Personal Lists featuring...

Miami Vice 2006


Based on the list by Jo Blo:


Underrated/Underseen Crime Flick Picks of the New Millennium

All crime flicks listed here: small films, foreign language imports, high-profile flops or victims of unjust critical dismissal. Some were even moderately successful, but deserve to be in more conversations, others are new, but under-exposed. Didn't love every one of these, but they all have a reason to be here.



films that are elevated or sophisticated in their themes, style, and execution, often blurring the lines between traditional genre conventions and arthouse or experimental cinema. These movies are often considered to be a combination of commercial appeal and artistic merit, combining elements of popular genres such as crime, science fiction, or horror, with more serious and thought-provoking themes, innovative cinematography, and a focus on character development. High art genre movies are often more character-driven and less reliant on conventional plot structures, and they challenge the audience's expectations while providing a unique and engaging viewing experience.


Essential movies for lonely people out there... if you want to feel something in this big big world.…



Watch all of these in order if you want to truly understand the world we live in today


Years 1931-2018 come from:
The New York Times: Book of Movies
the essential 1,000 films to see
2019 ed

Years after 2018 come from NYT website.

work in progress
There are discrepancies between the website and the book, particular for years after 2003. Please leave a comment for any errors you find.


"They get a bad rap from snobs, but don’t mess with action movies—they’re pumped up, loaded with ammo and in your face like Arnold Schwarzenegger on a bad day. Truth be told, no one can live solely on Woody Allen movies or animation alone. We need explosions periodically. Big ones. Preferably accompanied by catchphrases and squealing electric guitars. With crucial contributions from Hong Kong and France, the genre has a global richness that sneaks up on you like a swarthy henchman with a knife clenched between his teeth. And when we arrived at action’s ’80s movies heyday, when Hollywood stars ruled the roost, our research was euphoric. We’ve polled over 50 experts in the field, from essential directors like Die Hard’s John McTiernan to the actual folks in the line of fire, such as Machete himself, Danny Trejo. Critics and experts have weighed in, too."

The list has 102 titles because Kill Bill was counted as one entry.



The 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films list serves as a companion to the They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? 1,000 Greatest Films of all time list which, - by its nature - tends to have very few films from the 21st century in it. The 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films list attempts to highlight and honour this century's most critically revered films and act as a sort of 'resting bay' for many great films that are likely to be included in the 1,000 Greatest Films list sooner or later.



HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


Tous les films du podcast 2 Heures de perdues,
Les saisons 1 et 2 n'étant plus disponibles, la liste commence à la saison 3 (épisodes "Revival" inclus).


A list of the movies covered on the podcast Blank Check with Griffin & David, in the order by which they were covered. (Note: Does not include Patreon content)
List is updated 06/27/2020
