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Paradise 2023

Pretty lame all around. I won't rehash all the negative points from the other comments but I'll add that the dubbing into English is painful and the soundtrack is terrible. The first track, a cover of "I can see clearly now" is absolute donkey poop.

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One of the best Sci-fi movies of 2023 I guess, a very interesting premise, not new, but not used at it's maximum potential. I loved the soundtrack too, very reminiscent of the German show "Dark" I guess is the Germany style of storytelling. Very well written, there's one or two plot holes but overall there's chances to expand the story in different ways for more content if this becomes successful.

I hope there's a continuation of this movie, it's premise has all the potential to become at least a trilogy...

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The film starts with an intriguing concept that has the potential for disturbing darkness. The idea of a government-controlled society, where freedom of expression and individual thought are suppressed, is a theme that can generate a lot of reflection. However, the film does not explore this concept in depth.

As a result of this lack of exploration, the story loses its impact. The film becomes predictable and superficial. Instead of being a disturbing reflection on the nature of control, the film becomes just another dystopian science fiction film.

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Ah, the dystopias! One more film that criticizes the current society, while criticizing the potential society that it will become. Capitalism destroying everything and being the great culprit.

Very good production. Good performances, excellent photography, good production design, good sound editing and soundtrack.

Do the abandoned hotels have electricity, running water and even hot water? And one here paying for the services.

Everything at the end happens so quickly that it loses its appeal.

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Not bad but not great. The basic premise is something we've seen before. Simply put there really wasn't anything new here but still worth a watch.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I like the concept of the story told here but I would have liked it to have a deeper meaning and show more of the consequences of the choices made. In the finale, everything happens too quickly, there's no real character development to appreciate. Overall I don't regret watching it.

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Good premise, but poorly followed through.
In a world where people in power know your every move, how did this guy figure he could get away.. and accomplish a half-asses scheme?
Way too many stupid things going on to make this even remotely feasible. Not only that - one minute he's driving a Honda, the next a VW.. is no one paying attention when they make these movies?

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I often wonder if people have seen the same movie as the one I just watched.

This movie is superb. Some of the themes are familiar- government complicit in corporate greed, corporations lacking a moral compass, rich people doing whatever the fuck they want.

This movie touches on these, and more, in a really compelling way.

Apparently the English dubbed version is horrible. My advice for all content: always watch the original language version with subtitles.

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It started pretty good and got worse and worse with every Minute.
The end was a bad Action movie. And again germans showed, that they can't make good movies (anymore)

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Concept is super cool and the ending is good enough but the focus on being an action movie is a let down. The movie also didn’t have to vilify the antagonist so much. The actual antagonist is capitalism.

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Expectedly good again for a German film. I would not have thought so. In any case, not a wasted lifetime.

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A very interesting premise well portrayed. A few good twists and turns keeps the viewer interested all the way through. Well worth a watch. A good soundtrack, would like to see a follow up movie to this. :thumbsup_tone1:

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