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Punch-Drunk Love 2002

This movie is very weird. So weird I could not enjoy it, I'm afraid.

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You could probably condense this movie into a 10 minute short while still retaining the level of emotion which was attempted to be displayed.

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Indeed a weird movie and not in a good way.

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Adam Sandler was really great in this. Its a different movie and not for everyone.

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A movie plot about a lower IQ man who has been verbally abused by his sisters that has an aftermath of control/impulse issues, who ends ups falling in love. But the movie has all kinds os scenes throughout the film that makes one think that the writer was drunk when they wrote the script. So many scenes, especially towards the end of the film when Barry (main character) realizes he loves Lena (main character's lover) back, when one is like "what am I watching."

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I don’t think I’ve ever felt that amount of sheer uncomfort-turned-satisfaction in my life, and I don’t know if I ever will again.

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This instantly just became one of my favourite films

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Contrary to the others commenting on here - I thought it was weird and I enjoyed it. :)

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Shout by Deleted

"I sometimes cry a lot....for no reason."

This is the Adam Sandler I'd like to see more of. He's performance was both funny and heart-breaking at the same time. But I couldn't bring myself to watch another Sandler film after this. He's gotten so lazy and doesn't bother staring in theses type of movies anymore. This film perfectly demonstrates that he's capable of more than what he's famous for. You can see the boiling rage inside of Sandler character and tries to contain it. He acts nice around other people and finds joy in the strangest way.

There's nothing else quite like it. The lighting, camera movements, framing, timing, and EXTREME attention to detail bring this film to a whole other level. Paul Thomas Anderson is lighting in the bottle.

Oh and Philip Seymour Hoffman stole the show with his "SHUT UP!".

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Charming and funny, Punch-Drunk Love is an eccentric romantic comedy from P.T. Anderson. After finding a harmonium in the street Berry Egan’s life undergoes a bizarre turn of events as he’s pursued by a beautiful woman and is extorted by a crooked phone-sex company. Adam Sandler and Emily Watson lead the cast and deliver excellent performances that really capture the tone of the material. Sandler’s performance in particular is especially compelling and has a lot of depth. And Anderson’s directing is exquisite, with a marvelous use of light and color. The music is also extraordinarily well-done, and accentuates the emotional tones of the scenes. Exceptionally well crafted, Punch-Drunk Love is a brilliant film that delivers a quirky and touching story.

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Too strange for me :S

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As someone with crippling social anxiety, I felt every second of this movie and the ending was so satisfactory and relatable. You can be afraid of uncomfortable situations all the time until it involves a loved one, all fear goes out of the window and you find your strength.

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A quirky romcom focused on the emotional journey of a depressed/repressed small business owner. Despite the intriguingly surreal atmosphere and truly remarkable direction, the film felt more impactful in its individual moments rather than as a whole, leaving a sense of incompleteness. Among the standout moments is the use of percussions in the soundtrack to convey the buildup of the character’s stress and anger, together with one of the most memorable phone arguments in movie history.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - A BRILLIANT job acting by Adam Sandler.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Punch Drunk Love is a wonderfully uncomfortable film that just gets better with subsequent viewings. Emotions are powerfully conveyed thanks to Adam Sandler's performance and an incredible sound design. I don't remember the last time I rooted this hard for love.

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There's no doubting that Paul Thomas Anderson is an excellent film maker. However, there is definitely doubt as to whether his films are for me. I think I have only two left to watch, but so far, none of the ones I have seen have been favorites, and some of them I'd even say I actively didn't enjoy. There is a very intentional weirdness that just doesn't work for me. The characters. The dialogue. The story. All of it is too far removed from relatable human behavior for me to really connect with. I'd also call out the soundtrack, which was often frantic and anxiety inducing. Of course, that was almost certainly intentional as well, but for me it just added to the discomfort.

All of that said, I can acknowledge the positive elements. The performances are strong and despite the strangeness of the writing, there are definitely unique ideas being explored. And though the humor was often built around the same weirdness that I didn't love, it wasn't entirely unappreciated.

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"I wanted to ask you something because you're a doctor... I don't like myself sometimes. Can you help me?"

Paul Thomas Anderson has a way to edit a film to make me feel uncomfortable. I felt like I was in a weird dream while watching this. Adam Sandler does great for what he is supposed to do, but Philip Seymour Hoffman is eccentric and might be my favorite part.

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You have to be on its wavelength before you start to appreciate it.
I wasn’t quite sure about it during the first 30 minutes, but it got funnier and better as it went along.
The music and editing can seem annoying at first, but it falls into place once you get to know the main character.
I kinda hate Sandler for the fact that he’s capable of this, or stuff like Uncut Gems, but instead chooses to sell out and make pleb films most of the time.
Technically it’s perfect of course, it’s PTA we’re talking about.
It didn’t quite blow me away as some of his other films, it lacks the depth for that, but it’s still very good.
There’s a quirk, charm and energy to it that kept me engaged from beginning to end.


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Amazing little film. Masterfully directed, edited, scored and acted. Barry's crippling anxiety and impulse control issues were palpable in every single scene. Easily one of Sandler's best performances.

Borderline personality disorder (if that was what Barry was suffering from) is one of the more difficult mental disorders to diagnose and treat, mainly because the ones who struggle with it are usually too ashamed to come forward and seek help. The non-stop emotional abuse he had to endure from his narcissistic sisters since his early childhood must have been deeply traumatizing.
I wish Lena was a little more fleshed out as a character. Usually people who are attracted to people with borderline have either personal experience with the disorder or they are familiar with it through a close relative or friend.

This would've made a great TV series.

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Something that I think it's very interesting in PTA's movie is that is hard to classify than according genres, Punch-Drunk Love is an example of that, it looks something between an acid, subtle and romantic comedy, with drama and touches of thriller.
Watch this movie is to feel a constant discomfort mixed with cringe worthy scenes in such a way that it looks to be a protagonist's hallucination. Moreover, Adam Sandler is great in this movie, he plays an insecure, ambiguous and traumatized character, very different of what he is used to.
I confess this is a VERY weird movie and surely is not for everyone.

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"I sometimes cry a lot....for no reason."

This is the Adam Sandler I'd like to see more of. He's performance was both funny and heart-breaking at the same time. But I couldn't bring myself to watch another Sandler film after this. He's gotten so lazy and doesn't bother staring in theses type of movies anymore. This film perfectly demonstrates that he's capable of more than what he's famous for. You can see the boiling rage inside of Sandler character and tries to contain it. He acts nice around other people and finds joy in the strangest way.

There's nothing else quite like it. The lighting, camera movements, framing, timing, and EXTREME attention to detail bring this film to a whole other level. Paul Thomas Anderson is lighting in the bottle.

Oh and Philip Seymour Hoffman stole the show with his "SHUT UP!".

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