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No Exit 2022

I thought it was excellent, and the lead was great.

The slow build was excellent and the second half was absolutely brutal. The fact that one pistol and one nail gun create more tension than an entire room full of AKs tells you everything you need to know about the writer. I did. Not see the twist with the wife coming either. That was a pleasant surprise.

Highly recommend.

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It’s a solid little thriller featuring a fantastic lead performance and a decent level of suspense, and the one location setting works incredibly well here. I didn't really have any expectations going in. I thought it's one of those clichéd and boring thrillers but it's actually very fun. It’s equal parts suspenseful, harrowing, silly and kinda brutal in some parts. There's some good unexpected twists with great edge-of-seat suspense that keeps gradually rising. Add to that the criminals-bad-at-being-criminals silliness that absolutely makes your blood boil. I think this film needs more blood.

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Perfectly entertaining. A good premise - hints of 'The Hateful Eight' - and decent performances. But it could have been so much more.

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This movie surprised me. It was quite a bit better than I expected it to be. There was one expected reveal and one very unexpected reveal that was really surprising to me.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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This neat little thriller was better than expected and has some genuine moments of flare. Worth your time! 7/10

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Though there are some weak plot points, I was riveted throughout this entire film. Great lil indie thriller with a small but talented cast.

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The direction this went in surprised me. Unfortunately, the movie I was expecting would have been more fun than the one I got.

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"Everybody's got a tell. Trick is, play the man, not the hand."

I am happy others enjoyed this movie. The thing is, if you read the book you will know that this movie is just a hollow shell of the book. Usually movies change a few things where this one is completely different. As far as entertainment goes, it feels on par with streaming movies.

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Though the story is somewhat convoluted, there are some excellent twists and turns, powerful tension and striking performances from the cast, particularly Havana Rose Liu.

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I’m surprised by the positive comments because I couldn’t wait to find the exit!

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Predictable but one time watch

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Solid, but lacking. If you're into small budget thrillers you could do worse. There are tense moments, and some really silly ones. 5.8 for me.

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Not much a story, but the acting is sound and there are much worse ways to spend 90 minutes.

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Good movie to me. I liked how the plot happens. It makes you wonder what's going to happen next all the time, and right when it happens it switches events again. That was good. Some good character decisions were made, and some were not. As I always say: if you are not expecting a masterpiece and just wanna kill some time, then this movie is good. If you are looking for something more than this than don't watch it.

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No one else was available.

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I only watched shit movies this year, so this was surprisingly good overall. I didn’t like the ending though because there would have been other ways to let it end with more surprise/thrill moments. My ending of I had wrote it, would have blamed all on her or even make her a crazy psychopathic killer who made it all up in her mind etc

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A big MEH for me.

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It wasn't too bad, nice lil twists and the acting was there. Though the plot of saving a lil girl who was already an a**h*le with an illness just makes you think, all this for a girl like that? LOL i know, i need to have more compassion and empathy but it is just a show. Overall, it's a decent movie, not too boring and has enough suspense to keep you going~

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Starts off a bit bullshit but when the film finds it groove it's a suitably tense thriller Not great but solid

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I thought was excellent movie

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Interesting will keep you interested. Simplish story with interesting twists. Well acted, well paced.

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Damn I couldn't get past 3 minutes

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Shout by KornManiak23
BlockedParent2022-04-01T01:19:21Z— updated 2024-01-09T06:31:33Z

It's a decent winter thriller

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I can't see shit. Most scenes are just too dark to distinguish anything what's going on.

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Decent thriller in fairness to it. Nothing spectacular, but not bad by any means. Acting was good, plenty of suspenseful moments throughout. Won’t blow you away but definitely worth a watch

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This is good. A solid 7 and I want to give it an 8 just to counteract people voting it down. It's an hour and thirty-six minutes long. It doesn't overstay its welcome, and I'd be surprised if anyone say all of the several plot twists coming. It's apparently based on a novel by the author of The Woman in the Window and now I'm curious if that's good.

This movie is a gem. It's one of those little movies that you go in without expectations and get pleasantly surprised. Not a waste of an hour and a half of your time.

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This was a really fun thriller to watch. I wasn’t sure going into it, but I’m glad I came across this movie.

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Couldn't get into this at all.

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Shout by Deleted

Well, that kid is an asshole, I would've sold her too :type_1_2:‍♂

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Decent thriller that turned it on as it was starting to lose me. Some fun reveals and nice violence.

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this movie did not really fallow the book . they changed so much

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Like a one-armed handjob, this movie drops the ball.

The single-location story about a woman who discovers a bound child in the back of a van at a rest area she and a group of people are snowed in at had me hooked from the beginning. Unfortunately, the script filled in numerous story holes with WTFs and the poor writing kept pulling me out of the film.

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The tension in this film deserves thumbs up. In addition, there are many unexpected things that will surprise you when you watch it.

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Had very low expectation of this and it far succeeded them... this is a good movie.
From start to finish it keeps you engaged and wondering what's going to happen next. I guessed a couple of things, but got a surprise or two as well...I love a twist that you don't see coming.


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