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Last Night in Soho 2021

I wasn’t too excited for this and saw some lukewarm reactions so maybe that effected my expectations but in the end I really loved it. Edgar Wright is on fully display from the opening shot and he expertly handles dealing with his own nostalgia and making this film completely his own. The mystery his handled really well and although I’ve seen people think otherwise I was really satisfied with the conclusion. The cast is great, honestly everything works

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It was at the point after Eloise enters the first dream sequence, and Sandie descends the mirror lined stairs and dances that I thought "This is so good, I don't even care what happens next!"
Turns out, I did care. It's such a shame to see a movie that could be so brilliant suffer from such a poor and incoherent narrative.

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Edgar Wright really outdid himself this time and I’m consistently amazed by his work. The direction in this film is honestly probably the best of year with every shot so delicately placed and beautiful, the scenery in this film is obviously stunning and the costume design absolutely phenomenal. You can really tell every time Edgar Wright makes a film how much a movie movie buff he is. Every song in this film feels so perfectly chosen for every scene and the score is amazing as well. Thomasin McKenzie was absolutely amazing in this film and deserves more love because this film was marketed it seems as Ana Taylor Joys film and when it comes to Ana Taylor Joy she absolutely stole the show and made your eyes lock in on her with every scene she was in. Can’t understate how artistic this film is and just a good horror movie in general as well. Easily one of the best movies this year if not the best so far.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-11-18T22:06:52Z— updated 2021-11-21T13:25:29Z

It’s hard to rate, because there are a lot of entertaining scenes in it, but the movie at its core doesn’t really work.
I can’t shed this feeling that Edgar Wright had a visual cue in his head of a girl experiencing visions of the 1960’s first, and tried to build a movie around that second.
The characters, drama, camerawork, music selection and social commentary are all very good, but the whole set up is kinda nonsense once you know the answers to the mystery.
I kept waiting for the twist that’d explain why our protagonist has these accurate visions of things that happened 50 years earlier , but it’s never answered, despite it being the crux of the whole film.
Also, showing CGI ghosts in a horror movie using well lit close ups is never the best idea, it kinda killed a lot of the horror and suspense.
I kinda liked that I thought that I was ahead of the film at one point, only to find out that it was a big misdirect to make you think you were ahead.


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Edgar Write strikes again. Great visuals, music and an engaging story, The cast did amazing, looking forward to a second viewing down the road ..

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Truly brilliant film that had me captivated from the beginning to the end that i was not expecting.

Great cast, great acting and brilliantly filmed with a sound track that really puts you back in the 60s.

Easily added to my top ten films of this year.

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Shout by hirkiti
BlockedParent2023-07-31T19:48:15Z— updated 2023-10-31T01:01:24Z

A coming of age movie full of singing and dancing. If that’s your bag - knock yourself out. For me it was brutal to watch. Zero action. Zero mystery. Zero suspense. Other reviews say that there is mayhem in the second half. Tried so hard to hang in there but switched it off after 50 minutes…

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A total disaster. It hurts to give this film a low rating because I wanted to like it so bad. While it's visually pleasing and I like the subject matter, the execution is messy. It tries to blend so many genres into one and the way it incorporates the horror elements is very clumsy. The lead is irritating to watch. The film also tries to make a statement but feels surface level and the comedic tone sprinkled throughout make it so much worse. Yikes.

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Shout by Jim G.
BlockedParent2022-01-30T07:41:09Z— updated 2022-02-23T06:59:05Z

The movie has a strong start and an even stronger finish, with a satisfying twist and a separate surprise reveal at the end. But the second act is a bit dodgy at times and it's mostly the pacing that suffers as a result. The cast members provide solid performance all-around, but by far the best part of this one for me is Thomasin McKenzie, who is a new-to-me young talent and an incredibly appealing one. In the end, this story wasn't quite what I was expecting, but that turned out to be just fine.

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This movie was so annoying. The script was bad regardless but the actress who played Ellie made it infinitely more so. The filming was terrible. The story, if written better, could have possibly been intriguing but as it was I just rolled my eyes. Definitely should've shut it off as I will never get this time back.

This a film where everyone is unlikable, and the shrill-when-shes-not-mumbling main character does things like tells someone she's recording him BEFORE he says anything incriminating, and cannot even be bothered to find out someone's full name while investigating them.

The least petty nitpick I have is with the integration of the supernaturally with reality; there was no continuity or logic to these scenes and it all came off really tacky and not deep at all. It's one of those films where the mystery of what's real and what's not does NOT work, and it plays into tired tropes that alternately romanticize amd demonize mental illness as well as sexual trauma.

Maybe in another reality this movie was delightfully bad/corny and could be enjoyed, but in my reality here and now it was torturous.

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Edgar Wright uses music well as always. Enjoyed the early clever technical mirror play. Though TBC Quantum Leap did it as well, if not better.
Paper thin characters, especially painful for supporting ones.
Turned into a very bad Dr Who episode about 1/2 way through.

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Such a great movie ruined by such a bad ending. Old Sandie killing Eloise was so out of character. She was wronged by those men and took revenge on them, but she tries to poison Eloise for what? Inadvertently leading the cops to her place? lol. It's so dumb. But unlike some, I liked the first part and the initial plot. There are those who'll think what a bad shows all men as sexual predators. But guys c'mon. Do we need a disclaimer that it's "not all men" every time something like this is shown in movies. Women don't feel safe at some times at some places. What I really liked about this movie was the atmosphere. Every scene was so beautifully shot and the blending between reality and fantasy. Those who expected a horror movie would be disappointed because it's not a scary movie. Like not at all. It can be classified as a thriller.

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So many things to like...

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Stylish af. Enjoyed the colors, the music, and the plot. Could have been a tad stronger in parts, but really hard to complain. Well done movie.

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I kind of wish that this didn’t turn into a horror Esque film and just stuck with the beginning sequence of a girl taking inspiration from the 60s having flash backs and using those to become successful in her career and then boom happy ever after ending.

It’s still good don’t get me wrong. The music and cinematography are beautiful just was a weird twist in where the film went in the second half

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Last night in Soho was like an episode of Ocean's Eleven but instead of pulling off heists, the director seemed intent on seducing vulnerable, beautiful, educated movie goers into wasting their money on a shallow plot with some flashy scenes. This film was dull, slow, boring and uninspiring. My feeling was that everybody was waiting for the climatic eyegasmic moments we all saw in the trailers, and they never came.

My final input on this movie is that Micky Rourke, Josh Brolin and Brad Pitt didn't have enough lines to say and were literally the only actors in the film, except for Cameron Diaz, who was in two scenes. If you took all of the actors in the film and put them on the biggest stage in Hollywood they wouldn't be able to carry a movie.

A wise man once said "kith my pith" and that's how I feel about this movie.

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The main character is super hard to like

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40 minutes in and I completely lost the desire to watch any further.

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Beautiful visuals and soundtrack. Horrible mess of a story.

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:heart: x6
An interesting movie for sure. Although it starts out as a bit of a romantic time-traveling movie it ends up anything but.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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They really showed her not to romanticise the 60s.

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Not for me. I feel like I might have liked it more going in knowing which genre this film belong to.

It wasn't very clear what was going on in the first third of the movie. When the plot finally settled, it wasn't really outstanding. The two main actresses did a good job. The writing in the final act results in one of the character overacting.

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Excellent audiovisual experience built around an intriguing idea, but at the same time brought down by poor dialogues and paper-thin plot (which is pretty much the standard definition of all Edgar Wright’s recent films). The premise is interesting, but it felt like they ended up writing themselves into a corner, as if they could only choose between either one of the most abused plot twists of horror films, or one of the most abused plot twists of female double films. That aside, the dazzling atmosphere and beautiful cinematography were enough to make me fall in love with the film’s world and sell me the whole thing. The middle section in particular was brilliant.

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A female vindication nightmare that has one of the best sound design/soundtrack of recent years. It could be a perfect fit as a horror musical that performs a sleight-of-hand game that is hypnotic from the start. It is also a tribute to the dark and at the same time fascinating London ("it's not what you imagine, London"), which has colors and visions typical of "giallo". Perhaps it is not a film that brings great things to the genre, but everything works so perfectly that it stands out among the titles of this year.

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An 8 out of 10 and a solid 8 at that.
My wife & I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, quality casting, directing, cinematography & scoring throughout.

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Difficult to give this a rating. About half way through I was thinking it was absolutely perfect. But then the conclusion of the story left me a little colder than I'd hoped. But still I walked out of the cinema feeling like I'd been swept off my feet.

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If filmmakers could just stop glorifying schizophrenia, that would be great...

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Edgar Wright is one of the most mediocre directors today, an average film like everything he makes

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This movie was so good! I don’t understand the complaints Just when you think you’ve figured out the plot, you haven’t. You think she’s in a dream state and that she travels back in time to imagine being someone important during that time, but god was I wrong. It was even about her anymore. And people who warvhex this movie don’t seem to get it, she doesn’t have a mental disorder, she’s just seeing the ghost of the past and it’s memories..

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I can't believe Edgar Wright made a movie this lame. Very by the numbers and bland, this feels like something he would've made fun of in the Cornetto Trilogy. I'm really not sure who this movie is for or why it was even made. Some of the performances are good and there are some really excellent and creative shots but neither come close to making up for an incredibly average and incoherent script.

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Quite a pleasant surprise. Quite a decent atmosphere with a good story.

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This film is so gripping, very entertaining and thrilling.

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Didn’t know what to expect going into this but I surprisingly really enjoyed it. The concept and how the film was made was so different to certainly what I’d seen before which was refreshing

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Couldn't pass the 30 minutes mark. genre bending, pastiche, etc

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I will never look at the colour red the same ever again. Same goes for the blue.
Also, great movie, made me think, you enjoy it whether you think throughout or not, so it’s a nice accessible experience with good audience interaction. 10/10

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I haven't been this disoriented since Rang De Basanti. I like that this is fresh and creative and different. I don't know that it works as a whole, but there's a lot of solid elements that, were they arranged or timed better, might've coalesced into a really cool movie. It kinda got away from itself and dragged some things out while clumsily setting other things up. Perhaps too many thoughts about how it should play out made their way into the movie. Watch it for something fairly novel if nothing else.

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Bad movie and bad characters. Sorry not recommended.

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Absolutely amazing. Edgar Wright is a genius.

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This movie needed to build a better boundary of what was mental illness and what was Ellie really seeing ghosts of the past. If Ellie really could have seen ghosts, this really should have been hammered home.

This instead reads as a girl struggling with a mental crisis most of the movie but instead somehow becomes a reality in the final act, with no reason or rhyme for why her visions rang true.

I don't think her visions needed to be real at all, this movie would have worked if Ellie in the end had gotten the mental help she needed and gained a better support network of friends, and ended the movie with a happy ending of her getting back to her fashion education, rather than this sloppy ending that was more of an affirmation that all her psychotic breaks were real and something to be believed.

This was a missed opportunity to explain psychosis and the main reason to seek help. It's a real shame that this wasn't the arc of this movie, instead, Ellie just becomes a ghost whisperer for some reason and this killed the film in my opinion.

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In this film:

All the bad/creepy men are white.
All the good/honorable men are minorities.

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Shout by Andrew Henze
BlockedParent2022-08-07T11:18:55Z— updated 2022-11-06T12:29:29Z

Great cast and director, some amazing cinematography. I still didn't care when it was over, and wished there was more Anya in it.

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Beautiful atmosphere and a great soundtrack drive the movie's story, which is very interesting. Some of the paths taken sound convenient and a little forced. Overall, the movie is very gripping from start to finish, with a nice feeling of strangeness and curiosity that remains throughout.

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The film leaves me with mixed feelings.

On the one hand, the film is extremely well shot. The director's editing is at its peak, creating inventive scenes and intelligent dialogues. The use of music is always a quality here its use is constant creating an opera of terror. And the references, for someone like me who loves the 60s, are a delight.

On the other hand, the movie is boring as hell. The story is boring and out of place, using all the fun elements to contradict them. The film's point of view is to criticize nostalgia for the past, but in the end it uses all elements to deny them? The distortion is so severe that I stopped the film several times either to curse it or to speed it up.

Anyway, what can we take away from all this? The conclusion I reached was that it is a film for studying cinema and not for appreciating it. To see how cinema is made so as not to repeat the same thing.

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Last Night in Soho is a great movie. It starts as a fashion drama movie, subtly changes into a sci-fi mystery thriller, and then becomes a crime horror suspense movie. Wow. Sometimes, it's better to not watch trailers or read reviews beforehand. Just go into a movie blindly, and then you can be surprised or shocked by how it turns out. This is one of those movies where you should do that.
This movie is not for kids or teens. It has violence, sex, and alcohol drinking. There's also some bad language, about 25 bad words. Plus there's some creepy and disturbing images. So I recommend this movie for adults only.

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A very good and tense thriller all the way through. I thought Eloise was starting to go crazy, but never really saw that ending coming. :thumbsup_tone1: Well worth a watch.

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It was a good psychological thriller movie. Really well made.

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Take the man who (co-)wrote and/or directed Spaced, the Cornetto trilogy, Scott Pilgrim, Ant-Man and Baby Driver, add not just one but two of the finest young actresses in the world, create a story that's as much an homage to a romanticised version of London in the 60s as it is a psychological horror, and you get a film that is equal parts headf*ck and masterpiece!

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I love the 60s and I spent decades of my life in and around Soho in the 80s but I was hoping for an exploration of nostalgia or a spooky supernatural thriller but after the initial premise, a good half of the film was just a fairly by-the-numbers horror film. Admittedly, with a great soundtrack!

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Shout by Deleted

三星半, watched at 2021-11-19, imported from douban

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Shout by Divadad
BlockedParent2023-10-13T05:16:33Z— updated 2024-01-25T14:21:33Z

Great concept, missed potential. A lot of intriguing ideas that lead nowhere.

Also, it doesn't make me comfy to have to either sympathize either with a mass murderer seeking revenge, or this person's despicable rapists who seek retribution.

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McKenzie was great in this, but I still felt underwhelmed. Beautifully shot; however, I felt disconnected from it all. A lack of cohesion for me. I enjoyed the first and final third. The middle was too muddled for my taste. 6.2 overall. Worth a one time viewing for fans of the cast and/or Wright as a director.

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Anya is a goddess to me. but it alone can't save a bad movie by all standards.

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I had no idea this was an Edgar Wright film. I saw the trailer for this back in 2021 but never got to see it.

I finally saw it and wow, it's a thriller. First of all, hands off to the actress Thomasin McKenzie - so good at showing the wonder but also the fright. The makeup and costuming was also really good, showing her slow spiral into insanity. What I really like about this film is the visual techniques to show reflection, distortion, and schizophrenic nature of the film. There were some hiccups in the plot points that don't end up being important but for the most part it was a linear progression into insanity until the trauma is all resolved. Honestly, very nice. Even after watching, I can't tell who the "bad" guy is. But using Ellie's medium powers to showcase the spirits was excellent.

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Overall strong film, great actors, memorable scenes. The big reveal is a little cheap as basically relies on deceiving the audience prior to reveal. 7/10

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What a unique thriller/drama as it follows a young girl who follows her passion as a fashion student in London whom often experiences hallucinations that become more present when she moves into a small apartment run by an old lady and begins to smear her dreams of living the life of the girl who used to live there compared to the present. The plot development is very good and its not hard to follow, however, the conclusions are not what you think.

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the first 75% is really good.

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This isn't even horror. Stupid.

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Interesting, subversive, not obvious. Great scenes with Eloise and Sandie in the mirror image.

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The cinematography of this movie remembered me, in a certain way, Suspiria's one, by the use of vivid colors in the construction of the horror, but is a "inferior horror"... in my opinion, the repetitive use of some elements impoverished the movie, it's an example of a wearing montage, but with a great editing. Although, I thought the mystery is interesting.

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Degenerates into a horror movie.

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I liked this film quite a bit. Kept me intrigued and I didn’t see the finale coming. Good use of colors, nice retro soundtrack, and a great blend of genres made for a unique viewing.

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A great cast including Thomasin McKenzie and Anya Taylor-Joy made me give this a try. The costumes and the 60's scenes were great. Anya Taylor-Joy was born to play 60's divas. This was a very enjoyable watch.

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Edgar Wright's most recent film is... very good!

I don't love (but still like) the ending as much as the rest of it, though 'Last Night in Soho' is an extremely enjoyable psychological horror flick. The film's aesthetic is top notch, while the performances of Thomasin McKenzie and Anya Taylor-Joy are brilliant; the way their story is portrayed is real nice. Diana Rigg, Matt Smith and Terence Stamp are involved too.

I do have a few lesser things to mention. The fashion college classmates being hella cartoony is one, though the only main one is the end reveal... it kinda underwhelmed me, even if there's nothing inherently wrong with it. As it happened I was just like "well, OK...". I think I expected greater based on what precedes. It's a 'good' conclusion, still.

All in all, it just falls short of being something I'd consider as 'great' but I still had a positive time with it and would happily revisit it. As for its standing in my Edgar Wright ranking, it's top three... though, to be honest, all of his movies - 'A Fistful of Fingers' aside - are good.

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I loved the style and art of the movie as the colors and music were quite refreshing and something different, The whole 60s vibe was a nice touch too. OK ending too. All in all a decent movie.

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Shout by Deleted

That was... interesting. Not really my taste, I liked the plot and the slow dark turn. I don't know if I really liked the music, and the whole aura of this movie was kind of repulsive, at least to me. And unpopular opinion, I really don't think these sugar daddies deserved it.

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Edgar Wright is always a fun time, from the Simon Pegg trilogy to Scott Pilgrim to Baby Driver to Last Night in Soho. Personally, when I saw this trailer I was amped before I knew it was an Edgar Wright movie. Personally, I had hoped for something that leaned more heavily into horror elements, but I’m extremely content with the finished product. Do I love it? Not really. But it’s a quality addition I have no issue recommending.

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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Shout by Jim222001

A young fashion named Eloise (Thomasin McKenzie) designer obsessed with the 60’s. Finds herself transported there witnessing the life of her idol Sandie (Anya Taylor-Joy) and how she got started. As well as when she fell in love with Jack (Matt Smith). A man who promised to help her career get started a singer.
It’s visually stunning and well acted but I just knew Matt Smith wasn’t trust worthy. Since he has played a jerk in everything after Doctor Who.
There’s complaints if not much enough of a explanation to why she lives through the 60’s at night. I just assume it is because Eloise is special and can see her dead mom when she is in her childhood home.
So her new apartment where 60’s Sandie once lived triggers Eloise to have visions of Sandie’s life.

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I don't even know what to make of this. It's very difficult to pinpoint a genre, and is kind of all over the place. I was sat here thinking "wtf" for most of it! I quite liked the ending though, so that redeems it a bit.

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Shout by J S

(also its not my 1st language)

really enjoyed the first half or so but didnt like the direction it took, also had no idea what this movie´s about / forgot the trailer, so I was (negatively) surprised of the "horror" content, thought it was more of a thriller at most
-everyone was perfectly cast and did a great acting job
-the first dance scene between sandy and jack were stunning and at the downtown music scene I got goosebumps
-love matt and his acting was perfect, can't imagine someone better for the role
-was a little sad he got uncomfortable evil bc at the beginning I was simping for him xD
-like I said I didn't like the horror content, just didnt feel right in this movie and those ghosts made it look kinda silly, especially in the end scene
all in all not bad but a little disappointing (I did forget what the movie´s about but I remember being excited about it/high premise)

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A captivating yet predictable film with an eccentric plot and few surprises along the way. It will entertain you, but it will not provoke you to think deeply and will leave certain questions unanswered.

Wright's talent shows through in this wonderfully crafted picture. The directing was great, and the scenery was stunning. Every moment of this film was meticulously planned, and every track was precisely placed. The cinematography was fantastic. It was lovely, it was stylish, and it simply felt perfect. What about the plot? It was lacking in quality, and the conclusion could have been a lot better. This film captivated me at first and then lost me a little near the end. A strong cast, strong performances, and a soundtrack that transports you to the 1960s. It's difficult to be too critical of it.

Rating: 7/10

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With a gripping narrative, a twisty mystery, and an excellent feel for time and place, this is a contender for Edgar Wright's best movie so far.

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Last Night in Soho is one of those films that catches you completely off guard and grabs you. The beginning is reminiscent of Midnight in Paris (absolutely recommended), but before you know it you've been plunged into a dark, creepy and, above all, harrowing spiral that will keep you engulfed until the very end.
McKenzie and Taylor-Joy's duo are impeccable, and Matt Smith's class and elegance complete an excellent cast, topped off by a wonderful Diana Rigg to whom the film is dedicated.

The soundtrack, unsurprisingly, is peppered with 60s hits that you can't help but hum along to as the terror takes over.

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it is really a "meh" movie. i just watched it for anya taylor-joy and michael ajao. something was lacking and the story was quite predictable.

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Nice cinematography i liked everything about the set up,directing and a different script which was blow mind enough.It could have been better but overall including great perfomances was solid. 7.4/10

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Visuals and soundtrack were amazing, definitely a “go-see”

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Didn’t start of like a movie for me, but the climax of the story was pretty good

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Starts off with a bang....but....but....the ending was just a....meh!
Overall a good watch though...

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Last Night in Soho’:

  1. First and foremost, Thomasin McKenzie is a wonderful actor. She effortlessly took Eloise from wide-eyed optimism down a spiral of desperation and madness. It was an entertaining journey for sure. She was fantastic! And her voice/accent is super unique.

  2. As for the film, I’m still trying to unpack it all, deciding how truly satisfied I am with it. It certainly started out strong… giving us solid characters, a hefty dose of intrigue, great music and visuals. But some of that got lost along the way somehow, particularly when the boogeymen started showing up. I didn’t hate it. I wasn’t enamored but it. But it kept me invested.

  3. That twist. Half I saw coming. The other I didn’t. Revealing Sandy as the killer was quite impactful, I thought, considering she was someone Eloise idolized and wanted to protect for the majority of the film.

Bonus Thought: Jocasta was atrocious.

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Least favorite Edgar Write film. Felt Empty and never entranced me into the hypnotic story it was trying to tell

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