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Krampus 2015

Couldn't really seem to enjoy this one. The humor just doesn't hit the mark and although the visual effects are very well done, the movie is not scary, nor funny. It was quite the let down.

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Thanks to inspired creature effects, strong performances and a perfect balance between laughs and scares, Krampus deserves to become a perennial Christmas horror classic.

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Absolutely Amazing! I'm at a loss for words regarding why people dislike this movie so much. It's insane! Krampus might not be a masterpiece the way Trick 'r Treat is, but it sure ain't that far off. 9/10 - Superb!

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This would probably be much more enjoyable to watch during the Christmas season. The Krampus monster design is amazing and many of the other creatures are absolutely warped, especially the one that swallows children. Aside from that, "Krampus" was kind of a bummer.

The dysfunctional family was straight out of "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation", minus Chevy Chase and minus the laughs. If this was trying to be funny, it wasn't. It also wasn't scary or even heartwarming. So what's it for? It was a little odd but not off-kilter enough to be memorable in that way. When I got up off the couch, I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on to something else. I didn't love it and didn't hate it. Just 'meh'.

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Pretty sure its one of the shittiest movies ive ever seen, wasnt scary, wasnt funny, just sucked. Period. Not worth watching.

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I watch this every December, so it’s enjoyable enough to be a holiday staple. However it’s almost two hours and only like 30 minutes of it actually has anything interesting happening.

But it definitely has a classic “Christmas movie” vibe so worth the watch if you’re looking for something both cozy and spooky.

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Dunno what this was about, watched it at a funeral wake lmaooo

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Story: 7...premise is so good with the Anti-Claus, but never quite delivers
Script: 5...needed more funny
Performances: 4
Misc.: 6...jack-in-the-holy-shit-box
Influence: 5
Overall: 5

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The film itself is still incredibly entertaining from beginning to end with amazing set of characters, great creature design, and outstanding set pieces. However, I didn't notice anything in The Naughty Cut and still has PG-13 feel to it. It does look good but so does the regular blu.

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Interesting horror flick with plenty of visual treats for fantasy lovers, but fails to address some loose and vague plot points.

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A mixed bag.

'Krampus' has a lot of potential, based on the dark themes we see. However, unfortunately, it dumbs itself down in festive family gathering melodrama. I also didn't rate the ending that much, not that it's bad per se - it's just meh to me.

Adam Scott is alright in the role of Tom, though is bettered by Toni Collette as Sarah; albeit minorly. The most interesting character is Krista Stadler's Omi, though they don't delve as deeply into her as I expected/wanted. Elsewhere, David Koechner's character, Howard, is kinda lame, but Koechner himself is solid. Of the younger actors, Emjay Anthony (Max) and Stefania LaVie Owen (Beth) are OK.

It does do positive things. Some of the tension building is good, even if their eventual pay-offs are a little underwhelming. The antagonists look cool, especially the gingerbread men and the jack-in-the-box. It works Xmas music vibes into the score well, also.

Nothing terrible, but it didn't work out all that enjoyably for me personally.

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this is one of the best christmas movie i have ever seen. A different way to look at christmas and the end shocked me!

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Figured I'd watch something to get me in the holiday mood. I only wish that this wasn't so...average. It takes a great cast and some truly awesome creature designs (most appear practical and not CGI) and squanders both on a ho-hum story that takes 2/3 of the way through to really get going, a weak ending, and being stuck as a PG-13 flick. It's disappointing that such great monster designs got wasted on such a meh story.

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May be a great movie but the beginning was cringeworthy cliches. Family meets for xmas and then hahah fun starts because it is all so crazy. That is used a zillion times and it was never fun. Ever. And this was way over the top. Who signed this s off?

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Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff
BlockedParent2016-07-03T21:53:01Z— updated 2017-03-22T01:03:09Z

Not a Christmas classic but an enjoyably creepy monster movie with a great cast. Maybe its time we all started believing in Santa again before Krampus calls like an unwanted guest and ensnares us in his wintry claws.

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Hah this was awesome! Haven't enjoyed a good christmas horror in a long time. Loved the traditional effects really well done.

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I was really looking forward to this and Michael Dougherty, did not disappoint! It switches from comedy to horror but also has a great Christmassy feeling to it. The creature effects are awesome and overall it's just a lot of fun. Will definitely be watching this every Christmas from now on :)

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I was so ready for some fun and over-the-top horror stuff, but damn was I bored for 2/3rds of the film. The first part is a long introduction to the cast that I did not really care about at all. I might have if they were written with good character traits and interesting interaction, but all they did was say something really mediocre and done a thousand times. I maybe chuckled internally once or twice.

Then the violence started and I was hoping for it all to get much more entertaining. But, again, nope. It took the movie until the very end to show the cool look and design of the monsters, so we only get to experience those suckers briefly. And these parents are terrible. Hey, my son was snagged away from me. Oh well, I give up immediately.

I guess that sums me up. I gave up pretty quickly into the run time. Positive stuff though, would be the design for sure. Also, the animated sequence towards the end was great. But all in all, nothing made me feel like I was suddenly switched to interested.

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Had some good comedy elements in it and Krampus looked pretty sweet.

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Be careful what you wish for for Christmas... just not a movie like this. ;)

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Nothing like watching people that in the grand scheme of things aren’t that bad, get completely punished for it. An instant Christmas classic.

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Way less funny and way more scary than I expected, in a great way. Plenty of tense and suspenseful moments and phenomenal production design, especially costuming.

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Christmas pumped on nightmare fuel, this movie's got everything going for it to make your Christmas as horrifying as possible: a weird-ass creepy Jack in the box, possessed toys, a teddy bear you won't wanna hug, evil Elves, killer gingerbread cookies armed with candy cane and of course Krampus who I find suspencefully terrifying throughout. A lot of it is done with practical effects and puppets, the killer cookies are the exception that's done with CGI. The opening slow-motion sequence is always a delight and the ending is perfectly bleak. The family drama at the beginning is the least interesting part but necessary for what's to come. Once that part is finished it's non-stop suspence and action that doesn't stop until the end. Great acting, beautiful snowy scenery, the jokes are funny, the kills are unexpected and lots of creepy moments... also Toni Collette stands near a fireplace for most of the runtime and it's somehow entertaining.

A Christmas classic I watch every year and love more and more every time. Be careful not to get on the naughty list!

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Streamed via Hulu (FXM)

Finally! This film got recommended a lot so I've always wanted to check it out! This is my second horror comedy with Adam Scott in it. I really enjoyed it on my first viewing. It's a creepy and heartfelt modern holiday horror to watch with entire family and a lot darker than I expected. It has great storyline, great sound design, terrifying monsters, cool animation, killer special effects, good scares, perfect amount of camp, what's not to like? Not as amazing as A Chirstmas Carol but good enough. One thing that makes me wonder is why did the Grandma speak German if she could speak English the whole time.

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Terror knows a new name in the holiday horror film Krampus. When a young boy loses his faith in Santa and family the evil daemon Krampus is summoned, who, along with his minions, terrorize the boy’s family and steals them away to his lair in the underworld. It’s an interesting take on the legend of Krampus, but the storytelling is a little weak; as it shows its hand, becoming a predictable “cabin-in-the-woods” scenario. Still, it has some scary moments, and the character designs are truly frightening (though there are times when the puppetry isn’t very good). Yet while it doesn’t completely work, Krampus delivers a frightful vision that’s full of chills.

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You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Krampus is coming

‘Krampus’ is so beautifully shot that certain shots, even years later, have been stuck in my head. The colours perfectly fit the holiday despite the unfortunate terror that lies ahead for this family. One of the longest nights of Christmas eve. The sound work as well is really detailed and rich, which is something I didn’t expect.

Still, it’s a goofy horror movie that doesn’t quite stand next to the greats, in terms of other Christmas movies, but am weirdly drawn to horror movies set around Christmas, because surely nothing bad can happen on Christmas.

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Not woth it only 5min krampus time XD

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The crew did not seem to do a good job at researching Krampus. The European traditional figure is so different to this… amazingly bad adaption of a possibly amazing story…

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Pretty entertaining Christmas horror, which we don't get enough of. Some decent laughs and scares and some cool monsters.

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very enjoyable film, christmas horror the best

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I liked it. My wife loathed it. She would have preferred watching Love Actually for the 241st time.

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I loved this, especially since my grandmother was a no-nonsense Austrian lady who scared us silly with her folklore stories from the Old Country... and Omi's English was much better than my Nana's.

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Shout by Deleted

Krampus has a great Christmas horror gimmick but it manages to talk the talk and walk the walk with a surprising amount of character development and good acting. It serves as a throwback to some of the classic horror comedies with great practical effects. There is certainly some Evil Dead and Gremlins inspiration. Krampus doesn't have enough comedy to be too funny or horror to be too scary. Its the PG-13 rating that brings it down.

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A fun little "horror" movie.

Give it a shot if you have the time.

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Shout by mg_grey

defo a movie for the kiddos. I like how it ended though. They all died and are trapped on their own little Krampus hell. Maybe they'll make a sequel on them escaping..maybe.. I like some of creatures, but it was not scary at all.

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Shout by Deleted

If they had only taken the swearing out of this film, it would have been perfect for the under 14s! Awful #ShiftvW8

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A fun little horror film that evokes a tone similar to Gremlins and importantly brings humour to the film as well as creepiness, with Dougherty introducing the family Christmas from hell, although the commentary on what Christmas has become is a little on the nose. The film is largely bloodless and seems aimed at a younger audience, but there are some effective moments with the creatures that threaten the family. It is a shame the final moments feels less like an unsettling coda, and more like an attempt to open a franchise.

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Shout by Deleted

what the fudge?
Love the creatures and storyline tho!

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Really enjoyed this one. The jokes of Aunt Dorothy were hilarious. :-)

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Shout by Deleted

I thought it was a decent christmas movie. PG-13 for the whole family, I enjoyed it.

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Shout by Deleted

Better than I expected. Enjoyable to watch with kids.

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A twisted Gremlins style movie with a family you'd see in a Home Alone movie. The movie can be fun and I did want to see where it was going. However the end is kind of stupid and disappointing.

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Shout by Deleted

I'm dying to see this- but cannot find a legit stream anywhere. This movie bombed at the box office 4 LONG MONTHS ago. I've never seen anything like it. Everyone knows you can often find a non Cam, hd version while it's still in theaters and most certainly 4 months after that. I'm at a lose to xplain the path this movie has taken .
A path that continues to have me in the dark

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Shout by Deleted

This movie was so insane??? Like it started out really slowly but then it was just one thing after another. Anyone have an idea what that ending was all about though?

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Shout by Deleted

I enjoyed it. Not a classic but a good horror movie kids can enjoy too. (maybe not too young) some good comedy a few scares and Christmas spirit, what isn't good?

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Shout by Deleted

not much of a horror movie for someone who loves a good creepy movie

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Loved the trailer. Huge fan of Trick r' Treat. Can't wait to see this film! :)

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