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Killing Gunther 2017

Listen..and understand..Those bad reviews are out there..but he can't be bargained with, he can't be reasoned with, he doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear, and he absolutely will not stop making movies...EVER, until he is dead!

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This movie isn't as bad as others make it out to be. It's quirky and cooky and I think it knows exactly what it is: a small fun movie with a big superstar. Go into this movie with an open mind and the fact Arnold's appearance is more a cameo then a main role and you'll have a good time... Especially when Schwarzenegger finally appears talks German and sings us out with his country western song.

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Hey Arnold, what's wrong? Do you need money? The worst movie I've ever seen with you.

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Killing Gunther is just total shit for about 1 hour and 10 minutes. Then Arnie shows up and steals the whole thing for the last 20 minutes. It would have been a total loss without those 20 minutes. Now it's just mediocre trash. Stay way clear of this if you value your time.

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watch the first 10 minutes than skip to the hr mark, that's where Arnie appears and shows what a decent actor can do with what's available, He'll make you chuckle, which is more than can be said for the first 59 minutes.

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Shout by Kevin McCallister
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-09-22T13:25:03Z— updated 2021-01-15T06:03:16Z

Don’t expect to see much of Arnold. He doesn’t make an appearance until after the hour mark. He has around 10minutes or screentime. Other than that it’s not the worst movie, but it’s not memorable. Being a huge Arnold fan very disappointed.

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:heart::heart: - I cried from beginning to end

Here's how my rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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It's like a long episode of "The Office". But. With assassins. :joy:

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euhhh.... not bad, not great. They probably had a lot of fun making the movie. Less fun watching it though.

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i know a lot of people hate it. And the jokes are so over-exaggarated that i get it if you do not like it. But i liked it. I was on the train. And i laughed and had a good time.

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Well, this was an absolutely delightful surprise. It was goofy, silly, comedic, and just plain old fun. Schwarzenegger does not really appear until the end of the movie so don't expect to see a lot of him or of him in action. If you're looking for a fun time this is well worth the watch.

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Shout by TMRider

It was kinda dumb, but I had fun. Didn't came with expectations and it turned out quite entertaining. Yeah, the CGI wasn't good, it's not an Oscar worthy and it's not going to my "worth a second look" list, BUT it was fun for ME and it made me laugh (not LOL'ing, but still) more than twice, which is exactly what I want from.
Also, mid credit scene is always a win.

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Misses the target more often than it hits, but this is still a reasonably entertaining, better than expected, mockumentary.

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one of the WORST movies ever seen!
i watched this movie only because of Arnie, but you actually see him last 10-15 minutes..
acting is bad, story is bad, everything is bad! and even effects are terrible!
if you can, AVOID this movie!


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Pretty good movie... I watched it just because it came up and looked somewhat interesting. Had no preconceived notions and wasn't disappointed. Didn't know Arnold was in it till he showed up. Good time waster with quite a few laughs. 7/10

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Goofy little farce. The terribly cheap CGI mars the movie somewhat, but it's got some funny moments. Especially when Arnold shows up as starts hamming it up.

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The acting was kinda bad, they got lucky Arnie saved the movie. The actor who played Blake or who scripted his persona should quit and find something else

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Shout by Alex

Watched it mostly because of Hanna Simone and it was kinda worth it for at least that. Everything else was pretty terrible tho.

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Shout by Deleted

spot the star in the movie

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