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Pet Sematary: Bloodlines 2023

Boring :( first one was better

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Easily the worst entry in the franchise. Plot line is garbage, added new rules and neglected others. Character motivations were nonsensical. I should have skipped this one altogether.

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Was actually ok. The ending sort of watered it down.

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Not many pets, not a lot of cemetary.

I liked the gore, the sets, it has some nice shots, decent acting and I don't think it's anything anyone expected as a script for a new Pet Sematary movie. It's completely different from the other 3 movies. If you take it out of the franchise though, it's a regular slasher with a supernatural twist and not a very good one at that. I got some entertainment out of the third act but overall this is very forgettable.

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i like a movie i can do other shit during as much as an engaging one so tbh this was good background noise

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Seriously an hour and twenty seven minutes of NOTHING!!! Boring as F!!!!

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Why do prequels, reboots and remakes always suck? If you're trying to find something to help you fall asleep, this is a good choice because it's very boring.

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Not quite as good as the original or the reboot, but I did enjoy it more than the original sequel. It was a decent horror romp that will not likely attract a new audience, but it entertained me!

Rating: 2.5/5 - 70% - Worth Watching

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It was decent. It wasn't anything special though.

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Pet Sematary: Bloodlines is a pretty rote prequel that delivers some thrills. Expanding on a chapter of the Stephen King book, the story follows Jud Crandallas he discovers that his childhood friend who recently returned from Vietnam was raised from the dead using the ancient Indian burial ground. Unfortunately there’s not a lot of mystery or suspense; as the plot doesn’t deviant from what was in the book, nor does it expand on it that much. Still, there are a few interesting changes and the director adds a bit of atmosphere and tension. Also, the violence and gore is fairly well-done, providing some scary moments. Yet while Pet Sematary: Bloodlines isn’t a bad film, it’s wholly forgettable, retreading the same ground as the previous films.

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Sometimes...the original is better.

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Awful movie. By far the worst in the entire franchise. Yes, even worse than Pet Sematary 2.

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Aside from the any jump scares throughout, it’s a serviceable prequel and addition to the franchise.

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I don’t know if I’m getting sentimental in my old age or this was a lot better than I expected. It spoke to me on a lot of different levels. If you’re a King fanatic it isn’t to be skipped.

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While I was disappointed this movie didn't dip into the origins of the evil, I did love it. It gave some incite on Jud Crandall's younger years while arousing my curiosity as to what started it all. I do hope there are further movies explaining it.

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Well, that was a stinker. Storylines that don't really connect, a back story that is weak, and just didn't make much logical sense.

Mostly bad.

Natalie in different outfits.. Outstanding

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I gave this movie a chance during the first 30mins. I told myself it is going to get better. Oh boy was I wrong.
Failed to build on the storyline
The acting was mediocre at best
Most of the scenes were just whack

Is it worth it? No really. If you watched one and two you might be interested in this one.

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