Personal Lists featuring...

Pin Cushion 2018


Movies released from 2010-2017 to watch


Including: SAG, HFA, BIFA and LCCFA 2019 nominees.
* EXCLUDING: Oscar, Golden Globes, BAFTA, Independent Spirits and Critics' Choice 2019 nominees.

  • 01: SAG - Screen Actors Guild Awards nominees
  • 02: HFA - Hollywood Film Awards nominees
  • 03-27: BIFA - British Independent Film Awards nominees
  • 28-45: LCCFA - London Critics Circle Film Awards nominees.

Including: SAG, HFA, BIFA and LCCFA 2018 nominees.
* EXCLUDING: Oscar, Golden Globes, BAFTA, Independent Spirits and Critics' Choice 2018 nominees.

  • 01-03: HFA - Hollywood Film Awards nominees
  • 04-25: BIFA - British Independent Film Awards nominees
  • 26-39: LCCFA - London Critics Circle Film Awards nominees.

01–21 / venezia 74 competition
22–34 / out of competition
35–42 / out of competition docs

43–51 / film critics week

52 / tv series

53–63 / venice virtual reality
La Camera Insabbiata. Laurie Anderson & Huang Hsin-Chien
Greenland Melting. Nonny de la Peña
Draw Me Close, Chapters 1–2. Jordan Tannahill
Gomorrah VR – We Own the Streets. Enrico Rosati
Separate Silences. David Wedel
Alice, the Virtual Reality Play. Mathias Chelebourg. tt7395338


ArteKino Festival invites internet users from 45 countries to watch a selection of 10 feature length films free of charge over a 31 day period. In all, 50,000 viewings will be made available to the European public, who are eligible (along with spectators in cinemas) to vote for the Audience Award. From 1 to 31 December 2018, the dedicated website and the ArteKino app available for iOS and Android, developed in collaboration with FESTIVAL SCOPE, will allow the public to watch a selection of 10 films with a choice of subtitles in up to ten languages (French, German, English, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish, Portuguese, and Ukrainian).


Historias llenas de intriga y superación.


Peliculas con énfasis en el vivir juvenil.


It’s my 25th year of existence. I survived the chaos. I can travel by myself on the overground, the underground and the bus. I know how to get myself to the ICA, I thirst for celluloid more than ever before, I have a lifetime membership at the Prince Charles Cinema and the BFI Southbank is screening animation all year round. Also, my favourite mainstream cinema now has reclining seats.


Let’s do this.


Movies That I am Not Decided if I Want To Keep Or Not.
