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Prom Night 1980

Not worth watching. Too much time spent on needless teenage tedium and disco music. While the unusual voice of the masked killer is appreciated, the kills are unimaginative at best.

Unrelated to Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II.

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Kills are way too weak and it takes nearly an hour before anything remotely interesting starts to unfold.

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Kinda underwhelming. As usual, Jamie Lee Curtis carries these so-so horror films. Also, seemed an odd film for Leslie Nielsen to be involved in, even more so when you realise this was released the same year as the iconic Airplane!, lol.

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Sure it might be more slow burn mystery than slasher yeah part 2 outshines it in every way, but I can never say no to the inspired combo of Jamie Lee Curtis and Leslie Nelson,:two absolute legends

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The first kill is one hour into the 90-minute movie. The killer is drop dead obvious. It's ridiculous, tame and full of disco, yet somehow it's still better than the remake.

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More disco than any film this side of Saturday night fever. Not that scary. But modestly enjoyable if you like 80s slashers. Which I do.

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Jamie Lee Curtis is the only cast member to go on to be an Oscar winner. I don’t know what to do with that information.

I loved the kill scenes, as they got a huge reaction out of me due to how over-the-top it gets.

Also, Leslie Nielsen is in this!? Like another horror slasher film called The Buring, which starred a young Jason Alexander and Holly Hunter. I guess this was before Leslie Nielsen's comedy peak. We all start somewhere.

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I took me over 40 years to get to Prom Night, and boy was I disappointed. The start with the creepy kids game was brilliant... then it all goes downhill. We get an hour with high school drama, then it gets going... At least in the sense that the killing starts. The kills are not all that great, and the reveal at the end was very predictable. The only person I liked in this was Jamie Lee Curtis, but she is very hard not to like in just about anything, and I think I spotted a young Jeff Wincott in there as well, which is kinda cool. Other than that... Prom Night was not for me. Boring and predictable does not a slasher make.

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A competently made slasher film. Nothing about it is remarkable, but it's not a bad way to spend an evening.

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If you're going to watch this for the 80s aesthetic then you're going to be disappointed. It must have been filmed in 1979 and then released in 1980. It's very much a 70s movie. Disco music, electric lights, glitter dresses, bob haircuts. The dance floor at the prom looks like the one from Saturday Night Fever, all lit up.

Style aside, it wasn't a terrible movie but it wasn't great either. Just your typical slasher.

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A pretty generic slasher. If you're a Jamie Lee Curtis fan than it's probably worth the watch. Also seeing leslie neilsen in a straight role is kind of interesting.

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I felt like this is kind of a slow burn. Each kill took a while, but felt good once they landed!

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Imo The Updated Prom Night Was More enjoyable to watch this one was average Everytime a scene would draw you in it Disappoints The Ending was Okay at best Overrated Film

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At least Jamie Lee was pretty hot back then lol. That pic tempts me to give the film a higher rating lol. This isn't great but hey the remake is worse.

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Giving it a spin off TiVo. May only be my 2nd viewing ever; for the 31 Days Of Horror.

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