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Kill 'em All 2017

Shout by Deleted

for the love of JVCD i really try to see the B movies he ended up doing. some i can, some i can´t. this one i just stopped after 15 mins. this is not even good for JVCD fans.

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Like so many JCVD films, it appears to be written by a team of 12 year olds. It's partially set in a hospital ER and partly in an FBI interrogation room, yet I don't think any of the writers had ever spoken to a doctor or someone in law enforcement before. Showing just the intro scenes admitting the people to ER would have had doctors rolling their eyes.

"Prioritize people! Victims with vitals first! No heartbeat, no treatment!" says what appears to be he only doctor in the place.

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poor script, B movie but interesting...

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poor directing, acting, and writing. but it's watchable if u have the time. just a little interesting for the sake of JCVD.

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