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Lock Up 1989

It's a good movie, don't know why the low score, it's not the best performance by Stallone but it's not the worst also. It's a solid 7 stars (I count half stars too) and wish the rating system had half stars too to distinguish a lot of movies.

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I LOVED this movie!!! I was expecting a gritty action movie with 90% meaningless fight scenes but it was so beautiful.

Right from the start, you meet Stallone's character accompanied by beautiful music from Bill Conti and within 5 minutes I cared about him. Giving that background information and showing what he fights for made all the difference.

So many heartwarming moments, if you'll believe it. Sort of like some beautiful scenes in Shawshank Redemption.

I was certain I wouldn't like this movie much but instead I got a movie I'll most certainly rewatch a bunch of times. It helps ofcourse that I love prison movies for some weird reason.

I would really recommend to try this movie despite the average rating on IMDb, I got something completely different than what I expected and that worked out amazing for me.

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This is one of those 80s films / Stallone films that have been forgotten with time and like many of his films, they deserve a rewatch as both critics and viewers alike have been pretty harsh on some of his films during that period. As it stands, Lock Up is a pretty good movie as it has good performances all round and the subject of prison is very interesting in the way that it has been portrayed in the film.

It definitely has a few negatives as the last 30 minutes are extremely rushed with it almost feeling a little anti-climatic and also some of the things that happen in the prison/prison system are a little bit unrealistic. But it is definitely worth a watch as Stallone gives a great performance and the rest of the at do a pretty good job as well and I can also see where some of the inspiration for Escape Plan came from with this film.

If you like Stallone films then you are definitely gonna like this film and if you like films about Prison then definitely give it a try, but don't go in expecting Escape from Alcatraz.

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Would you believe that they started filming this without a complete script? Because it doesn't half show. It's like all seasons of Oz in 100 minutes and everything happens to the same guy.

Throw every prison trope at the wall and see what sticks.

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Sly is in the wrong jail

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