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Luckiest Girl Alive 2022

A crime drama about compelling and topical subjects such as rape and guilt. It's quite hard to watch in certain scenes and they really delve into the aftermath of being a victim of rape (also some school shootouts). Mila Kunis did a great job and it was nice seeing Connie Britton. The movie feels overlong but I have to say every scene was necessary to get the characters where they need to be. This would of been better as a mini series I think the pacing was just kinda off and everything is jam-packed.

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The tragedy of a terrible movie like this is that there was actually an interesting, complex, compelling story buried under all the bad acting and bad writing. I like Kunis but she doesn't have the dramatic chops to play a role like this that requires the lead to make an unlikable character compelling. This movie needed an actor like Jessica Chastain who has made this sort of role her bread and butter lately. Plus a FAR better script.

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:heart: x6
This felt like your average Lifetime movie mixing together 2 bad things, a school shooting and rape. There really isnt anythihng special here, yet it is watchable.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I totally didn't know anything about the movie, I watched it bc i saw a scene with the knives from the beginning of the movie and I had to watch it. 2 hours went by so quickly, the amount of times when I was fidgeting afraid sth's bad gonna happen for Ani was uncountable pretty much. To the end I wondered if she really does feel relief or not, I just hope she can be truly happy.
For those who think she's a bad person and the movie didn't show any growth and any redeemable qualities in Ani....... I think you skipped the last 30 minutes or so. She doesn't need any redeemable characteristics. The whole movie is like her seeing, understanding the fakeness of everything, this is a therapy movie. The growth couldn't be any clearer. I just wished the other two weren't alive to see this and that at the end we didn't see any backlash at Dean or a smile from the teacher guy.

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Oh boy this is really gonna piss off all the preppy rapists of society, I forecast many downvotes and hate posts.

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I like Mila Kunis, but this is a terrible movie. I empathize for why the main character is a terrible person, but she has no redeeming qualities. And, there is no character arc or growth; she's a terrible person at the start, and an equally terrible person at the end.
I don't understand why a movie like this was even made. It's not liberating, or empowering, much less entertaining.

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I dont understand the negative ratings... its quite a good film

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This harrowing drama isn't as obvious as it first appears. The film is actually quite intriguing with some surprising moments scattered throughout its (slighly) overlong running time,

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Not sure why the rotten tomates ratings are terrible or why some people hate this. I realy liked it. It depicted the toxic way people often deal with rape vitims in a painfully realistic way. Great fashion sense. I thought Mila Kunis did a great job. Definitely can be triggering for some people but I think that like Promising Young Woman, young adults should really watch this.

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So everyone is complaining about explicit rape scenes than come without a warning but what about those victims? They were alson assaulted without a warning so yeah, this is raw, this is real-life

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A really boring movie. The acting was so awful, this should've been on that Lifetime channel instead of Netflix. Lastly, Mila looks so old now. Yikes.

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Even if it felt like it could be better in some parts,it was a well made movie with something to say and with good perfomances. 6.7/10

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Scoot McNairy needs a new agent

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this should have come with a trigger warning in the description.

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Stop making movies where Chiara is naughty and gets hurt

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it's not half bad! That one magical dress switch tho.

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It is not "13 Reasons Why", but it does the job, showing a topic that is often overlooked.

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The two female leads bring interesting, layered characters to life. The actress playing Young Ani is excellent. Ani's dialogue felt very real and draws you in. Worth watching and I'd watch again one day.

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Upsetting that they filmed a r*pe scene like this. It is unnecessarily graphic and too long. An assault scene does not have to be portrayed in an explicit manner to be palpable to its audience. Generally speaking, I agree with the other reviews. Luckiest Girl Alive should have been a mini series. Its story is intriguing, but there is too much plot which ultimately makes you feel like this film is trying to cover too many genres. The message it tries to sell is what redeems it in the end.

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netflix doesn't give much except the brief warning in the corner, so a heads up: there are graphic depictions of rape.

i'll be honest, i watched this for finn wittrock with zero idea what it was about. it's emotionally exhausting and i'll never watch it again, that's for sure. but it's good, and having watched plenty of garbage acting just because i don’t respect my time for shit, i think the acting in this movie was solid. the moment in the car when connie britton's character tells ani that she disgusts her was the hardest one, probably because i've lived it. chiara aurelia was the standout for me. finn wittrock also managed a fairly nuanced line between good human being with love and compassion and self-absorbed person incapable of fathoming what it's like to be a victim of sexual assault.

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I found it compelling, raw and triggering. It was hard to watch and hard to look away. The layers needed for the role was beautifully portrayed by Mila Kunis.

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I imagine the hardest thing people will need to get over is “what? The cute girl from that 70’s show??? She can’t pull off that role…”

It felt long and slow at times, but it was a “good long and slow”. I thought Kunis was great throughout. Strong, scared, vulnerable and finally came into her own at the end.

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Totally not on my radar until it appears on Netflix. Mika Kunis as well? Sign me up. It’s a very quality film, with a good message, yet could have been sooooo much better. Some of the more topical points feel forcefully told, opposed to shown (if that makes sense). Very much worth watching, and I’m sure some will really connect with it. Personally, I am more of a fan of The Fallout that came out just earlier this year on HBO.

Rating: 2.5/5 - 7/10 - Worth Watching

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Starts off pretty slow but gets very interesting . I really enjoyed this film

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