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Lou 2022

Hell yes! What a role for Allison Janey! You never see older women kicking ass like she did. I fully support this trend! Not a perfect movie, but I enjoyed the hell out of it.

Go watch!

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To be entirely honest, I can't believe they got Allison Janney on for such a strong role and this is the best they could do with the writing. Poor writing, solid performances despite it.

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There is something about a movie that is made well enough that you can overlook the predictability.

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Not sure why everyone's comparing Lou's character to Liam Neeson's.

I think it was a good film, kept me interested even though I wasn't paying full attention at the beginning of it, and had enough twists and action to keep me entertained, without being too OTT. And it was nice to see Allison Janney in an ass-kicking role!

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An enjoyable action drama with some smooth fight scenes and an anti-hero we very rarely see in these types of films.
The writing fits the genre with more showing and less telling and the acting is good.
Yup, I'll have more of this, please and thank you.

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Wow every cliche in the book... Too bad...

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It's a solid if predictable thriller about a mother and ex-CIA agent chasing a kidnapped little girl. Like me on a Friday night, it could've used more action, or at least more original action.

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Fine...but how in hell did Jax cross that broken bridge and reach the cave?!!!

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This one was a great movie that somehow got watered down to an ok movie. Things like the twist, which was really good in theory, didn't hit as hard as it should. The ending wasn't as intense and personal as it should've been.

Still, amazing casting (including Jax, what a good boy!) and acting bumped it up a few points, and Allison Janney as Survival Mommy can step on me anytime

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Action thriller with some nicely done action sequences and choreography. It's well shot, well acted and having it happen during a storm is a plus. Allison Janney as Lou is a badass she makes me think of Carol Peletier (The Walking Dead) the way she can play a disarmed old woman one second and turn into a total badass the next. The story spirals out of control in the second half and ending though.

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Solid entertainment with a few surprises. 7/10.

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I must have finished watching this late at night because I didn’t log it or rate it at the time, let alone write a review, so I’m correcting my error now. I really liked this movie and, although I must have watched it a several months ago, the memory of it is still very clear in my mind, which can’t be said for a number of other show. It was a solid action, adventure flick, with a good share of twists and turns. Allison Janney, who I follow because of her excellence in her craft, is also surprisingly fierce at kicking butt, adding another facet to her well rounded talent. The writing is good, the locations are jaw dropping beautiful. I give this film an 8 (action with depth) out of 10. [Action Adventure]

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Came across this movie by chance. Good, intricate plot, good action with a surprising twist. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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7.5/10 - Compelling and very watchable, full of both action and drama. It reminds me of the better class of 90s action films like The Fugitive. Recommend and would rewatch on day.

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Nice movie, bit weird with the day and night cycle, but was nice for a change and I loved the ending.

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The last 45 mins with one of the biggest twists I’ve ever seen in a movie makes this film bump up a few stars from where it started out. It follows a young woman in a very small remote town who all of a sudden has her child kidnapped from her home during a storm, so she and an unlikely helping hand of a grumpy landlord go on pursuit to get her child back but it turns out to be much much more. The premise is good but the scenery and setting felt a bit odd.

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It’s Great acting all around.

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Storyline = predictable
cast = great
Scenes= plenty of corny scenes
My take = watch it or not. You would not have missed anything.

Watch the next movie!

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I sincerely hope Allison Janney had a good time making this because I'd totally love to see more of these.

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Easy hangover movie. Normal action “thriller”ish. Lou, she’s sick. Watch if you wanna see the old duck kickin some hole :laughing:

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[Netflix] If the main success of this film is to build a female Liam Neeson, then it has a problem. Because the protagonists end up reduced to the topical role of mothers, turning motherhood into the main motivation of the female characters. There is little tension in the story, although it is wrapped in some action scenes that are as well crafted as they are hardly credible.

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Quite possibly the worst film ever made. Woke nonsense. A good first 20 minutes followed by a descent into the most idiotic storyline in the history of cinema. Please, for all his hit and miss films, stick with Liam Neeson for this sort of thing!

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Could have been something, but instead, poor writing and heavy doses of unrealistic scenarios just take you out of it

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Nothing new, average action, simple plot, good casting that all did alright in their roles, over all i enjoyed it.

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The first half an hour is great but when the plot starts to get overly complicated, the movie suffers. Janney is great as Lou, however - an action hero in the making.

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Hmmm... Allison Janney - an action hero. Who knew. She did a decent job too. The story itself is nothing special tho, but it did havce one little twist in the end.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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