Quite entertaining despite all the bad reviews. Critics are just tired of Jack Sparrow I think. They are not tired of Fast and Furious movies though ?
The movie is fun and better than the 4th one. Kaya Scodelario makes a good addition as Carina Smyth. Who gets either confused as a witch or...a whore because she's a horologist lol. There's plenty of humor like that throughout that makes this one of the better Pirates movies.
While Javier Bardem once again makes a great villain as Captain Salazar. Who from the trailers you probably figured out, is a spirit wants vengeance on Jack Sparrow.
Otherwise stuff, like the search for Poseidon's Trident is as silly as the search for the fountain of youth in the last film. Also don't expect too much Orlando Bloom but it's nice to see him back nevertheless.
If this is the last one I wouldn't complain since it's a fitting ending.

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What a crap movie. I think it had potential but the writing was just garbage. The storyline had too many sidetracks. The stunts were often poorly executed and too unrealistic.

We're robbing banks now ? Zombie sharks towing boats ?Johnny Depp often exaggerates with his role. Bloom has maybe 10 lines in the entire movie. Knightley none iirc.

I did like Salazar's character. It was so well made and Bardem was an excellent choice. I wish it featured more flashback of him in the past.

Well, at least the post credit scene re-introduced one of my favorite characters ! Hopefully planned for the next movie.
btw, if the curse was broken, why did Davy Jones seemed to appear in his squid-like form ?

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I enjoyed the film, especially the swinging guillotine scene, and it is a step up from the last one. Ties up the franchise's loose ends, so there is no point in heading off on another adventure with this crew, unless the Hollywood execs insist on it. Ultimately, the film is an easy watch, and while it's no masterpiece, i'm glad the franchise hasn't yet sunk without trace.

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it's such a bland, anonymous movie. it's nothingness portrayed for two hours.
the characters are comparable to blank pieces of paper with no ink on them whatsoever. Jack sparrow is annoying at its best and completely unrecognizable from the one seen in the first trilogy. he's just a freak here.
the plot is meaningless with so easy to see plot twist.
picture in the average and camera movements with no sign of life. so flat.
a money grabber experience.

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Really dissapointed. I mean C'MON THAT TRAILER CHEATS YOU FOR GOOD. I mean Orlando is like 2 min in the movie and Keira like 30 seconds. The story is really not surprising (anyone was expecting to see the Flying dutchman come to help? WELL THAT NOT HAPPENS) and Javier as Salazar is a terrible waste of a great actor. Really I am growing tired to see the kid of Gods of egypt here! he's kinda bad. Well dissapointing in general... but that cameo of Paul McCartney !!!

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the potc series is dead, this film isn't that bad per se but the whole plot results a little bit forced and jack sparrow isn't funny anymore like it was in the first three movies of the saga. the only thing that made me really happy about this movie was the return of elizabeth and will. [/spoiler]
I think they should stop adding more movies to a saga that was already complete with the third movie and that is even more complete now.

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The "force awakens" of the pirates franchise. Take that as you will

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Like a Saturday morning cartoon: unoriginal, entertaining and forgettable.

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I went to the cinema expecting another dissapointing movie but was very suprised to notice I was laughing all the time and trying to find out the plot. Really enjoyable movie with great acting.

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Shout by Ayaan Zaidi
BlockedParent2017-05-30T14:14:12Z— updated 2023-12-22T06:33:48Z

:steam_locomotive: :steam_locomotive: :steam_locomotive: :steam_locomotive: :steam_locomotive:

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Yes this saga must end it is a bit tiresome and drunken Jack is no longer original, is is as a caricature. Nevertheless it was entertaining and had a good time watching it. I do not know what more it has to offer.

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So, I think this franchise is very overdone at this point. Jack Sparrow is no longer the novelty that he once was. And the whole dead Pirates thing was already done in the first one so that made this movie even less interesting. There's action and humor but it was nothing new. The return of the original characters was good, even though they only had about 5 minutes of screen time. And this was all resolved in a way that if they're smart they will let this be the final installment.
And what is with the after credit scene? Did that make sense to anyone?

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This movie straight up sucked. It was dull, I didn't care for the plot (which was boring and predictable) and Jack has become a caricature of himself. They need to let this franchise die. The only good part was Will and Elizabeth finally reuniting, although I'm bitter they had 5 seconds of screentime and Elizabeth had no lines.

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Wasn't a fan of it. I love the first 3, the 4th one was awful, and this one was sort of mediocre. It was okay, but nothing special. Probably won't watch it again.

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Another fun Pirates movie. Some of it gets a little convoluted, but when don't these movies? Bardem is a great villain, and there's some fun adventure set pieces. The girl is soo irritating though.

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On par with On Stranger Tides, this latest Pirates installment is funny and beautiful to look at, but the story doesn’t do it justice. In order to keep this pirates ship going it may be time for Jack Sparrow to retire.

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Shout by Deleted

"Dead Men Tell No Tales" is the fifth installment in this exhausted franchise that should have sunk 10 years ago.

Remember how grand and epic these movies were, but with the unfinished effects, predicable scenes, and over rushed storyline, it looses the magic. You just wish that Javier Bardem character would just impale Captain Jar Jar Binks with his sword and be down with it. I was rooting for the villain through the whole thing.

Fuck Jack Sparrow!

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Look at all me hearties watching this before its official release. We be the real pirates here.

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The ship was sailing on this one, but just not has fast has the first two but came close, and fired shots with It's comedy. Good performance from depp as always. I was disappointed in ending, a sinker for me. Fun watch!

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Arrrrrrrrrrr all you skips skops n skallywags

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Wow. What dumpster fire. The once proud franchise is merely a shadow of its former self. I'm stunned these movies still get funding. They are recycling this over and over again and Johnny Depp will star in them as long as he gets paid. Pirates has become close to unwatchable. It's a shame they ran this into the ground. You gotta know when to walk away. 3 out of 10.

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I really like this one. Javier Bardem is an interesting villain, the story is good, we have a bunch of characters returning from the trilogy and we see Will and Elisabeth again, even if only for a little bit. Seeing them reunite again with that beautiful soundtrack was amazing. I liked seeing a more emotional side of Barbossa as well.

The post-credits scene is so promising and I really would have loved seeing a sequel.

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I liked "Dead Men Tell No Tales" minimally better than "Stranger Tides". The plot didn't seem quite as trivial as in the predecessor. There was also an attempt to establish a stronger link with the previous films. This was sometimes more successful and sometimes less so. Apart from a few exceptions, such as the terrible deaging of Johnny Depp, the fifth "Pirates of the Caribbean" once again manages to entertain with great effects, a fast pace, and some decent music.

The fact that the entire story has the depth of a puddle should come as no surprise. Unfortunately, Javier Bardem's performance as the villain Salazar was a letdown. Kaya Scodelario as Carina "Smyth" was the most appealing of the newcomers, even if she had no chemistry with her co-star Brenton Thwaites. Of the ending of the film, one can at least say that it is fairly circular. Therefore, another sequel is really not needed anymore.

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This movie literally saved the Pirates franchise.

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Too many references to the first three films, but Johnny Depp's performance is still excellent. Plus, it's nice to see that Disney gave the old characters a happy ending. (It would be perfect if the post-credits scene had been deleted)

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It's way better than, On stranger tides.

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3 years later, I finally got to see it with low expectations knowing how disliked it is. It's not that bad. Fun 2 hours. I don't get the hate.

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Would've set this was a great ending to the saga... If they weren't gonna make another one. Here's to hoping it's just as good as this one and will be another fitting end to the saga

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"Because I need to get off this island, to solve the Map No Man Can Read. Lucky I'm a woman."

This is an actual line of dialogue.

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Shout by Dries Verlinden
BlockedParent2019-11-22T21:47:50Z— updated 2023-04-07T21:36:30Z


  1. How poor can the special effects and technical features be in this day and age?
  2. Absolutely loved the story though, very satisfying and great links to the prequels
  3. Damn, that Henry is cute. (Is he cuter than his 'father' though?)
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Captain Jack Sparrow sails the high seas in search of adventure once again in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. When Will Turner’s son Henry goes looking for a way to end his father’s curse he teams up with Jack Sparrow to find Poseidon’s Trident, but an old advisory is soon awakened and seeks revenge on Sparrow. Johnny Depp is excellent as always, and brings a lot of charisma to the film. However, Javier Bardem makes for a rather weak villain (perhaps the weakest of the series). And the special effects for the dead crew are incredible poor. There are also some continuity errors with the previous films that are a bit irksome. Still, the action sequences are fun; full of swashbuckling sword fights and thrilling chases. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales is an entertaining ride, but it struggles to deliver something fresh and exciting.

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It's Will and Elizabeth all over again....just younger

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The movie concludes with loose ends in past movies, with a good story and a well done ending.

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I came to be entertained, and entertained I was. What a great movie. Always love POTC movies. :)

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Nice effects and general Sparrow fun but nothing like the first one (or 2nd). Watch and forgot pretty much.

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loved the little laughter and how this movie played out.

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certain scene remind me of The Mummy and GotG Vol.2. hope to see better story for next sequel

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It could be better, but it not bad for hanging out.

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Well, i started watching this movie with no expectations based on the very bad movie that was the last one, but thank the old gods and the new this is a different movie! It's not as good as the first ones, but it's really entertaining and with a nice plot. Loved it.

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Shout by plkocev

Honestly, everything after At World's End went downwards. They couldn't think of nothing new and original and added kids to the movie. It slowly becomes a Disney fairy tale. Not sure why Depp still agrees to appear in the franchise. It cannot be for money. Anyway, I am actually surprised that Bloom and Knightley are in this part even though they are just cameos. And they have left the door open for another one possibly with them in it. The thing that bothers me most is that they involved kids in this. So what now? Everybody will be related... what kind of a movie would that be? I hope Barbossa and Salazar didn't die. I liked captain Salazar and would like to see him in a future sequel.

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Shout by Deleted

kind of fun you can ignore the talent-less Kaya Scodelario on screen.

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In part eleven of the series, Caribbean pirate Jack Sparrow trades in his sword and swashbuckles to play a Somali pirate with an AK and RPG

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Pirates of the Caribbean:Bad movies have no End.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie is not as great as the old movies...

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Shout by Deleted

nice n funny movie
peace out...

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Shout by Deleted

Utter tosh but a fun Friday night popcorn movie. I laughed a lot.

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Shout by Deleted

fat rhi the hindi me Release karate huye

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Voor de Nederlandssprekende mensen onder ons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYoul4ErXKs

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This movie never play for me on that day

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