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Pulse 2006

Wow, just terrible. Characters, story, pacing, lighting and camera work all severely lacking. I don't know what the original was like (and now I don't care to find out) but I can't imagine it could be worse than this.

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How they massacred my boy...

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seems someone in camera department loved blue filter till last minute of the movie

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Not even Kristen Bell can save this one.

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The 1/10 the original Pulse (2001) needed to be a perfect ten.

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Kristen Bell and Ian Somerhalder star in the techno-horror film Pulse. Co-written by Wes Craven, the story follows a group of college students who are being attacked by extra-dimensional beings who have found a gateway into our world through electronic signals. The plot doesn’t make a lot of sense, and other than a few jump scares, there’s nothings all that frightening. Still, director Jim Sonzero sets an atmospheric and foreboding tone that heightens the tension and suspense (what little there is). While Pulse is largely weak and ineffective, it manages to deliver a few chills.

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