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Leprechaun: Origins 2014

This is very boring and annoying to watch. What part of this justifies the "Origins" label? We were already told the origins of the Leprechaun in previous films and this doesn't match up at all. I have to assume they completely changed the character of the Leprechaun so they didn't have to credit or pay royalties to Mark Jones.

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What the F*CK was that! The WWE royally screws up the Leprechaun series with the reboot Leprechaun: Origins. Going for a creature feature vibe, the Leprechaun is re-envisioned as a primordial animal that feeds off of human flesh. The plot involves a group of college students who are sent off the beaten path by a local miner to see some ancient Celtic ruins, but it turns out to be a trap intent on sacrificing them to a leprechaun. It's an incredibly generic storyline, and is full of all the usual horror movie cliches. Plus, the characters really aren't that interesting, and neither is the Leprechaun. Leprechaun: Origins is just senseless violence and gore without much suspense ('cause it's very predictable).

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Camera-wise, I just have no clue of what was this movie trying to accomplish. Some angles are shot in a way that looks similar to found footage, but the rest of the shots are perfectly standard. It is a very weird and distracting mix, specially when you add the heat vision-style shots that represent the point of view of the beast.
Then there is the bizarre take on Celtic mithology, in which Tuatha Dé Danann comes to mean leprechaun, as found in a mysteriously ancient book with very modern print.
I can deal with bad and cliche characters inhorror, you know. But those two things were just so wrong, I had to feel bothered!

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Boring, stupid and cliché. Seriously, don't waste your time with this one.

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The story was meh. The acting was awful.:wastebasket:

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I really liked it! It's got a great B movie vibe, and I actually like the story a lot more than the original Leprechaun series. The acting is good, and there's a decent amount of gore. I have nothing to complain about.

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