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Patient Zero 2018

This film has a great cast. Unfortunately you can't polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter! The plot is poor and derivative, but I think it was the dialogue that was ultimately made me scream "stop it". It picks up whenever Tucci is on the screen but even the maestro can't save this one. Such a shame.

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It's always good to see Matt Smith on screen; here, regenerating as an American. And Stanley Tucci is always a treat to watch, especially here in his zombie debut. But the film is a mishmash of half baked ideas, with an ending that is rushed and frustrating. A disappointment then, lacking the bite it needed to chomp its mark in the horror genre.

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Defiantly brings a different card to the table and did like the idea behind it but It's nothing great. It has average action and the plot ended poorly and could've been better If it was In hands of a better director and there's much more they could work with. It's one of them films where the cast It's got makes most of the rating I've given it.

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Loved the movie...hated the ending!! Were they planning on making another one??

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The talent involved here should make this brilliant, instead it's a rather mundane zombie-ish story filmed mainly in a bunker. I guess they spunked all the budget on the two music tracks they played...

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Shout by Dani

It's very mediocre in my opinion.. nothing special.
I had high hopes for this movie because the plot looked cool and also the poster looked really nice... but I didn't understand some things
For example (spoilers) :
If the main character is the patient zero.. how he didn't knew that? Also.. why only one "zombie" is intelligent and the others are just aggressive brain deads?
This questions weren't answered in the movie so I got confused at the end

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A modern update of Day of the Dead, Patient Zero is a frightening horror-thriller. In the aftermath of a rage virus that turns people rabid, a secret underground military base experiments on the infected looking for a cure; but when they discover an Infected who’s intelligent and doesn’t react like the others they start to question everything they think they know. Featuring Natalie Dormer and Stanley Tucci, the film has a pretty strong cast, and the writers do a good job at setting up the post-apocalyptic world and the Infection. Additionally, the action scenes are well-done and full of suspense. Yet the blood and gore never gets gratuitous (as most zombie/virus films want to do). Patient Zero is a smart and exciting Romero-esque horror film.

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It wasn’t horrible but I wouldn’t recommend watching it. I don’t know how Smith got an acting job when he was in his little interrogation room he flubbed through most of the lines.

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My God, how many ideas did they have to kill in order to make this movie!? The humanity!

The writing is atrocious (some zombies are fully functioning, some zombies are brain dead, some zombies are half-zombies, some zombies aren't zombies) and the sets are straight from The Wizards of Waverly Place. Even worse, Natalie Dormer and Stanley Tucci are buried alive in this ugly pit of clichés and one wonders if their careers will get out alive.

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Wow. What a shame for Natalie, Stanley and John, they are amazing actors and this movie didn't worth their talent. Bad production and poor "drama". This is an example of how you shouldn't do an post-apocalyptic movie.

I really love Natalie and she is the only reason why I don't put a 1 on it.

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This movie is so bad, that even the great acting skills of Matt Smith couldn't save it. He's the only reason I gave it a 5. The script is terrible, the plot is boring. Even the ending sucked as we never got to find out what happened.

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This movie reminds me "Day of the dead: bloodline 2018" but i like these new intelligent zombies because I'm sick of how stupid walkers are in The walking dead!!

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