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Josephine Doe 2018

  • 2018-03-06
  • 1h 12m
  • Ryan Michael
  • Erin Cipolletti
  • United States
  • English
  • Byrdhouse Films
  • Drama
Claire tells the police officer, "It was all Jo's idea." But who's Jo? Jo is the bright spark in Claire’s recently darkened reality; a new friend in an otherwise isolated world. The two young women hit the town to let off some steam-and find themselves in trouble with local law enforcement. In the blink of an eye, Claire discovers that Jo is not what she seems-not at all-and her easy friendship with the lighthearted, young woman splits open to reveal the truth. Luminously shot in black and white, Josephine Doe is a raw exploration of family trauma and mental health that shows the thin line between our realities.

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