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Just Like Heaven 2005

Beautiful film with funny undertones but mostly a love story. Keeps on your toes right until the end.

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I love this film!! I watches hundred times!

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It's a little heavy-footed and almost tries too hard, yet I quite enjoyed 'Just Like Heaven'.

Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo are a strong pairing, with Jon Heder spearheading a good support cast ably. It's a well paced film at around 90 minutes, there are some decently amusing scenes in there alongside some more sombre ones - the majority of which come off rather well. Some parts are cliché, but not to the degree that it affected my enjoyment.

One that is well worth a watch, in my opinion of course.

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The good news - you get to see two fantastic actors in a movie where the script probably isn't up to part with their talents. They are sweet and funny and have great chemistry. The middle third of the movie is actually very good, although based on the nature of the storyline you kind of know that the end is going to have to be at least a little bit hokey. That said, I didn't expect the last 5 minutes - I thought that was an excellent addendum to the movie.

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Really beautiful bond between the two leads. The ending was a little bland, no necessity for the "I don't remember you" thing , but still great story.

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Well I was looking for a ghost movie that my wife would like, and boy did I find it. This is a ghost movie for chicks. Lol!

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Just like heaven, well i'd say heaven is probably gonna be much more beautiful. I've seen this film before, but hit me right in good feels even more, even my spiritual inner self. It was an all around lovely film, funny in parts, heartwarming, and the cast had great chemistry together. 7/10

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"Who put SpongeBob in the pasta?!"

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