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Radius 2017

Interesting concept. Just wish it had a better story line.

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Same thing happens when my ol'lady farts

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I watched this on a "let's see if it's any good" chance and was surprised how good it actually was. 8/10

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Interesting film concept. It had it's moments of being a good film. There is a pretty good plot twist in it too.

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Ho boy, that plot twist! I didn't see that coming at all lol

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I honestly have no idea how this piece of crap has a 93% score on Rotten Tomatoes ... the acting is terrible, story line is only slightly intriguing for as long as the spectator is kept in the unknown, then it becomes total nonsense. Like total nonsense are many other parts of the writing.

If you want to waste 1:30+ of your time, stare at a wall, it's better.

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Soooo much better than I thought it was going to be. A very welcome surprise, great acting, great plot, great dialogue and great pacing. I would highly recommend this.

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Interesting concept, though I kinda wish they went a little scifi and explained things a bit more. The twist at the end left me a little disappointed. Of course he's a serial killer, because there always has to be a serial killer. However, they laid all the groundwork so it made sense, and it allowed them to wrap things up just so in the final scene.

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Good acting, enjoyable, did like the storyline - just the ending is a bit questionable. they could have done better there!

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Really good movie. Great story, not quite a love or chick flick, which is probably why I liked it so much. Action, suspense and plenty of twists to keep your mind racing.

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Fascinating. Well worth the watch.

CAREFUL : SPOILER ALERT Supreme Deity of Your Choice decided to take him out because he was a bad bad man and kinda messed it up

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A movie with a very intriguing story, good performances, full of suspense and great twists that grip you from start to finish.

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This was surprisingly good. There is a twist at the end which I never expected. Ultimately it's a redemption story.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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"Radius" is a film that left me quite puzzled. Even when the plot twist is revealed, it still doesn't quite make sense. The whole concept seems a bit ridiculous and farfetched, and the acting doesn't quite measure up. It's a movie that might leave you scratching your head rather than being a satisfying experience. ‍♂:clapper:

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I was really high when I watched this and I remember it being either really good or really bad. Knowing me, it was probably just ok. Point is, you should get high.

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I wanted to like this movie so much more than I did. The high concept is fantastic, but the execution just devolves into cliché after cliché. The cool moments happen because the script contrives to make them happen. (Worst offenders: the elevator scene and the cops mysteriously separating Liam and Rose.) It's really too bad.

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Not enough mileage for a feature length movie - would have worked better as a short - but it's still worth a watch for fans of the Twilight Zone-type genre.

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Could have been better....why did it stop when he died?

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Like the others said, great story, decent acting but the end... And I still don't know the background. It is one of those once and then never again not because it was bad but just because I wasn't too excited about it...

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Not a bad drama. Pretty decent twist that I didn't see coming but made perfect sense. The ending, though depressing, was as expected and really the only outcome that would have made sense.

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