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Non-Transferable 2017

Spoiler alert, it's bad.... The main characters love interest should have been the guy who broke up with her at the beginning because the the person they chose just looks gay and not like a suitable match, he wasn't manly at all and therefore not very believable. I just figured out why he was cast for the lead man roll, he is the writer and producer. Ouch! It's a shame, he had a chance to make a so so plot pretty decent with the right cast and dumping some of the cheesy/bad lines and poor acting and timing. This one is a waste of time with too high of a rating probably from friends and family of the cast and writer is my guess. HARD PASS ON THIS ONE.

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Major cheese alert. Please producers stop starring in your own movies, it just doesn't work. It was already pretty corny but Brendan Bradley ruins the movie with the "command" he speaks with, which makes sense as a producer/writer, but makes no sense at all for his character. The on screen chemistry between the leads feels more like a brother-sister relationship and ends up feeling creepy. Bad movie.

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