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Pin Cushion 2018

The film piles on the misery. although it's quite true to life, and many of us will find something to resonate here. Not every situation is realistic, however - the 'safe place' of the assertiveness group wasn't safe, and it plays out a little falsely' - but for the most part, it is quite evocative in its depiction of the bullies and victims that are in our society.

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I cried a lot during this movie and the ending left me deviated. I thought it was a very well made film.

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This film was heading to an average 6 out of 10 before the final 15 minutes. Lily Newmark plays Iona, a sheltered teenager starting at a new school, because she and her mother have been uprooted from another town, something which we feel has happened to the pair before.

The mother, played brilliantly by Joanna Scanlan suffers from a crippling inability to be social, mostly due to her appearance, and this has a snowball effect on her relationship with her daughter.

There are a few scenes and a few performances that I felt were slightly weak. But the way the third act pans out is gripping, shocking, dark, hard hitting and engaging. I didn't see it coming at all, and the very end scene offers a lovely pay off.

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