By what we read on the synopsis, I was expecting something more dark and serious and not something so brilliantly funny and entertaining! Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels is the perfect blend of crime and humour.

I think every single performance was great, the characters are extremely funny and despite the fact that they are all a bunch of criminals and swindlers they are all very likable.

Visually different, with a great camerawork. The dialogues are excellent, the plot is amazing and the ending is absolutely fantastic, it couldn't be a better end for this story!

Guy Ritchie did a terrific job directing this film! And it's a gangsters flick! How could I not like a good gangsters flick!?

If you are like me and you did not watch this until now, you don't know what you are missing. Please, watch this right now!

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One of the greatest quote worthy films of all time.


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Amazing movie. Typical Guy Ritchie movie.
absolutely loved it.

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The very entertaining ending makes this film.

I wasn't sure about 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' up until that point. Like, don't get me wrong, it is a good film from the get-go but I wasn't personally convinced by it to be more than that until the credits rolled - at which point, I found myself to have been thoroughly entertained.

With Guy Ritchie in his directing debut and a whole host of familiar British faces, it isn't a difficult film to get into. I did feel at some points that there were too many characters and that they weren't distinctive enough; there were momentary bits where I had to think a tad harder at which characters were linked with each other. However, that actually turns into the film's best thing at the end as it does come together brilliantly.

All in all, this 1998 gangster flick is something I'd consider as very good and worthy of watching.

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Could everyone stop getting shot


Was not expecting this to be this funny

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Watched this after watching Snatch. It's basically the same movie!

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A well-directed, thoroughly entertaining and darkly humorous film, with memorable characters and a clever storyline.

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Yeah, this is an awesome movie. Definitely one of the best of the nineties.

The story revolves around 8 groups of criminals that all are somehow connected to each other. All of them are all involved in either revenge, drugs, money or guns and they use a lot of violence to get to the point they wanna go.

This movie is also incredible funny, anyone remembered that scene where the gang that robbed the marijuana growers was about to ambush the gang that stole their money from them but instead of those guys showing up the gang the marijuana belonged to showed up? With that Greek music that was playing in the background? I couldn't stop laughing the first time i saw that scene.

With this movie Guy Ritchie showed that he had some real talent. And 2 years later he showed everyone that is wasn't a one-time fluke with Snatch.

This movie is also responsible for launching the career of some of the people who worked on it, namely Guy Ritchie, Vinnie Jones and off course Jason Statham.

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Incredibly funny and entertaining story of four young "criminals" out for big money. This is one of the most intelligently written stories I've ever seen. If you like to write screenplays, let this one take you for a spin. Very fast paced film with great editing techniques and a hilarious cast and storyline thats sure to entertain. Great cinematography as well. This story will send you through a cork screw.

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Awesome.....just awesome

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Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels is an impressive debut for director Guy Ritchie. A great combination of humour, action and gritty crime. Definitely a classic. Now that's called a masterpiece by Guy Ritchie.

Trivia - Jason Statham has worked as a street vendor in real life, similar to the character he plays in the opening of the film

Quotes - Soap: A minute ago this was the safest job in the world. Now it's turning into a bad day in Bosnia.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Wasn’t expecting it to be honest, but this is a great time. Nice little, but over the top, story with some funny bits.

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A downright ludicrous but genuinely hilarious tale of lowlife blokes whose fates collide in absurd ways. Clearly inspired by early Tarantino, but able to make up for the lack of money and originality with its British humor. It’s a shame that despite the parade of memorable characters, no one besides Statham went on to achieve success.

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Not to flex but...I watched the whole movie without subtitles.

Anyway, Guy Ritchie does what he does in this movie and it works! It never stopped working for me, Guy Ritchie has this weird vibe where even the most mediocre movie can be turned into a thrilling ride with his choppy style, it's not better than 'Snatch' but close.

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Being the first Guy Ritchie movie it is clear to see his general style that will be portrayed in his later iconic movies like snatch and sherlock holmes (albeit in a less extreme way).

The subplots can get overwhelmig if you're not focusing all the time but in the end it does a good job in bringing it all together for the final act.

Its not something worth an oscar but to see this is someones first movie after a short is promising.

worth the watch!

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Anyone from India who's seen "Phir Hera Pheri" will mark it as copied.

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A second grade sort of a funny rewatchable movie.

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Guy Ritchie seriously nails it with his knack for dark humor and zany storytelling. It's this insanely entertaining caper filled with a lovable gang of misfits, all tangled in a web of crime and mishaps. The plot is all twisty and turny, keeps you guessing 'til the very end. The dialogues? Snappy and witty, had me cracking up so many times. And the characters, they're just so quirky and well fleshed out, you can't help but root for 'em, even though they're neck-deep in shady business. The cinematography and editing are on point too, giving the film this edgy, kinetic energy. And that British grit? Absolutely love it! So yeah, "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" is an absolute blast - a rollercoaster of laughs, thrills, and unexpected surprises. If you're up for some badass British crime comedy, you can't miss this one!

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Unless you're a member of the Guy Ritchie fan club, this is not that great. Don't get me wrong. The cinematography is mostly excellent. The actors are spot on. Arguably the directing of the actors is good.

But it's all over the place, in typical Guy Ritchie fashion. You have to watch it twice just to follow along. Maybe longer scenes would've helped, because it seems desperate to fly through the whole story at the speed of light.

Really you already know the ending before it gets started, the cliche if you want to call it that, in itself. I'm pretty sure that's the point, so I'm not knocking it for that, although I would've given it a 4 or 5, because I like to be kept guessing. But dude, the very ending makes the movie.

I teetered on giving it a 7, but I couldn't get with the speed of light presentation. So 6 it is.

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It has been awhile since I've seen this one. The only thing I could remember was someone smacking a dude with a dildo and Statham being in this. So I thought a rewatch of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels was the right thing to do.

And I must say, I really enjoyed this rewatch. The story has a fast pace, Guy Ritchie's style works well in this one, I love the overuse of the cockney accent, I enjoyed the story and once everything clicks it is easy to follow.

Guy Ritchie peaked almost straight out of the gate. If I have to suggest one Guy Ritchie film to watch, it has to be Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

I had quite a good time!

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enjoyed the every second of the film. Guy Ritchie is da best.

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Its ok. A little too much going on and a little hard to follow but that is almost all Guy Ritchie's movies.

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Müziklerin sahnelerle uyumu harikaydı ,özellikle Ed kartları Harry 'e açtıktan sonra çalan " I wanna be your dog" parçası ..Guy Ritchie izlerken beklentinizi en yüksekte tutun,hayal kırıklığına uğramamanın hazzını yaşamak için..

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An awesome movie with great dialog and comedy. Now go watch snatch :)

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Four bad guys owes much money from a gang. In order to pay it back, they organise a dangerous but funny plan. There are full of violent scenes in the movie, but they are not grotesque. It makes you rather fun among many humourous conversation. As a whole, It's a well-made classic with British sense. I've watched some British films, but I felt like this one was the most British.

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One of my favourite movies ever!

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Generally pretty solid entry from GUY RITCHIE, though there would be several films from the UK that would do a better job at it shortly after.

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"You could fall in love with an orangutan in there!"

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Great flick. English black humor. Action. Puzzle-Plot. Just Guy Ritchie

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