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LOL 2012

The French version was much better than this one.

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It's not awesome at all. But a good movie to watch on an afternon just to kill some time.

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Looking for my bae 'cause we don't know how to follow each other haha hello my love if you see this, I love you very much.

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Not the best film but it's cool for a lazy afternoon. Full of teen drama :sweat_smile:

I also watched the French original and I liked this one best.

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Miley Cyrus and Demi Moore star in the coming-of-age drama LOL, an ugly and monotonous film that has no depth. The story follows seemingly ordinary teenager Lola, who struggles to deal with an overbearing mother, a cheating ex-boyfriend, and the other trials and tribulations of high school. The film is poorly written, and none of the characters have any dimension. Compounding the problem is the poor acting, which does nothing to make the characters interesting or likable. LOL is a pretentious piece of garbage that’s shallow and tedious.

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I like that this wasn't a typical "clean" teen movie and actually talked about stuff like sex and drugs more freely(?) but after finding out the original film was French it just made me kidna disappointed in this one. I feel like the French version (although I haven't seen it yet) would be more accurate to the actual lives of teenagers there rather than the American one.

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Don't know what to say. It's sweet. But don't waste your time.

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Una película sobre una muchacha aprendiendo a vivir en medio de una retahíla de problemas del primer mundo. Hay películas de ciencia ficción, de fantasía o de horror que son más cercanas a mi realidad; no encuentro empatía con esta cinta que pretende estar basada en hechos cotidianos. Sí, ya sé que es comprensible porque no estoy dentro de su mercado meta, solo quería señalarlo.
¿Por qué la vi? Eh, bueno, me dije –Supongo que será una película tonterrima, pero no me molesta ver durante 90 minutos a Miley Cyrus en pantalla-. ¡Oh!, el error. Se me hizo eterna, y el carisma, de la otrora Hannah Montana (si es que tiene alguno) no alcanza para soportar algo así.
No me arrepiento de haberla visto, me servirá de escarmiento…

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The only reason to watch this is for Demi!! She still looks great at her age. Besides that lame movie!!! Daughter loved it though!!

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Shout by ketu

This movie is so bad compared to the original:

I highly recommend to watch the movie in the url above.

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