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Paranormal Activity 2 2010

Paranormal Activity 2 (2010): 6.6/10 (Fair, Above Average)

While “Paranormal Activity 2” improves upon the original in a few areas, the film’s underwhelming conclusion ultimately brings it down. The first “Paranormal Activity” was more effective because of its slower but steadily increasing levels of tension and unease; this time around, the tempo is a little over the place. The story isn’t bad on its own, but it falls apart as soon as you connect it with the original. The first film had a more intriguing concept, with a demon nearly showing affection towards Katie, rather than the same old pact with the devil nonsense this one has going on. As a standalone film, Paranormal Activity 2 is a passable horror flick that, like its predecessor, excels at keeping things straightforward. If you liked the first film in the Paranormal Activity franchise, you’d appreciate this one just as much, and even if you didn’t, you might want to give it a go because it’s different enough to appeal to those who didn’t enjoy the previous one.

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Quite scary and enjoyable despite the simplistic plot and setting.

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As I expected, a crappy movie. Throughout the movie you will only see doors slamming and pans falling. The only thing that doesn't make me put a lower rating than this is the ending, in which something is seen and happens (and it's also done well).


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Paranormal Activity 2 is a smart and suspenseful thriller that opens up the series mythology and delivers some frightening scares. The film compiles found footage of Kristi Rey and her family as they begin to experience unusual and bizarre events at their home. The story very cleverly weaves itself into the events of the first film and incorporates the original characters (Katie and Micah) into the plot. And although the film sticks to the conventions and formulas previously established, it’s still able to deliver the scares and shocks that makes the series so terrifying. With Paranormal Activity 2, the series builds a rich mythology while also providing spine-tingling chills.

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The hardcore male skeptic trope in this genre is starting to get real old.

Favorite thing about this one though is the upgrade to security cameras that translate to a larger and higher quality canvas to see from.

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I love how this was done as a prequel. That dad is a douche though. Not as sweet and accepting as Micha.

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Tedium punctuated by a small hand-full of jump-out-of-your seat moments.

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