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Land 2021

I liked it more than I thought I would.

The last act surprised me a bit. Was poignant without being melodramatic.

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One of Robin Wright’s best performances, if not the best, to date (2021). The landscape photography in this movie is superb as well. I hope to view this again in 4K, just to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

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Wright directs and acts well but as a whole, the movie is only just above average. It looks good but it didn’t have the power to fully engage me.

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Absolutely gorgeous movie, truly a visual spectacle from start to finish. The initial performances felt a little weak, but after the first act the realness of the characters really shines through. As @boolalanga said, it manages to toe the line between poignant and melodramatic, while still getting across what is has to say. While a little threadbare, I really enjoyed the simplistic journey of both Edee and Miguel; the subject matter is bleak and the mood is sombre, but Land is still a meditative experience I think fans of slow burn cinema should seek out. And please seek it out in the best quality you can, this movie was extraordinary visually.

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First of all, I want to say how good it was to see a newly released movie on the big screen. I missed “going” to the movies. This may very well prejudice this review. This was a beautiful movie, epic in landscape, quiet in thought, skillful in silent performance. Filmed in the Canadian Rockies (or as Robin Wright said, “the Alberta mountains”), the location is equally a character. It has garnered many film festival accolades and I’ve heard it described as Wright’s greatest work. It definitely was her work. She produced, performed and directed it. It is a beautiful piece of film making. I give this film an 8 (beautiful) out of 10. [Drama]

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We all want to escape at some point. Beautifully made with a powerful message.

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Love the story. This is Cinema!!!

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Amazing movie. It's something beautiful to watch.

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I thoroughly enjoyed absolutely everything about this movie. While I can't relate to what the main character was going through I can relate to the desire for isolation and to want to be on your own. The story wisely steered clear of the dangers of going into this kind of country on your own as it wasn't the point. There are good people in the world and there can always be hope. If you pay attention you can see how it is all going to end but it matters not as that last fifteen minutes of the movie are amazing.

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9/10 great performance from Robin Wright and cast @

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