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Malum 2023

I personally like the original last shift better. It seemed like a scarier and tighter story that didn't explain too much. Not to say this one is bad, it just seems unnecessary. Nine years is a little early to remake something and if you put them side by side you wouldn't be able to tell which one is the older one visually unlike remaking something like Original the Hills have eyes. But like I said, this one does add a lot of extra content regarding the cult and the back story there. It also goes a little Lovecraft style towards the end. I think the showing too much took away from the horror and made it feel more like a grind house splatter film. It's worth a watch but I wouldn't pass up the original for this one.

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A remake of the 2014's “Last Shift” done by the original director. It wasn't great back then, nor is it great this second time around. If anything, the plot probably got even more incoherent.

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Potentially intriguing concept but lazy execution with devil worshipping cult cliches. Meat of the film is just characters smiling creepily saying super f***** up shit.

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Like me with only two pillows and an assless sex doll: they made the best they could with what they had.

I could do with a little more narrative and a little less of (well assembled) random horror imagery, but the fact is this low-budget horror ensemble packs a few punches when it manages to avoid some of the weaker cast members.

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Dont listen to all the avacado toast eaters.. this was a super fun watch..great old school gory effects..couple moments that made my kids go dad wtf are you watching bahahaha and it was free so stfu lol

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Better than Last Shift ! The first half is extremely similar, to the point where it seemed like a remake. The second half is so different though, more bloody, gory, wild, scary and absurd—in a good way. The rookie officer main character is a good one, easy to root for and her trying to reconnect with her deceased father is heartwarming. Good acting, nice effects, creepy setting, some decent scares sprinkled throughout, the entity has an original crazy look and a shit ton of lore. Too much lore! The story is the biggest flaw it feels like in was made up along the way and filled with plot holes. The last third of the film was a bloody wild silly ride.

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Worest horror movie ever neeeeh

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Low budget horror is a true crapshoot. For every Evil Dead there's a myriad of unmemorable, but potentially workman like, gorefests. Malum is competently made and has some scenes of menacing terror, but as a whole it's just...ok. Genre fans may appreciate moments, but there are better demon-based gore horror flicks out there.

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I had a good time with it. It had some pretty freaky moments.

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I have regrets.

This movie wasn’t a COMPLETE waste of time. It had a few moments. But it was mostly meandering in search of a story and couldn’t find one. So many really amateur low effort jump scares. A few really wild FX scenes but mostly a waste of time.

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I am writing to recommend an exceptional movie I recently watched, "Malum". I assure you, it's a riveting experience that will keep you glued to your screen.

The narrative revolves around Jessica, who embarks on a journey to uncover the truth. As the story unfolds, it becomes evident that an insidious evil entity is manipulating reality, blurring the lines between fact and fiction.

Throughout the film, there were numerous moments when I was intrigued, especially towards the end where Jessica is seemingly destined to endure the same fate as her father. The climax leaves us with a chilling sense of defeat, as Jessica fails in her battle against the malevolent force.

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Boring af
Even worse than the original one.

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