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Peace by Chocolate 2021

This is such a charming indie movie. While the film is based on a true story about recent events the themes in the movie are timeless. When hasn't there been a time in history where outsides are viewed as strange and dangerous? Anyway, I've seen a lot of these small-budget productions and this movie is extremely well-done. Also, I recommend staying through the credits as there are some scenes and information that you won't want to miss.

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The filmmakers did a very good job of translating this true story, of immigrants coming to a small Nova Scotian town, into an interesting drama and not a documentary. The acting is good. The situations are true to both the Syrian culture and the Maritime culture. If only they had learned to say Antigonish. Each time it was mispronounced our Dartmouth audience winced. My exit poll of about 10 people rated the show: 7, 7.5, seven 8s, and one 8.5. I give this movie a 7.9 (very good) out of 10. [Drama]

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