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Night of the Animated Dead 2021

The animation is fine but the script is '68 original verbatim (there isn't even a writer listed in the credits, not even a mention to Russo or Romero which is underhand). Only difference is we see Ben at the diner as he gets the truck he pulls up to the farmhouse and the gore is turned up to 11. It's neither bad nor good. Just confused why it exists other than quick cash in for anybody but Image Ten. Which says a lot.

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Level "Unremarkable" • 5 :heart: • Entertaining but bad.

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Not really sure what the point of this was. Terrible animation, okay voice cast and a couple slight tweeks to the story. The only thing it really had going for it was they jacked the gore quotient up a bit. This seems like a blatant cash grab.

Check out Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated instead. Much more creativity involved with that one.

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A faithful but unimaginative animated remake of Night of the Living Dead. There's nothing particularly special in here, no significant changes, only small tweaks here and there. The voice acting and score could have used some work but it was pretty fun and enjoyable. The animation is decent, very gory as well, and it's only an hour long. Would love to see more animated horror films.

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