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Leprechaun 4: In Space 1997

I knew going in that "Leprechaun 4" was going to stink, but it stunk even worse than expected. I didn't think it would be so over-the-top stupid. And by stupid, I don't mean just dumb humor, because there was plenty of that. It's just that nothing was even the least bit clever about this. The original "Leprechaun" had a bit of charm (and Lucky Charms) because it gave you a wink along with its silliness. But "Leprechaun 4" was just loud and baffling. The Marines in this were the absolute worst.

There are so many things that don't make sense, the most glaring is why the Leprechaun himself is even in the movie. He's not even the main villain and the biggest bummer is that he's not nearly the wise-cracking jerk he is in the original. He's just kind of a greedy little pervert. Warwick Davis gives him none of the spunk he did in the first movie.

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Boldly going where no Leprechaun film has gone before, Leprechaun 4: In Space is WTF kind of crazy. A group of soldiers are send after a mischievous alien (aka the Leprechaun) who has kidnapped a princess. Incredibly silly, the film sets the right tone for a lighthearted and fun horror comedy. And, the over-the-top performances work in adding to the camp and cheesiness. Additionally, Jessica Collins has a screen presence that gives a lot of energy to the film. Though it’s not good, Leprechaun 4: In Space provides a bit of fun romp by playing up its hokeyness and making its B-movie quality work for it.

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