score or the comedic lilt that rounds off every encounter; A classic by every metric, only marred by some dated tropes and some dodgy line delivery which are forgivable when everything else is this good.

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When you nut and the ark keeps succin

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he really raided the fuck out of those arks huh

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This is how modern adventure cinema is born. A masterpiece in its own style! :)

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Theme- 10/10
Rewatchibility- 9.5/10
Acting- 9.5/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 9.5/10
Total - 48.5/5 = 9.7

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One of my favorite adventure movies ever!

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The first movie watched together with my little children (4 and 5 years old). I'll never forget it, one of the most iconic and with a great pace from the beginning to the end.

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It's a masterpiece that marks the history of cinema like few other genre films. If "Star Wars" overhauls everything, "Indiana Jones" creates a world, and above all, indelible characters. Indiana Jones cannot exist without Harrison Ford, this is both a blessing and a curse to those who would want to endlessly serialize this franchise, something that is possible with "Star Wars" precisely because the story prevails over individual characters and allows for it to be written and rewritten ad libitum. "Indiana Jones" is like a relic from one of its episodes, unique and precious.

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Likable action movie
Doesn’t age well

Characters 7
Story 6
Pacing 6
Visuals 7
Rewatchability Factor 4
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 6
Average Score 6.0

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A fantastic action movie, even if Indy didn't actually affect the plot

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This one went well all along although the climax sequence went a bit overboard.Yet it certainly presented Speilberg's initial presentation of adventure nicely.Specially, the chase sequence was the best part of the film as the comedy and action all was great.The chase seemed like a classical Tom and Jerry chase.In and all,as the first film of the franchise,it performed quite great.

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Road to Indy #1

The scene at the end with the melting faces traumatized me as a child, and it was the only thing I actually remembered about the movie (unfortunately, I only had the third one in my VHS collection). I don’t feel particularly nostalgic rewatching it now, but the first fifteen minutes still stand out as an excellent introduction to Jones’ character and all its stereotypes. The direction really made the difference here. The following two hours felt a little bland, if not for the constantly self-deprecating humor and goofy gags.

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It's (of course) quite dated by today's standards; there were places where the "special effects" were almost laughable. It's still a great movie, though.

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The first and spectacular adventure of Indiana Jones.

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Shout by The Ace Face
BlockedParent2022-05-12T13:29:37Z— updated 2022-05-23T14:19:18Z

Remembered this fondly as a kid and thinking back I thought this film would be a 910 but after rewatching it now it hasn’t aged well so I give it a 6/10. Nothing overly spectacular but kids loved it at the time.

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Indiana Jones
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

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This is a perfect movie. There's really not a whole lot to say about it because it doesn't need a description. The direction, casting, acting, music, action and story are all spot on. Simply one of the greatest films of all time.

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An obvious iconic classic, doesn’t hold as high regard to me as most as I’m a Doom boy and proud of it. The violence is top notch and Harrison Ford used to not be an old piece of shit. The 4k transfer is glorious, looking forward to digging into the other movies

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This is what happens when a director knows how to have fun

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way ahead of is time

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9 - Superb

Indiana Jones punching nazi's to find the Ark of the Covenant is such a great movie.

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Shout by Deleted

The hero kill nazis in this movie. That’s cool.

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Ah, the 80s. When blockbusters were made with real artistry and craftsmanship. Remember?

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One of the best adventure movies. Harrison Ford is great. The music is so iconic now. Just a fun movie that can be rewatched infinitely.

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How can you not love Indiana Jones. I saw this movie already a few times and it never gets bored. It's just a classic!

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The movie doesn't really make much sense and the climax is a let down.

It's also surprisingly violent.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2016-12-06T04:15:47Z— updated 2021-03-14T01:10:38Z

I guess only people literally born yesterday don't get why this is the best adventure movie. Hell they probably think Crystal Skull is better.
Rotten Tomatoes instantly has Black Panther listed as the best Adventure movie of all time. With Raiders not even on the list ? How are these people true movie nerds ?

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Paco Cinema: Image 4.25/5; Sound 4.5/5. That script, that chemistry, thet sounds is good. 1 scene of this Is worth that the entire 4

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Shout by Deleted

Noble adventure! Ah, I little crush in Harrison Ford in this movie.

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Indiana Jones is one of my favourite ever movie! Awesome

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One of my favorites

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All indiana jones movies are superb

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I grew up with this movie and even today it is EPIC.

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Best adventure movie ever. None other comes ever close.

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