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Party Monster 2003

Seth Green and Macaulay Culkin team up to explore the morally and sexually confused NYC night club scene of the early '90s. Shot with a transparent low budget, it's an excruciatingly amateur production: bad lighting, listless performances, crude cinematography and creatively bankrupt screenwriting are just the tips of the iceberg.

Neither Green nor Culkin seems particularly involved in their roles, with each actor's strange cadence and emotionless delivery giving the constant impression that a cash-strapped director used first takes for every shot. Lacking even a single likable character, Party Monster chooses to embrace and celebrate a lifestyle so waspy, entitled and superficial that I caught myself actively rooting against the lot of them. Overdrugged, shallow, trivial and irritating, its only use might be as a showcase of fantastically absurd costumes and makeup.

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