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Jupiter Ascending 2015

Maybe it's the barebones storyline (that could have done with a little more indulgence), maybe it's the unconvincing central romance or the drowsy lead performances, and maybe Eddie Redmayne should just been indulged some more as well, but this one smacks of a film that could and should have been so much better than it turned out to be.

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A good idea unfulfilled. Spectacular visuals. Despite the creative brilliance of the Wachowskis, this script was overly ambitious. The casting was solid (almost) but the desire for epic portrayals (probably a directorial decision not left to the actor) was overinflated, leaving us with Eddie Redmayne at his worse. I wonder if a TV series would have allowed for the plot to have more flesh and the characters to grow into themselves (the Wachowskis certainly know how to write for TV - ie. SENSE8). They used the casting cliche that audiences expect American actors to play rising-from-the gutter heros and Brits will play entitled villains, but I, personally, don't think Channing Tatum is ever a convincing performer unless he's playing himself, which left his character stranded without content or romantic attractiveness, just a hunky shell. Too bad. With this cast, the brilliant imaginations of its writers, and the big budget CGI, I'm disappointed to only be able to give this movie a 4 (poor) out of 10. [Fantasy Action Adventure]

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Magic Mike's Moon boots save Jackie from the Fezzites

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It's so so so bad, like that fanfic your 13-year-old-self wrote about your deviantart oc..... I LOVE IT. Also it's full of references to another space operas, which is always a bonus.

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turn off your brain and enjoy the pretty lights. see the movie for what it is....

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Utterly bad and has the worst villain ever (voice/acting). What a shame, Sir Eddie Redmayne.

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The dinosaurs looked pretty cool I guess

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Loud obnoxious garbage, Jupiter Ascending is the latest sci-fi thriller from the Wachowskis. In this space odyssey a lowly maid from Chicago named Jupiter Jones discovers that she’s the genetic reincarnation of the matriarch of one of the most powerful aristocratic families in the universe, and that she holds the fate of the Earth in her hands. The plot is incredibly convoluted and monumentally stupid. Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum try to make the material work, but they’re not very successful. In lieu of aliens the film has “Splices” (humans mixed with animal DNA); which is insanely bizarre. And the action, though extremely exciting and visually spectacular, is so bombastic that after a while it just becomes noise. A chaotic mess, Jupiter Ascending is a pointless film that’s just too weird and confusing to enjoy.

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Two things:
Caine: "I have more in common with a dog than have with you."
Jupiter: "I love dogs. I've always loved dogs."
Caine: "You mean 'Your Majesty'?"
Jupiter: "That really works for me."
I can not be the only one who thought of petplay and D/s-Relationship, can I? XD

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Interesting premise, flawed execution. The story arcs jump from one to another with only a few links between them. Perhaps it is only linked by Jupiter's (Mila Kunis) constant need of saving - in every arc she is always the damsel in the distress, waiting for the knight in the gruff armor Caine (Channing Tatum) to save her.

Speaking of Caine, as a male protagonist he has a terribly thick plot armor as he can always survive any threat facing him with little to no scratches from those life-threatening risks he faced for the sake of the princess. This, in turns, makes the heavier tone of the film's plot overshadowed by the teenage romance drama between Jupiter and Caine.

The only good thing from this film perhaps is the visual design. It's such as shame considering this film is done by The Wachowskis.

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Hey, Sean Bean didn't die! ;)

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Visually stunning.
That's about all I have to say about this film. The story line was ridiculous, the acting was less than bearable, and for it's over two hour run time you would think that something would have connected. A random overacted film that could have used a lot more work in the story department.
I stayed for the visuals, but tuned out the story line.

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My godness ! This is bad !
Yet we are this close to a not so bad movies. But the cut is bad, the acting horrific and the fight scenes totally unreadable.

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this could've been a great movie with a good story, but it's neither. only he cgi where kinda interesting, other than that, its a bad movie. mila, sean and eddie are really good actors, but in this movie the script was so bad, and the cut, and the fight scenes, that not even them could save the movie.
if you like cgi, it's an ok movie. if you want something to deliver you from boredom its a borderline movie. other than taht, stay th f***k away from this.

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In short, a series of interesting ideas poorly executed.

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It sure looked pretty. And now I've run out of nice things to say about Jupiter Ascending.

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It's impossible for me to understand how anyone can hate this movie. I probably watched it 50 times by now, I love it. I know so many people who hated it and I don't get, I don't understand why.

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What a waste of time... I could not even take the movie seriously. Channing Tatum reminds me of an adult non animated Jack Frost sliding around on his roller boots or whatever they are. He even has frost like hair too.

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So disappointed! As others have said before: visuals was probably the only reason I watched the whole thing. Acting, story.. Terrible!

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The movie is watchable, the acting bearable but the story is a fairy tail bed time story, it's like Cinderela mix with Snow White.
The only actor who is starting to astonish me is Eddie Redmayne who can act like few can.
The story was the main problem, it would be wonderful if they took out the romance bs and put more construction on the characters, this movie would be more good if it were a TV Series or a book, with a compelling story of a far society who farms people to live forever, it would be great, but the movie lacks construction, and with less cliches it would've been a great story.
The special effects and the ideas of future tech (or pass tech in the movie) was awsome, it not excellent as movies like Avatar, but has some great views and beautiful settings.

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There aren't many movies I've abandoned halfway through. This is one of them.

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I think this had some very neat visuals... but it was just way too much information thrown at the viewer within 2 hours.
a LOT of side stories and world building was made and discarded halfway through so we left with the idea that this was a very deep universe even though we didn't actually see much of it. also that ending was pretty... random?
and as Much as I like Eddie redmayne (he's an amazing actor) his performance here was super soap opera like and kinda took me out of his scenes most of the time.
I think this would work better as a show in any streaming service. weaker base plots carried shows for seasons with no end.

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this take "the matrix" to a whole new level, to think these "Global Elite" is controling the Earth. Owning just a single planet is enough to satisfy any human needs in their life, but they decided to harvest many many thousand planets. talking about greedy, aren't we?

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There is no excuse for this movie to be this bad with the budget, cast and even the directors but surprisingly they managed to pull it off. I still feel after all these years that I should get my money back.

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A sci-fi fairy tale, where sophisticated acting does not count, but fast-paced action and well-made "effects". So what more could you want? It's ok for me. :) ps. Pop-culture elements related to UFOs have been nicely brought in to this reality.

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Terrible in so many ways. Extra bad considering the budget and a crime against the genre

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I love how a pretty young woman, who hates cleaning toilets for a living (and says she hates her life), is given the world, and wants nothing more than to be with those she loves; even if it means cleaning toilets. And, when all's said and done, cleaning toilets doesn't even bother her anymore. It may not be original, but it is certainly raised to an extreme! Top marks for world building! Loved the scene with the bees! Loved the characters. And, loved the love story...wish I could've given it 8.2, or 8.5.

Didn't know the Wachowski's did this...last I saw of theirs' was, "Sense 8." That was just great also!

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Shout by jonginnie

I actually liked it, I just wished they had made it a mini series or something. So the characters could be more fleshed out, the romance wouldn’t seem so rushed, she wouldn’t seem so gullible going along, etc. Seeing more of the world could have been fun too.

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One of the most boring pieces of shit I've ever had the displeasure of sitting through. Holy shit, it was SO boring. This movie is the prime example why I hate Mila Kunis.

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A possibly good story, but the acting and contrived romance made it a difficult pill to swallow. Still, the visuals where beautiful and the world building was excellent.

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While often visually stunning, the Wachowski's have absolutely no sense of how to write romance, which made Matrix so good and this film a disaster. Jupiter Ascending is so terrible it's funny, making this an epic sci-fi rom-com, which is as bad as it sounds.

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Shout by Deleted

Only watched ~ 1hr. The interweaving of the Maid in Manhattan romantic comedy with the self-absorbed Dune-esque sci-fi action thriller totally threw us off. But I gave it a chance and I have to admit that I found the future steam-punk style characters quite interesting (The Sargon especially). Alas, I couldn't waste anymore time and we didn't finish it.

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I actually fell asleep during the chase scene..

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Gorgeous, gorgeous visuals and effects. Kudos to that team. The script was utter tripe and the acting did not improve the material either. The acting was ridiculously overblown or stunningly underwhelming. This is one you watch for effects and that's it.

I did laugh out loud more than once at the unbelievably bad dialogue, and Eddie Redmayne... lawd, what to say? Just... dude, why? Still, I the visuals did what it could to balance the rest of this film. Didn't quite make it.

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I mean. It looked cool, but that's about it.

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Shout by Deleted

extremely disappointing movie, waste of special effects and costume design. lackluster characters and bland story telling

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Very disappointing. Between plot holes bigger than Jupiter (the planet!) and bad dialog.... I think the VFX are probably the major plot point in the end.

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It's clear the biggest chunk of this film's budget went into the special effects and the costumes...because the dialogue is simply awful. After 23 minutes I was ready to turn this off, but I had to see how it ended - even though it was so predictable.

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Shout by Deleted

Looks good, really good. The story has potential also.

However I did not like the movie itself. Acting was decent but far from good, and the movie felt like a comedy sometimes, Star Wars other times, Transformers other time, Matrix other times. I am not sure what was director's intent, but I think I didn't get it.

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The movie looks good but it feels cliche and boring from the start. While Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis have no chemistry. Tatum himself is only good in comedies; yet Hollywood has yet to have learned this.

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Matrix bros did it again - a futuristic Game of Thrones

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I used to stay and watch a film until the end even when it was really bad. Now, things have changed... Maybe movies have changed, maybe I have changed. Anyway. For this movie, I couldn't watch more than 24 minutes of it. And I don't think the producers will ever give them back to me.

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Shout by Deleted

batman dies. like. how could you do this?

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If only they had put more effort in the script this could have been a really good movie. The background story was really interesting but they got almost nothing out of it. Technically, or should I say visually, this was great. I´d go as far as saying in that regard it beats a lot of recent movies. I can live with the acting. Let´s be honest - Star Wars don´t became a huge success because of great acting.

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Shout by Deleted

One of the worst movie ever. Someone give me back the Matrix directors!!

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This movie is so bad. I was really expecting something great when entering the cinema complex, and I tried and tried, but this movie sucks on so many levels! I wanted to get out of the cinema , could almost not bear watching the whole movie.

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Nice to look at. That's about it. Reminded me of when they made Dune 2 and 3 almost parities of the original.

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I really didn't think it was as bad as a lot of people are saying. If you want something interestingly weird to watch, then go ahead and watch this. I connected to the characters, and even though there was some clishés, it was fun!
I've never been overly critical about movies unless they really don't get to me emotionally, I tend to find good things about most things that I watch. Never saw the appeal of watching movies and criticising every single part of the film. Where is the enjoyment in that? I like when I don't have to think too much in the film (unless it's a psychological thriller, then thinking is just.. a part of the experience), I don't want to be like "oh that's so unrealistic" well fudge, you're watching a movie about aliens, it's supposed to be unrealistic.
If you're a person who just likes to critique everything, then don't watch this, because you will just waste your time and be negative the whole time like darn. Go watch your beloved Godfather or whatever it is that most movie critiquers love.

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Ugh... terrible movie. The only thing good about the movie was Mila.
I was already lost when they mistook Mila for her friend (they clearly were looking for Katharine Dunlevy, based on the birth certificate) and then actually, they were actually looking for Jupiter (Mila) afteral. Say what?
The whole story and this incredible cast really had some potential... but.... Mehh.

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This has to be the cheesiest film I've watched in a long time. Stunning graphics tho. I was going to turn it off 15 minutes in but curiosity got the better of me. 6/10

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The worst movie I watched. It was a completely waste of time. The history could be better, but was a horror. Without emotions and the actors are very bad in to show any emotions, specially Jupiter. Yeah, she was very bad like actress in this movie. But I like the history, but needs more attention and work in the plot.

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Rent it: it was visually great the story was weak.

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Unfortunately disappointing. Visually this movie have a lot to offer, but ultimately it all fell apart because of the blurry story. It feel like I needed more time (haha) to get to know the characters and get involved in their situation/history. Which is ironical because the movie is over 2 hours long... :/

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Shout by Deleted

It was confusing...I'm not sure I'd watch it again but it was fun futuristic kind of action which was entertaining.

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Hands down, one of the worst movies I've ever seen. At least Mila Kunis looks stunning, I guess.

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What a cracking visual effects movie; the story, well, not so coherent there, but, does that really matter? Nope! My personal favourite was the Alligator like guard species; brilliant!

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This movie is highly underrated. Visually it was total eye-candy. The plot actually made me think that it could happen in real life! The acting could have been better, but overall this movie was a fun ride!

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I didnt like it. Typical crappy writing from the Wachoskis. Had some promising concepts but fell flat on its face when it came to execution.

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Basically a Barbara Cartland novel.

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I had to give this movie a two. One for the CGI, and one for Mila Kunis.

The movie itself was just bad. The story was fractured so much, it was almost impossible to follow. The acting was horrible... I had high hopes for this movie, but it didn't live up to any of them.

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I'd bet the Wachowskis just got shitfaced one evening and thought it'd be fun to waste 176 million dollars. That, at least, is the only thign they succeeded in. On the up-side I bet there's some way to turn this trainwreck of a movie into a drinking game.

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Shout by Nick

Some awe-inspiring moments and real "what ifs" but it ultimately fell a little short of being a great movie. The visuals in this movie are masterful and amazing, but couldn't quite help out the rest of the film.

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I don't get all the bad reviews, ok it is girls movie, well still quite good.

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This movie was incredibly disappointing

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Shout by Deleted

i haved heared about it from my roomate ,the action i like it

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And... is it me or Eddie Redmayne is making an impression of Voldemort the whole movie?

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There is not enough amazing effects and scenarios capable of make this a good movie. Not even Mila Kunis helps.

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I wish they would've created Halo the movie using all that CGI. I would say it would work so much better than this storyline...

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