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Miss Meadows 2014

Although the plot of the story is a good one and very intriguing, the play out of it and the atmosphere is quite strange and eery. Yes, that is the point, but the filming is awkward at times and there is little set up, as things just happen and jump to the next scene. Therefore, its seems under budget and older than it it. Despite it being cringy to watch, you kind of don't want to stop watching. Katie Holmes is just the perfect actress for this role and plays it so well.

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Great concept but kind of crummy movie. Just not interesting enough and never really builds the core characters to the point where you care if they live or die.

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Katie Holmes portrayal of Miss Meadows is amazing. her facial expressions even when not doing anything are perfect. the plot is somewhat predictable but I still enjoyed the film. the love scene was great. you'll see why.

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A seriously underrated film! a gem in the rough a must watch!!

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Shout by Deleted

Best movie I have seen in a while, something about the vigilante theme. It is cute and clever.

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The concept of a psychopath vigilante Mary Poppins is spectacular.
But they really don't utilize the concept very good at all apart from the fact that I would call this a very dark comedy and not a drama.
Within that genre there are plenty of other movies that does it better.
Falling Down (obviously), Violet and Daisy and God bless America are few that immediately spring to mind.

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really fun movie would recommend to friends

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great watch good story line.

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