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Mad Max 1979

The stunts still look great, especially if we think this was shot on a shoestring budget in the seventies. The rest is pretty dull: the actual plot kicks in the last twenty minutes, but there’s not much interesting happening until then. It’s all about portraying this world on the verge of the apocalypse, but despite the captivating punkish mood, it’s sloppier than it is gritty. The soundtrack was surprisingly atrocious too. The shot with Mel Gibson waking up from a nightmare is absolutely hilarious.

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Still a remarkable picture and fantastic action, the remake hasn’t got anything on the original.

Mel Gibson pulls off a super performance.

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Check to see how much it cost to make this movie. $200K. You try to make a movie this good with that much money with car crashes and explosions. They paid Mel like $15K australian. The Road Warrior was way better, but they had a bigger budget.

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It's a very sad movie. Not because of the quality or anything. That's awesome. I mean the plot. Now I finally understand why it's considered a cult movie. Highly recommended!

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I'm not sure why this movie is considered a classic nor why it launched Mel Gibson's career. He was wooden. It was pretty bad. Possibly the worst musical score I've ever heard in a movie. None of the music fits the scene. It sounds like it belongs in the 1960's Batman TV show.

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I rewatched this and enjoyed it more than the first time. I paid attention to the gang more than the MFP and I love the relationships between members. The younger members are more feral, what will become the War Boys, and the leader is nearly worshipped, The Nightrider saying "Toecutter knows me, Toecutter sees me!" is just like the call of "Witness Me" in Fury Road. Toecutter & Immortan Joe are played by the same actor if you didn't know. I loved it.

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I'm willing to acknowledge that as the progenitor of most modern post-apocalyptic media, Mad Max has more than earned its place in history. Wholly original and unique with its aesthetic, many have iterated upon the blueprint found within Mad Max and its 90 minutes of disjointed, gritty and explosive vehicular action. Unfortunately, as someone viewing it for the first time in 2024, it doesn't quite stand up to the test of time; its dated filmmaking techniques and limited scope make this a tough, plodding watch. There's a rally in the final third, as all the setup pays off, but it can't save the rest of the movie from feeling antiquated and, for the most part, aimless. I'm thankful for what it's spawned, and I enjoyed it for what it ignited, but I can't say I enjoyed or will ever return to it.

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This is my first watch, only seen Fury Road and was blown away. I was definitely expecting more but this is still a decent action flick. Done on a very small budget so it deserves praise for that.

Fury Road has a very simple plot but Mad Max leans more on the generic side. Not enough action. It excels when we're on the road, it's thrilling and engaging but everything else is just... boring. The only exception being the forest chase, that was actually scary. The villains are a great mix of twisted, funny and scary. The leather jackets, the cars, they all look good you can feel the 70's. Mid-twenties Mel Gibson is a treat to look at, i'll just say that. He did an ok performance, nothing special.

Terrible editing in the first half especially. The score is straight out bad. The decision making is a pain in some scenes. Super predictable outcome in the second half but it sets the protagonist on his journey. I wish it happened sooner though. Anticlimactic ending.

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An enjoyable, well-directed action-thriller, with a satisfying plot and great action sequences, but with bland supporting characters, underdeveloped premise and awkward pacing.

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My experience of this franchise coming into this movie was Fury Road and the most recent video game. This movie is NOT what I expected it to be. It also really shows it’s age. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad, and it’s actually quite good for it’s time. But it’s not something I would recommend to everyone, and something I would preferably recommend to an older crowd (that might accept the films age) or someone that wants to see the whole franchise (to which I would say this is still worth watching).

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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It's an interesting 70's Australian film for sure. I wouldn't rate it very highly but somehow I've seen it 5 times now. The story and editing is super strange and at times is difficult to follow what George Miller is trying to convey. The grittiness of the engines roaring and drive to kill the motor gang is the most exciting part. Also the community around it and how most people ignore this classic makes me love the film more. While it's no masterpiece or even great movie, I still give it a solid 7/10.

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"What if it were the apocalypse and....the police wore LEATHER. Wow that's an idea. We should make a movie about cops who dress in leather." Honestly, the poster is the most interesting thing about the movie.

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It starts strong with a good chasing scene but then it just get's weird and plain boring. The basic synopsis takes the first hour and 15 minutes and then it adds some action at the end with one of the most anticlimactic endings I've ever encounter.

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I think this was my third time to watch this but I've never really remembered much about that should tell you something about the film itself. Typical revenge-type story with a very young Mel Gibson in a starring role. I can't say that it was a great movie, or spellbinding, or gripping, or really much of anything other than it was your typical "hellbent for revenge" story that dragged on for an hour and a half only to culminate in probably the final 15-20 minutes of the movie. I decided to give the franchise another watch, since I don't remember much about any of them. This was just kinda there. Definitely needed the English subtitles thanks to the heavy UK accents in the film.

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The action is stupendous, but the rest is a bit of a drag.

When the attackers be attacking it's all great to watch, like I got a lot of entertainment from seeing Toecutter's gang do their thing; and vice-versa with the MFP, really. However, the film kinda goes through peaks and troughs in switching from the action to the more mundane and the latter parts did bore me a little.

The characters of Max and Jessie do act noticeably dumb in bits too, I don't necessarily mind that as the whole movie is silly and all those onscreen chew the heck out of the scenery. But it does get a bit annoying to watch, I can't lie. I do like how much extra the characters act in general, though.

The whole 90 minutes of 'Mad Max' are over the top completely, but it does fit for the majority. I just wanted wall-to-wall overexuberant action, rather than that sprinkled amongst some fairly dull attempted storytelling. Still, I am looking forward to viewing the sequels/spin-offs, particularly those modern-day releases.

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The most moody and violent of the Mad Max films. It’s also the least apocalyptic. It definitely has the car chases and road rage though.
The eye bulging is a bit silly though when a villain is about to die. It makes the film feel a bit Blumhouse like.
Growing up I actually didn’t know the movie existed until I was like 15. I always though Road Warrior was the first film.
Compared to Road Warrior and the underrated Mad Max Beyond Thunder Dome. I of course was less impressed by the first Mad Max. Since I saw it after those. It had to grow on me but it is definitely also pretty good movie.

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First time I watched this as a teenager I didn't get what all the fuss was about. Now that I'm more versed in 70s exploitation cinema, I appreciate it the more times I watch it.
People judge it with modern eyes by comparing it to Fury Road and that's just absurd.

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I saw fury road before this or any of the original mad maxes. I'm really curious how this world becomes the one in fury road.

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Mad Max is a low-budget road warrior movie with terrible writing and cool special effects. The film's greatest strength is its inspiration for future films in the franchise.

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That 1975 Holden Sandman HJ Van is an absolute beauty …

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This is a classic, isn't it? Maybe because it was 1979 and not many revenge movies had been made by then. The dystopian society was not something new, I am sure, but the production design elevates it to something interesting. I think in terms of makeup, hairstyling, set decoration, sound and special effects, it is quite good. But the story is not remarkable, at least for 2023. The editing is good and bad: great moments and also terrible ones, the exageration in some frames (what is the matter with those eyes?) made me feel unattached.

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Apocalyptic sci-fi road movie.

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Acting: 1/3
Cinematography: 2/3
Story: 1/3

Enjoy: +1

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I watched this movie after I have already seen Mad Max: Fury Road, I thought this one brings a good origin to the saga, but the best thing of the franchise is the dystopian world and the action. This movie doesn't introduce the dystopian world that I saw in Fury Road and the action shots are kind of dated.

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Shout by Erick
BlockedParent2021-07-26T04:13:12Z— updated 2021-08-10T17:00:42Z

A great introduction to the madness.

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Reddit has no idea what they're missing out on, they're too busy circlejerking the shit out of Fury Road.

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It was alright. The action was pretty good but it did get kinda boring in the middle. It is sort of a classic and for its time was good. The acting was not that good. I felt that at the end they could have done way more with Max’s revenge it was disappointing. Overall it’s a decent action movie, that if they had more money to make the movie it would have been better.

(6 out of 10)

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Nach 40 Jahren, kann ich mir heute nicht vorstellen was jemand an dem Film je gefunden haben kann. Billig, Overacted und Handbüchernes Drehbuch....auf einmal ist der Film zu Ende?

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Acceptable. My least favorite of all three. I thinks it's just way to simple of a story. Maybe a tad slow at times. But when it's good, it's really good.

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little bit off,but enjoyable,it's understandable for those sequels after it,so this movie in my opinion was good

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just skip it: i dont why everyone calls this movie a great classic go straight to the sequels.

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One of the classics but not a good one.

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