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Point Break 1991

More style than substance but hey that's entertainment. Enjoy the ride.

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An action classic. Everyone in this film holds their own. The action is great and it remains one of my 90s favorites of the genre. This gem is way too underrated.

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"Goddamn! You are one radical son of a bitch!"

It was either that quote or "I know Johnny. I know you want me so bad it's like acid in your mouth." HAHA. This movie is awesome and I wish I had seen this years ago. Patrick Swayze in his prime was unstoppable. Oh and Keanu is classic Keanu.

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Throwing a pitbull in a chase scene is a first for me lol. But keanu catching it and then drop kicking it is straight comedy. What were they thinking.

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6.5 / 10:
The foot chase was great!
The writing by King & Iliff could have used more polish (and thought).

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This movie is pure 90s action cheese in my opinion and that can be a good thing or a bad thing, but in the case of Point Break, it is a good thing because the film is actually a fun watch and keeps you invested throughout with a few cliches and stereotypes in-between.

The one thing that stood out to me was the action which was really well done and you can tell that Kathryn Bigelow and her team really know how to do action right with all real stunts and some truly awe-inspiring scenes.

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A solid movie from start to finish

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image 3.5 / 5 and sound 3.75 / 5. View the edition usa, with better image and extras. This film is still good, it has not lost anything, Although everyone is much younger. The movie fast and furious takes a "few" ideas from this movie

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Always loved this movie…. Stands the test of time. It’s fast, entertaining and I still love it

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Surprisingly entertaining, even after all these years.

Bodhi: “It's 100% pure adrenaline! Other guys snort for it, jab a vein for it, when all you gotta do is jump.”

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Classic action film

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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"Young, dumb, and full of cum."

A boring first half that completely lost me (too much surfing, beach ball scenes, casual conversations and boring romance) followed by a good second half that got me back. There's definitely some action sequences but I hesitate calling this an action movie, it's very similar to Heat in that sense. The crime aspect is it's strong suit. The Ex-Presidents gang was kinda cool and the mole aspect is always interesting. A few decent action scenes but mostly forgettable. The scene with thugs fighting Keanu Reeves on the beach was perhaps my favorite. The romance never worked for me. The acting is just ok. Some comical dialogue here and there but i'm not sure if that's intentional. Good ending.

Who else kept expecting a shark to pop up?

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Awesome movie for it’s day still a good movie only missing on the visuals now

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A group of surfers is dedicated to robbing banks.

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Premise - 13/20 - Undercover FBI becomes a surfer to investigate bank robberies. OK, I'll bite, but not hard.
Cast/characters - 15/20 - Keanu is a plus. Patrick is a plus-plus. Lori Petty as a surfer works for me. Gary Busey isn't quite as crazy here. The extra characters were just guys.
Story - 16/20 - Story wasn't much of a surprise, even when I saw it the first time. The ending is satisfactory. The story could have been a little shorter; movies around this time seemed to have male bonding done within a sports activity, a fight, or both. The best part is the choice Johnny has to make between his career and his friends.
Dialogue - 13/20 - Enjoyable, slightly deep, not that special.
World-building - 17/20 - The immersion into the surfing world was interesting. The scenery was beautiful.

74/100 - 3.5/5 stars - Two legends doing what they do. No harm in that. Sit back and enjoy the wave.

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AMMAZING OMGGG I LOVE KEANU AND PATRICK AND LORI gary is ok but eh. his character was weird. dindt like him too much

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Shout by Reiko LJ

The birth of Johnny Silverhand...?

Jk jk. That foot chase scene has to be one of the best. 80s/90s were truly the golden age of cinema, esp action films. The second half of the film loses its momentum a bit and the writing is a bit loose but overall its entertaining enough.

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This 90’s classic has Swayze and Keanu on top form. Why have I only just discovered this, it was amazing.

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This classic is very underrated and definitely stands the test of time. Watching it right now, 30 years later (I'm not old, you're old!), and it has it all - comedy, drama, romance, thrill-seeking, 2 relatively unknowns that went on to become super-stars (Swayze & Reeves) and quite possibly the most lovable NARC/undercover in the history of film, and a proper soundtrack to boot!

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An action sports movie with a side of bank robberies, yes please. The action and robberies are good and shot well. Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves as the leads are both great. They seem to share something more than love for surfing if you know what I mean. "You want me so bad, it's like acid in your mouth."

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Shout by Deleted


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That movie is great the way it is. I wouldn't touch the remake with a pair of pliers.

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Why do they keep remaking classics? The new one can't hold Gary's jock strap.

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buy it: a swayze claasic. great suspense crime movie

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