It's pretty confusing if you don't know the context but was enjoyable to me anyways. I really didn't know what was happening most of the time but it didn't matter cuz I was invested anyway. A second watch would probably be even more enjoyable.

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That big fight scene at the end has to be one of the most Tarantino scenes I've seen. I was getting really excited during that fight as well, but when Rick torches her, it's just like okay now what. bit of a disappointing climax though.
This film also relies too much on you knowing about the Manson family murders, which I did not.

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This cast has to be one of the best in film history!

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If you see the names "Tarantino" "DiCaprio" "Brad" "Margot" you are waiting a wonderful movie. However, in this movie I checked my watch to understand "How many minutes did I waste with this movie". In the whole movie, nothing is happening. For example, you are seeing Margot Robbie for at most 10 minutes, and she is dancing or not talking. They just used the power of the names to attract people.

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Pretty good, though it meanders a bit.

I highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Manson Family and the Tate murders, if you're not already, to give you a better idea of what's going on in the world around the characters.

I expect this to receive several Oscar nominations, if for no other reason than its portrayal of Hollywood, and there's nothing the Academy loves more than itself. :laughing:

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What a hogwash!! With all these big names in the movie it still turned out to be a total waste of time. In this almost three hour long torture there were maybe two or three exciting scenes. There was literally no story and I'm still thinking what was the point of all this??

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Great cast, very good acting. Good style, it feels like hanging out with the guys in the 70s. However that’s all that this movie is - hanging out with them. There is simply no story. It feels like Tarantino stole my time :(

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This movie is so boring! Am i the only ?

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All these huge names and you come up with that? This has to be the best worst horrible movie ever. Waste of time.

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The Academy has lost its mind. This is awful

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I really didn't understand the hype. Everyone was saying how good this film is, but I literally fell asleep about 90 minutes in. There is no plot. I get that the production value is great, the acting is fantastic. But there is no story. Maybe one of the worst experiences I have ever had in a movie theater.

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Big names with poor story!

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I'm so happy that I didn't watch this at the cinema. This movie sets a new definition for boredom. 2h pure pain - absolutely no story. I agree thought Jackie Brown was his worst movie but this beats it easily.

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This movie is unbelievably bad.

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Absolutely fantastic. Tarantino at his best.

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The most satisfying ending of cinema history.

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There are too few highlights for this to be a great movie. Personally, I considered both scenes with interactions between Leo and Julia Butters the best parts. Leo generally did a great job with presenting the vulnerable side of his character.

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Expectations for the movie were average / high. I know some of Tarantino's work, and as a fan I was hoping for something to win me over. And it did.

The movie tells the daily life of some characters in the Hollywood universe and does it very well. I wonder how something so simple can make the viewer so clinging to the screen. Camera angles Tarantino style, history Tarantino style, scenes Tarantino style, a Tarantino movie.

Highlight for the fantastic performance of DiCaprio, which played an excellent role. I expected a different role from Robbie, perhaps because I see her a lot like Harley, a completely different role. And as for the performance of Timothy Olyphant, I found it quite mediocre ...

I heard a lot of criticism in general that the film was different from Tarantino's usual record, and even criticism of Bruce Lee's situation. I saw nothing wrong in either situation.

One of the most satisfying movies I've ever seen.

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Worst movie I have seen in a really long time. Great actors but you leave the theater not knowing what the hell you watched for 2 and a half hours and enjoying a total of 5 minutes at the end of the movie.

Save your money.

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I loved the movie and I'm pretty stocked if the rumor of the 4 hour Netflix cut is true, BUT I totally understand the people who didn't like it. It's not for everybody and it's not a typical Tarantino flick.

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Things that look cool the movie. Felt like one big trailer of disjointed parts. If anyone else made this movie it would be a joke. QT is beyond running out of ideas now. This is some death bed flashback of his memories.

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Quentons weakest film yet. bradd pitt and leonardo were great.

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Brad Pitt's character honestly was the most amazing part of the movie. His scenes were truly gold!

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Hey Quentin, we don't care about your nostalgia mania. Give us good movies like you did when you was a young director.

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A fake movie with a ridiculous ending.

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Had to happen one day but Tarantino finally made an average film. His 8th weakest film with only Jackie Brown worse. Far too long and too slow. Still my fave director but I won’t be in a hurry to rewatch this one.

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it's refreshing to have this movie in nowadays dominated world of remakes and superhero movies. a lot of movies are full of mediocre scene and only save the best for climax, here every scene felt genuinely well made, with a lot of detail and character development. the plot may not have been continuous, in fact, it did not have a clear direction like "save the world" or "escape the haunted house" like in other movies. but that's exactly the beauty of it, not following cliches at all.

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My first reaction was, "Who is the audience for this?" Manson, Helter Skelter, the Hollywood of Sharon Tate are almost in the forgotten or unknown history of anyone under 40. Will the audience pick up the subtle establishment of these historical characters? Unless they go to the theatre prepped with the significance of the dates, will they know the context of the plot. If they think this is a movie about the fading trajectory of Hollywood careers, they will find the plot very slow and plodding. If they are knowledgable enough to know the Sharon Tate's story, they may feel the weight of the inevitable hanging over the whole piece, but, even with this stellar cast and a pervading anticipation of doom, this movie spends a lot of time on nothing. Personally, I think the cheat at the end is not a good enough payoff for the 161 minutes. The acting is good enough for a 6 (fair) out of 10, but Tarantino come close to boring us to death or, worse yet, disrespecting the victims of a shocking evil. [Criminal Dramedy?]

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Shout by Kurtis Money
BlockedParent2019-07-22T22:23:08Z— updated 2019-08-17T09:40:58Z

I saw this on Saturday introduced by the man himself, QT, and it was spectacular. Got tickets to see it 3 more times already. So good!

Saw this tonight for the 7th time and I'm trying to make that the last time. I could watch this beaut all day!!!!

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This felt disjointed and scattershot for most of the film's runtime, but I enjoyed the way the storytelling hopped around. There was something building and embarrassingly, I caught on awfully late. The three main actors were great. Margot Robbie is just beautiful and likeable. Brad Pitt is cool, tough and caring. DiCaprio's portrayal of the fictional Rick Dalton is the MVP, though. He's such a multi-dimensional character and it would be fun to see more of his Dalton's behind-the scenes antics.

The revisionist history tale is fine, but it's always about the dialog with Tarantino. It was fun to just follow these characters around.

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Save your time and money, unless you want to take a nap in a dark room with some talented actors.

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The culmination of Quentin Tarantino is probably the most well-made film in his filmography. The producers and all the crew have done a wonderful job, and above all, Quentin Tarantino has upgraded his boundaries to the next level. I no longer have anything more to ask for in a film. But Tarantino always bounces off these moods, and that is what makes him so respectable.
What is surprising is that Tarantino did not receive an Oscar for Best Screenplay for this film. The screenplay for this film is one of the best and most captivating of his career, but when it comes to the Oscars, I get the impression that it was beaten out by a crappy film.
But Stanley Kubrick has already taught us that the Oscar is not everything.

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An entertaining movie filled with fantastic performances and gripping dialogue. Although, this movie is slightly directionless as I was 2/3rds of the way through the movie and had no idea where it was trying to take me. Despite that fact, I still was engaged and had a great time watching. The third act is so off the walls and crazy that it makes the entire slow burn of the film worth every second.

Score: 88%
Verdict: Excellent

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I never thought I would hate a Tarantino movie, but this was plain boring.

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I have seen it twice now and I love it more. People who care about plot, plot, plot need to be exposed to other type of cinema. Never heard of hang out movies?

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Great acting, great cast (can’t really go wrong can you Quinten?) However the story (what little there is) is all over the place.

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Tarantino doing what he knows best! Btw, it is nice to know the C. Manson story before watching the movie

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"Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood" vibrates with the energy of a Tarantino's classic - yet it brings up a new, refreshing point, standing out from all the director's previous works.

Loved it!

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Good acting, shitty story. Or one must be american to understand it.

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Tarantino's problem is that he has fallen in love with himself so much that he no longer makes movies, he parodies his own movies. It was already horrible the hateful 8, dialogues and Tarantinian dialogues without any grace. And now he gives us 3 hours of soporific cinema. Now all the films last 3 hours, but at least some of them do not have 1.5 leftovers.

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Disappointing. It feels like Tarantino had nothing to 'say' with this movie. I think he just liked the idea of filming a bunch of 60s-themed stuff... And while he's very good at that, it didn't need to be almost 3 hours long.

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From writer/director Quentin Tarantino comes the period drama Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood. A “what if” historical fiction like Inglourious Basterds, the film looks at the 1969 Manson Family Murders supposing that an aging action star and his stuntman had been living next door to Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate. Featuring Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Kurt Russell, and Dakota Fanning, the film has an impressive cast; though most of the roles (apart from DiCaprio and Pitt) are little more than extended cameos. And the pacing is incredible slow, fetishizing old Hollywood as Tarantino is want to do. Still, his penchant for witty, engaging dialog is in full effect. While it meanders about too long and its blurring of fantasy and reality feels like a cheat, Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood is entertaining and fun (to a point).

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As usual, Brad Pitt stole the show.

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Worst film I have seen in many years.

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Its the best movie from tarantino, acting very good, action was good, everything was good

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Too long, too boring. Tarantino is getting old :disappointed:

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This movie is a piece of art. Tarantino's crown jewel.

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The movie is great fun and well acted. My problem is that in Quentin Tarantino’s mind. Bruce Lee was an ego maniac bully. So he is portrayed as one here.
Jackie Chan who actually met him. Says Lee accidentally kicked Chan once and comforted him for hours. He felt so bad.
Otherwise the film is an entertaining character study and a fun fictional version of 1960’s Hollywood. If you have have a love for movies. You’ll probably appreciate it.

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I can see why some critics called this an obituary to a lost Hollywood. It was very much a lyrical paean until the climax, and what a climax! Nice alternate history fix-up richly embroidered with real sights and sounds of the period. What could have improved it would have been a little more from inside the Family. I suppose he was trying not to glamorise them though. I watched it at home not in the cinema, and in two pieces over two nights. Then that gave me the idea: it should have been a series.

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Why the FUCK they making a movie that changes the real history?
It's just ordinary FAKE MOVIE (like fake news)!

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Brad Pitt's character honestly was the most amazing part of the movie. His scenes were truly gold!

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Brad Pitt's character honestly was the most amazing part of the movie. His scenes were truly gold!

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I found this a bit of a slog to be honest but I thought that it was well made. A lot of it didn't make sense to me as I'm British and therefore American history isn't my strong subject. Sharon Tate meant nothing to me and throughout the film I kept wondering why she was so prevalent in the second act.

Having read some of the other posts/comments I get it now so I may well have to watch this one again a some point.

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after watching this movie.... still wondering what's the point of doing it? apart from Pitt i really didn't like it!

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There's a lot to like here: great cast, acting, editing, music, etc, but the plot felt a bit aimless and drawn out.

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One more time QT!! Stunning!!

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Once upon a time in shit :poop: movie land. OMG the worst Quentin Tarantino movie ever !!! :thumbsdown: The cast of het the movie is great :muscle:, but that is the only thing thats great about this movie :sob:

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It’s a fun ride. The acting from brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio was great. The stuff with Hollywood and behind the scenes of that was very interesting. It’s great how it shows the 60’s, and Dang that ending was crazy. For some people it may be too slow but for me it had me interested the whole time. If you’re not a fan of slower and longer movies this is not for you. Overall it’s a great movie altogether and is probably one of the best of the year behind Joker and The Irishman.

(8 out of 10)

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A very fun Tarantino movie. not a great action and lot of exposition but overall very fun and good past-timer.

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Had no idea what the hell I was watching the entire film

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"It feels like Tarantino is so wrapped up in indulging in his own filmmaking style that he loses sight of what made his best movies work."

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Well the movie is actually good but it was so complicated to understand and in the end there is no point watching it. Although the movie is really cool but there are a lot of question marks about that. DiCaprio and Pitt play wonderful.

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Movie that screams Tarantino on all four sides, is a good summary of all his filmography, including the best and the worst of it. The characters are very well built, evolve and relate very well to each other. It has some loose ends, such as the character of Margot Robbie who does not contribute much to the film unfortunately. The final scene is INSANE.

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The cinematography and Tarantino's effort fully immerses the viewer into the sixties. That was amazing. But the movie was long and draggy and the story was terrible.

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A lot of the movie is just kind of “hanging out” in Hollywood in 1969, I don’t love that idea but if you are gonna do it you might as well hang out with Cliff Booth (Pitt) and Rick Dalton (DiCaprio) and to a lesser extent Sharon Tate (Robbie). Underrated sequence is when Sharon goes into a theater to see her movie with a crowd and soak in their reactions, that kind of lays it all out right there, of course you get fame and money but all of these people are playing dress up and make believe to entertain an audience. This isn’t the first time Tarantino has delved into the art of filmmaking and it crosses the borderline of pretentious self indulgence but still a good time at the movies.

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Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Dakota Fanning, Tim Roth & Al Pacino all in one movie directed by Quentin Tarantino? This is gonna be good......

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I would score it with a 6 but it gets one more point by the Flamethrower.

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Ultimately, disappointing individually acceptable story telling scenes that don't really add up to much collectively. Sure the last 30minutes were fun, in usual Tarantino fanfare, but that doesnt make up for the initial 2 hours. I can say with 100% confidence, that I will never see this again, and have truly no interest to.

I'm all for telling stories, and by all means, excellent build up, character development, drama, mystery, and intrigue, are all extremely important to creating a story. That said, this proved to be a very big waste of time with so little of that even having any reason to be there. Yes, I get it. He's a down on his luck actor, his friend has a bad (although possibly true) history of killing his wife, who can clearly fight and his dog is as poetically, and really obviously shown multiple times by Tarantino on purpose, a "WOLF DOG FOOD FOR MEAN DOGS" .

... but for the life of me, I can't understand why any of this needed to amount to almost 3 hours, when 80-90 minutes would have more than sufficed. This unfortunately, screams Tarantino for much of the past 2 decades.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2019-07-26T03:35:05Z— updated 2019-12-31T03:18:07Z

It's fun to hangout with Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt and that's what the majority of the movie is. A lot of the hollywood behind the scenes stuff is interesting. This didn't have Tarantino's best dialogue or the best music and feels middle of the road for his movies but great overall.

I liked this more on a second watching knowing what type of movie this is and just enjoying the terrific performances, the awesome music, the great cinematography, the attention to detail and fun editing. Brad Pitt really is fantastic but so is DiCaprio, the whole eight whisky sours scene is perfect. It's a great hang and the ending is so absurd, I love it.

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How does this movie have high rating. It’s boring as shit. 48 mins into movie for something interesting than 2 mins of something interesting. After that back to boring shit.

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Leonardo DiCaprio plays one of his best roles of his entire career but Brad Pitt has the coolest character in cinema. I love this film ... especially the end!

Who criticizes the movie is a stupid progressive!

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I'm sorry but I just don't get it.
Nothing happens in the entire film. You could easily edit it to 10 slow minutes and experience everything, so I guess the 2:40 hrs is the joke on viewer's account.

You'll enjoy it best by leaving it on to play on your TV while you're folding laundry, washing dishes etc.
Don't sit down and watch.

I gonna call here that the king is naked.

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Had no idea what the hell I was watching the entire film

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Shout by Deleted

This movie was cool, really COOL!
although it may not be perfect, kind of slow, and maybe kind of "offensive" for some softies and snowflakes out there.. but despite all that it was absolutely cool and interesting.
The acting is 10/10 and it was the cast that made me watch this in the first place, Leonardo is the funniest he has ever been, and Brad is the most awesome he has ever been, Brad Pitt's character was just so freaking awesome!
(P.S. before you watch this movie read about or just research about Tate Murderes aka. The Mason Family murders, my sister didn't know about that story and she didn't understand much until I told her about that tragic event)

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Fantastic movie. Every scene keeps you on the edge of your seat. Watched countless times, and will continue to watch over and over again. It is that good.

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Shout by Deleted

This was one of the first contacts I had with a Quentin Tarantino film. I always heard that he liked to use violence a lot in his films. When I knew the time when the film was going to happen and the historical context that would revolve around the film, I was very curious on how he would approach such a case. To be honest, the film is quite slow and I was not able to get so attached to the characters (Except the dog Brandy <3). What interested me most was the end of the film. He surprised me positively for knowing how to use violence in a very intelligent way that made me vibrate and feel pleasant at the same time. It is strange for an extremely violent scene to make the viewer feel so good about it. Who doesn't know actress Sharon Tate and her story, do some research before seeing the movie. It will help a little to understand the ending and the homage behind some scenes.

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Fun watch but not much reason to watch again...git to the back of the bus with Planet Terror

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You have to wait until 2h26m to finally see the actual Tarantino style. And it last for 6-7m.

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Tarantino crafted something completely different from his previous movies, and it it is quintessentially his movie. He's able to craft an entirely new world around people that have lived, creating new characters that trickle in beautifully along the movie whom you get to know intensely along the ride. One of Pitt's and DiCaprio's strongest performances.

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Wow .. that movie was one hell of a ride. A ride i wish i could have jumped back on shortly after, to ride it on through the finish line again.

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This is a desert island movie for me. It’s so well done you feel like you’ve been transported back in time. It’s a story about best friends, a story I’ll never get tired of watching.

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First acts are a group wank for people with hardons for Hollywood and another for the sixties and climax to feet in Hollywood in the sixties.

Last act and finale is a very heavy handed transition to alt history vengeance porn on the Manson family murderers for what they did to Hollywood actors that feels like a template after Inglorious Basterds.

It has some moments but in all it's like a costume drama by and for the Oscars.

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Ma note exact est de 67/100

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I liked it ! And when my friend explained me from what the movie is inspired, it made it even better.

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