Mulberry 1986

ppong, mulberry, lee mi-sook, lee dae-geun,
Back in the mid-1920s, in Korea, not everyone had enough to eat. Set in a small village called Yong-dam, this is the story of a woman called An-hyup who sells her body to men in exchange for rice because her wandering gambler husband, Sambo, fails to provide for his family. The villagers gossip about her but no one dares to expel her from the village since every man in the village has slept with her. But there is only one man she won't sleep with -- Samdol, the son of An-hyup's landlady. While working with An-hyup in collecting mulberries, Samdol tries to get her to sleep with him at every opportunity, but she won't cave in. Eventually when Sambo returns home, Samdol tells him that his wife's been sleeping around, only to get beat to death by Sambo. Then Sambo starts beating his wife and both begin crying bitterly.

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