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Jeepers Creepers: Reborn 2022

Movie sucked, almost every scene is either CGI or Enhanced by terrible CGI. Huge Director errors and flaws. The Ending makes zero sense. Just a terrible mess and not scary at all. It's hilarious that everything seems to be enhanced by CGI except the Creeper itself which makes it look like a bad costume.

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What the heck is this crap. Totally disappointed

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One big green screen movie

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So, I watched this movie in about 10 minutes ... scrubbing all the way through it. The creators must have no clue about the essence of making horror.

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I read the comments here and I didn't want to believe them.
The trouble is, it starts out well, drawing you in to believing it would continue that way but alas not.
Looking at the credits they clearly put a lot of people in jobs from the VFZ community but the CGI was substandard in fact it was downright amateurish.
This is the first film in the franchise where Victor Salva isn't involved in any way and it clearly shows, I would not recommend this film to anyone, even as a completist I cannot suggest you watch it.

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Well that’s just ruined jeepers creepers and didn’t even feel like it, come off like a chesesy cheap fan made film you’d find on youtube with shit acting and bad effects and set that were in plain sight including the creeper himself and fuck knows where the plot was going or what it was and made number 3 look like a masterpiece.

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Nope! Nope! Nope! I could not do it! I stopped somewhere in the middle. THIS IS CRAP. Love yourself and do not i mean DO NOT watch this crap!

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It's a steaming pile of bad writing and bad acting.

How do you make a film this poor? Hire immature teenagers with no experience interacting in the real world to pen your script, then use those same talentless kids as your actors?

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Overacting. Underacting. Not sure what to call it, but the acting sucked and I wanted everyone to die.

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The "movie" sucks, that's a fact. I cant understand why they use Green screen everywhere. And a really bad one. And the colour of the movie, i cant even

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this looks so cheap and poorly done it feels like a fan film

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"We're like flies in a spider's web, it's calling the shots. The only way we end this is to kill it." -Laine

Very cheesy, laughable dialogue, bad acting and not scary at all. Green screen everywhere. Too much exposition with the Creeper and the suit looks like a costume from Walmart.

The scenes at night you can clearly see the white neon lighting on the characters it was more lit up than my living room. What's even funnier is one of the characters is holding a flashlight but it's doing nothing against these neons.

The whole thing felt like a fan made movie. I can't believe they're actually planning on making a trilogy with this shit.

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After 55mins I had to turn it off. So bad it could have been a Jordan peel film

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I watched the previous Jeepers Creepers 10 years ago and I was kind of excited to see this one - even though the "reborn" title already made me feel like they're just playing on the nostalgia. The first movies weren't masterpieces but they were enjoyable, this one felt like a punishment. I'm no quitter so I watched the whole thing and can confirm it doesn't get better.

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Was a big fan of these films but this is absolutely s***e

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Absolutely spitting on the iconic first movie's atmosphere. Not to mention the terrible design of the Creeper. How can 2022 CGI be worse than something made 20 years ago???

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i love the jeepers creepers movies so i thought in the year 2022 its almost not possible to make a movie which really sucks. i didnt believed the reviews. but i was wrong. you were right. this movie is just bad. really bad. so bad, its sad.

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If you have a terminally ill animal, you don't take it to circus, you put it to rest in the most humanly way possible. Some of these movie series need to be let out to die.

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This is not a horror movie but a horrible movie! I liked jeepers creepers as a kid, the 3rd movie I saw last year. But this... This is an abomination.

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This movie is what happens when you ban abortions.

By choosing to ignore the only mildly interesting aspect of the source material (the urban legend vibe) they created 90 minutes of cringe where the protagonists' dying is the only way to delivery a happy ending.

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Don't watch it. It's awful

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This is horrendous.
Low level in every way.
Probably one of the worst movies of the year.

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Ohhh I can't wait for the second and third movie in the trilogy.

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I am beyond disappointed in this film of how bad it truly is. the acting was atrocious it's nice that it had great color to it and you could see stuff. a lot of the background stuff look fake. there was absolutely no storyline to it. the jeeper was not even scary at all. I am ashamed this movie was ever made and I was waiting years to watch it and am so in disbelief that there are this many people out there making bad movies like this.

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Honestly, I'm really shocked that IMDB gave this movie such a bad rating. Now, I'm not gonna lie, I don't consider this a stellar movie performance, but it did kept my attention. I think in today's era, for not employing tons of CGI; and making the choice of using old fashioned talent and creativity was brave, and smart. This was the first time I saw a movie with such a low IMDB rating (2.9), and turned out I really liked it. Sure it was like watching Jason as a goblin from hell LOLOLOLOLOL But, at the same time, it had a lot of action, it made me jump once or twice, and I don't think I was severely disappointed. #SupernaturalMovies #Horror #HorrorForLife

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Disappointed with the story, the overall visuals and the gore …. With different colourgrading the visuals would be a lot better. The characters weren’t likeable at all

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this movie was horrible, the first is a complete rip off of the first movie, i felt like i was watching a spaghetti western but worse.

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I wanted to give this a 3/10, just for costume design, BUT: This isn't a horror movie anymore. SF Action (with thriller notes, cos generosity).
They destroyed the mythos of the Creeper ;_;
And yes, I am aware that, objectively, the original movie (and the following two) weren't masterpieces either, but they had that Mystery, Tension, Unknown and gravitas; "je ne sais quoi".
You could tell that everybody involved in the making of this knew that the only two good things they had to work with were the wardrobe designers and the makeup folks (for the villain); and that's mostly what they've focused on, or presented, into the final cut.
And because of that overuse, over presentation and over explanation of the antagonist, I'm at 2/10. Heck, even the visuals were "overexposed", the second half of the movie looking like it was happening mid-day, with the sky(box) poorly replaced in the outdoors.

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What a shame!
Run you fools!

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The jeepers creepers segments were awesome, fight scenes/kills were exciting and the monster's design was good. What I didn't really like was the other characters, they seemed boring and lacked the chemistry and that's a pretty noticeable flaw when they make up 90% of the screentime. Curious to see how the story is going to develop in the future films, because I'm not sure what even happened here, lol.

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Shout by Deleted

this is bad bad, not like fun bad, or camp bad but like, one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen bad. Main characters are terrible, director is dogshit with mistakes within the first 3 minutes (two different people driving the truck in the intro) :skull:
Everyone involved should be blacklisted from hollywood for the sake of society

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Same song different dancers that just didn’t capture the attention the original ones did

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There is more green screen in this than Green Lantern's living room. Absolutely terrible!

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It's terrible. How do you even do green screen this bad in 2022?

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Why would they change the Creeper? Nooo

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movie is garbage! almost every scene is green screen trash

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The most annoying part was that Laine was still walking around like if bloodlost weren't a thing

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just keep telling yourself this is a fan movie, just keep telling yourself this is a fan movie.

coz if you expect anything other than a fan made, early 2000s YouTube after effects filled collection of dullness you'll be absolutely fucking bitterly disgusted.

Sydney craven may actually make something of herself, I seriously doubt anyone else will survive.

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One of the worst movies I've seen in a while, everything is bad and I mean everything! I only finished it for respect for the originals. I do not recommend this movie for anyone to watch, it's not even that bad that it's funny it's just straight up bad, I would be embarrassed if I had picked this movie to watch with my friends for movie night, quite the way to ruin a franchise!

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disappointed, weak acting, weak story, waste of time

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Oh dear….. apparently I have to say more than 5 words to post this.

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Just let the series die already. I didn't enjoy it on any level. Just terrible.

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Bring back the pedarast. At least he knows how to make a film. This is terrible.

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These were never good horror movies, but this one is definitely the worst.

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It's been 15 minutes and I already hate it. Feels like a point and click FMV game from the '90s. Even the furniture in some scenes is a fake still image. Did Neil Breen make this?

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YIKES. Not like any of the others— sooo BAD I had to turn it off. Haven’t done that to a movie in a very long time.

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