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Midnight Kiss 2019

So fat this has to be the worst one yet...acting was lame and the plot was poor at best!

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Felt like I was watching a teen drama, or a boring soap opera, an episode of the OC maybe. Took me 3 tries to finish the episode. And also, do cops not exist in this episode's universe? What the hell?

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I quite enjoyed this slasher with a New Year's Eve theme. It's still pretty average as a whodunnit slasher and the killer is painfully obvious to anyone with half a brain cell but it's really fun and it's nice to see more gay representation in horror films. Not just the actors, but also director and writer in one film. I also didn't expect it to be so gay. There are lots of male nudity and sex scenes, they didn't hold back. Some pleasing visuals, surprisingly plenty of decent kills which I don't expect from Into the Dark I like that one or two characters aren't heavily stereotyped I actually want them to survive, and the dialogue is not as cringy as I was expecting. Anyway, happy new year!

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This was unwatchable garbage. Couldn't get past the first 15 minutes :face_vomiting:

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If you can skip past the opening 20 mins, as yeh I almost switched it off, it turns out to be better than a lot other episodes. A good slasher flick.

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this episode is self explanatory in the very first 10 minutes

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i feel like this was done better in Slasher Solstice

final verdict: bare butts required

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Definitely the worst episode so far, an absolute snoozefest!

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This was like... SUCH a boring episode I mean I can't evennn... Like everyone was SO GAY and like they all were like being like SO CLICHAY I mean... And they killed off the like really HOT one first I was like COME ONNNNNN at least kill off the tramp right? I mean like could she BE more BLAH-sé? They say that like not everything that glitters is like gold but come on I mean this was all glitter and no gold at all. More like wood. Man-wood. And man-ass with glitters.

Anyhoo, this episode like totally didn't do it for me and I found it to be totally not horror or anything... not even when they showed like the violent cut-away scenes.

Regardless tho, I hope my New Years Eve 2020 will be more interesting than this episode even though the characters in the episode had way more fun during their celebrations than I will have sitting at my dad's. Maybe I need to bring some glitter?

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This episode was the first one of this series to fall completely flat for me. I would have forgiven everything if I had felt even a little rush for longer than a split second but that never happened. Last year's episode had a sillier premise and still worked better.

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Shout by sp1ti

Both the writer and director of this are not total unkowns to the genre so seeing them making this piece of shit is just sad. Since the slasher and thriller elements are totally underdeveloped we instead are treated to a lot of "gay culture" stuff for the runtime which made it really odd to watch as I could not tell the intent behind it. If it was really aiming for representation it probably wouldn't have had all these vapid characters in it but they probably just didn't care and thought that male nudity and a killer in a puppy costume was enough to warrant them an audience... Anyhow - sadly the killer in this is just who you would expect boy would this scenario not work in the real world. I would also bet that this was not written with New Year's Eve im mind as it's protrayal is completly schizophrenic to the cast.

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Shout by sp1ti

Both the writer and director of this are not total unkowns to the genre so seeing them making this piece of shit is just sad. Since the slasher and thriller elements are totally underdeveloped we instead are treated to a lot of "gay culture" stuff for the runtime which made it really odd to watch as I could not tell the intent behind it. If it was really aiming for representation it probably wouldn't have had all these vapid characters in it but they probably just didn't care and thought that male nudity and a killer in a puppy costume was enough to warrant them an audience... Anyhow - sadly the killer in this is just who you would expect boy would this scenario not work in the real world. I would also bet that this was not written with New Year's Eve im mind as it's protrayal is completly schizophrenic to the cast.

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