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Leatherface 2017

"Leatherface" is complete dogshit. It stains the name of Tobe Hooper's original classic. Blood, guts and body parts are flying everywhere, but it still didn't stop me from checking the time once in awhile, even with the Natural Born Killer rejects chewing up the scene time.

I hated the characters as well. I know your suppose to, because they awful human beings, I get that. However, what's worse is when these dirty inbreds get what they deserve, the movie tries to make you feel bad for them with the deaths scenes coming off as sad moments. This feels a like a straight to DVD or a shitty Netflix movie.

Alright I'm done talking about this. My boredom and lack of interest questions why this exist in the first place. Please don't watch it. End of review.

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A well-made origin story that has a lot of interesting ideas to offer. It's certainly different and the filmmakers deserve credit for trying something new. But I think it could've been a better film without shoehorning Leatherface name. The film has Bustillo and Maury's style embedded in it but still manages to pull of the sweaty feeling of the 1974 film and it doesn't hold back with the violence and gore. There is a big whodunnit element to this film, as we guess which of the group going on the rampage is going to end up as the titular character. For a film that doesn't feel necessary, the overall product is surprisingly decent. It may offer very little on dread or scares, but the mystery aspect and huge amounts of splatter make this film worth your time. Again, it's not a good Leatherface film, but it is a decent horror as long as you look at it as being a separate entity from the Leatherface franchise. Now I'm ready for Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)!

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Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2021-07-13T21:07:24Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:33:53Z

It's got a good cast and decent production value. But I can't recommend it. I was pretty bored throughout.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Completely unnecessary origin story. Horror directors need to be careful with such material - show us sympathy for the monster, and we take away the monster. Leatherface, like Jason and Michael Myers, is a far more scary proposition when known as a faceless beast. A backstory ruins the scares, and such is the case here. Best forgotten, like many of the sequels/prequels/reboots this franchise has spawned.

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Finally a decent damn horror movie! This was fun! Lots of action and blood and gore. Just like there should be! And assuming it's canon, it seems right on. Really enjoyable flick. The only real issue I had is a couple of places where the effects were...underwhelming.

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Shout by CinemanicBonkers
BlockedParent2018-02-07T15:46:37Z— updated 2018-06-22T09:04:57Z

It's good to know the origin story of how leatherface became and there's a few moments in the film that made me think leatherface could of not exited and his mind would of changed but that's an alternative story but It's very interesting. IMDB give this film a rating of 5 but i feel It's an underrating and deserves a 6.5/10 because over all it was a good film.

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.....ssssssiiiiiiigggggghhhhh...and I was looking forward to this one.... Pppppphhhhhffffrrrtttt!!!

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I'm sure this was written a s a natural born killers rip-off, then someone said, 'we'll give you money, if you turn it into a pointless leatherface backstory.. make him more like Michael Myers' .
Also, it's supposed to be the 50's , but it's more like it's happening during a 50's convention. Some very good makeup effects, but some rather poor. The opening credits show a vast amount of great talent produced/ or exec produced this, but I doubt they did more than stamp a cheque.
only good thing was Dorf's death.. I think he captured what it would look like to die that way (or he was just bored)

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Shout by Neal Mahoney

The best part of this movie is Iron Fist getting eaten by pigs. So much for being immortal.

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Despite all of the endless amounts of movie on the infamous Leatherface, this one is a new part of the plot that is appreciated, as it shows the audience the beginnings of Leatherface from adolescence, yet it doesn't show much till the very end. The surprising thing is that amongst the main cast of teenage misfits the one who turns out to be Leatherface is not at all who you expected and therefore the film seems to not be much about Leatherface at all and then it all gets crammed in at the end. The plot development and character development were really good though.

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Shout by Deleted

awesome origin story I'm super sad bud died though.

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An incredibly ugly and gruesome horror film, Leatherface is a needless prequel that accomplishes nothing. After being committed to a children’s psychiatric hospital Jed Sawyer breaks out during a riot with three of his fellow patients who have taken a nurse hostage and are making a run for Mexico, and leading the hunt for their capture is a rogue sheriff whose daughter was killed by the Sawyers. The performances are rather underwhelming; even seasoned actors Lili Taylor and Stephen Dorff aren’t able to do much with the material. And the violence is excessively gory and the tone is really dark. One of the worst entries in the franchise, Leatherface fails to reenergize the series or provide a satisfactory origin to this classic horror character.

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"Leatherface" is complete dogshit. It stains the name of Tobe Hooper's original classic. Blood, guts and body parts are flying everywhere, but it still didn't stop me from checking the time once in awhile, even with the Natural Born Killer rejects chewing up the scene time.

I hated the characters as well. I know your suppose to, because they awful human beings, I get that. However, what's worse is when these dirty inbreds get what they deserve, the movie tries to make you feel bad for them with the deaths scenes coming off as sad moments. This feels a like a straight to DVD or a shitty Netflix movie.

Alright I'm done talking about this. My boredom and lack of interest questions why this exist in the first place. Please don't watch it. End of review.

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Not something that I would watch again. Not because I got scared, but because it was meh. pointless. not as riveting as the original one.

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I wish I could get back the cinema ticket's price.. :(

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Really good movie. Makes a great prequel to TCM Series

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Shout by Paul Littlefield
BlockedParent2018-05-08T19:49:11Z— updated 2018-12-20T12:26:49Z

A few interesting ideas with nice visuals but not a patch on "Texas Chainsaw: The Beginning"... which is the origin movie you should watch instead of this. 4/10

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If you like horror(gore) flicks I'd say to give it a try. I found it well produced and it entertained me, just think of it as an alternate leatherface story so you won't be disappointed.

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Nope, that's not Leatherface. At all. It's like nobody on this production has seen any of these movies. What a damn mess this series has become... Well, it has some decent gore at least...

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This overly produced yet poorly written and disappointing prequel does nothing but tarnish the reputation of what was once a high water mark in horror cinema. We never asked for a Leatherface origin story, and now we know why.

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The characters made the movies seem like it was like a boring and slightly twisted tv drama. Add some blood and there you go, another pointless movie.

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They say if you give a chimp a typewriter eventually it will randomly make the works of Shakespeare... but in the first week of trying it made the this shite and somehow it got bloody made too

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I didn't even know this movie was coming out... which pretty much coincides with my thoughts that this felt like a straight to DVD or some B-Movie that murks the depths of Netflix.... the cast and characters were just atrocious, and they even had the audacity to try and make us feel sorry for them (someone else already mentioned this in one of the comments), I wish they would stop tainted this classic movie and just leave it be, rather than bringing out this utter borefest.. there really is no need.

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Shout by Deleted

a documentary about a typical family of Trump voters.

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